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Double rainbows, annoying oranges and bed intruders: the year on YouTube … Email This — BlogThis! — Share to Twitter — Share to Facebook — Share to Google Buzz
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Welcome to YouTube Trends — Sometimes waiting for popular new videos to hit your inbox / chat window / wall / feed / mobile / pager / two-way radio can be frustrating. Sometimes keeping up with the latest YouTube fad can be hard to do. Sometimes you want to know more about what's happening from where it's happening.

The Unknown Blogger Who Changed WikiLeaks Coverage — When historians look back at WikiLeaks and how the world's pundits tried to make sense of what was happening, they'll see a familiar list of sources: Foreign Policy's Evgeny Morozov, The Guardian's John Noughton, The New York Times' David Carr …
The Independent and New York Times

Denton's disgrace — Tweet — A Manhattan woman's life was turned upside down yesterday, one day after hackers gained access to Gawker Media's servers, exposing her e-mail account, password and other personal information. — Within hours, the hackers had used her Gawker information …
ClickZ and The Social

An Interview with Gnosis, the group behind the Gawker hacking — The chances are you already know about the Gawker Media security breach, a network-wide attack that compromised over a million registered accounts across Gawker's web properties. Internal memos were accessed …
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Reuters America Gets News Service Deep Into Aggregating — As part of Thomson Reuters (NYSE: TRI) expansion into more general news service in addition to its financial reports, the company has launched Reuters America, it's most direct challenge to the Associated Press position as a supplier of articles and photos to newspapers.
Reuters, Wall Street Journal, MediaFile, NetNewsCheck Latest, Globe and Mail, Tower Ticker and MediaPost

Reuters America Claims New Territory; First Stop, Chicago & Tribune — On the surface, it looks like the tale of new bedfellows, Reuters and Tribune, has a couple of great storylines. Number one would be that Reuters, the Brit insurgent, having rallied its forces makes another foray into the U.S. market.

2011 will bring ebook battles, paywall successes, and a new model for long-form articles — Editor's Note: We're wrapping up 2010 by asking some of the smartest people in journalism what the new year will bring. — Here, Journalism Online cofounder and long-time journalism entrepreneur Steven Brill lays …

The great paywall debate: Will The New York Times' new model work?

Journalism of the Web, not just on it: Jim Brady discusses how he got to TBD, and where he's going next — By Robert Hernandez: In the Web journalism world, it is hard to find someone who has been more of a pioneer than Jim Brady. From being a print sports reporter to becoming the executive editor … is World's Largest ‘News’ Organization...37,000 Writers Under Contract in the U.S. — While not a conventional news organization, Denver-based may be the world's largest by the sheer size of its writing stable and the amount of content being produced.

Internet Now as Popular as TV, Survey Shows — The average U.S. consumer now spends as much time online as watching television, according to research being released today by Forrester. — To technophiles, it might seem strange to think of people ever watching TV more than they surfed the Web.

A Web Trust to publish and store our creative work — The discussion at this weekend's flash conf in NYC on WikiLeaks raised the question of where we can store our web writing and photos so that they are as safe as they possibly can be. Trusting corporations to manage this is obviously not a good idea.

Time Inc. Opening Up On Digital Initiatives — Q+A with CEO Jack Griffin and New Digital Officer Randall Rothenberg on Apps, Acquisitions and Pay Walls — NEW YORK ( — Time Inc. CEO Jack Griffin and new chief digital officer Randall Rothenberg, formerly CEO …
paidContent, eMedia Vitals, FishbowlNY and digiday:DAILY, Thanks:edmundlee

IAB Head Rothenberg Named Time Inc.'s Digital Chief
Media Decoder, Media & Entertainment, NetNewsCheck Latest, MediaMemo, IAB, Mixed Media, Folio, AdAge, Bloomberg,, Post Tech, MediaPost Raw and ClickZ

Comcast Service Combines Web, TV — Comcast Corp. is testing a new service that knits together television and the Internet, as the U.S. cable giant goes after rivals that threaten to undermine its business. — Under the new system, which is being tested in Augusta, Ga. …
paidContent, DSLreports, VideoNuze, Company Town, Hillicon Valley, Lost Remote and Engadget, more at Techmeme »

SABEW survey: Freelancers make $25,000 to $30,000 — Freelance business journalists in North America make an average of $25,000 to $30,000 a year, and two out of every five were laid off, according to an informal survey conducted by the Society of American Business Editors and Writers.
Poynter and …