Top News:
The Huffington Post hires NYT's Sunday Business editor — The Huffington Post, which recently hired New York Times economic correspondent Peter Goodman, has returned to the Gray Lady to poach another veteran journalist: Sunday Business editor Timothy L. O'Brien.
Gawker, New York Observer, On Media's Blog, Talking Biz News and Poynter
Walk In, Grab a Muffin and Watch a Newspaper Reinvent Itself — At the new offices of The Register Citizen in this faded old mill town, there's a sign out front welcoming residents to come in for coffee and muffins at the Newsroom Café — sort of Starbucks meets “Lou Grant.”
New York Observer, Center for Sustainable … and Editors Weblog
NY Times Editor: WikiLeaks Is ‘Not My Kind of News Organization’ — Bill Keller. Image via Wikipedia — Is WikiLeaks a media organization, or is it something else? It's a question with important implications, given the special protections afforded the press, but it's …
Nieman Journalism Lab and FishbowlNY
Barton Gellman / Time:
Julian Assange — On Dec. 9, 2006, an unsolicited e-mail arrived …
Julian Assange — On Dec. 9, 2006, an unsolicited e-mail arrived …
Guardian, New York Times, Joel On The Road, Computerworld, The Wrap, Urlesque and L.A. Times Tech Blog, more at Techmeme »
Facebook to Big Media: We Like You. We Really, Really Like You. — Facebook has more than 550 million users, but right now the company has its eyes on a very particular set of friends: Big media companies. — Mark Zuckerberg's company is working hard to win over heavyweight content distributors …
ReadWriteWeb, GigaOM and New York Observer
For NPR stations, a sigh of relief — A funny thing happened to NPR stations after the worst publicity fiasco in NPR's history: almost nothing at all. — Public radio outlets across the country braced for the worst from their listeners after NPR fired commentator Juan Williams for remarks …
On Media's Blog and Free Press
Bloomberg Voice: Opinions, Yes, But Only Factual Ones — Mike Bloomberg. You could disagree with him, but then you'd be wrong. Image via Wikipedia — Ever since its founding almost 30 years ago, Bloomberg LP has proceeded under the notion that there's a right way and a wrong way of doing …
Time editor defends Zuckerberg choice over Assange — Time managing editor Richard Stengel believes that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg—who was named “Person of the Year” on Wednesday—is not only the best choice best choice for 2010, but for years to come.
Publishing Executive News, The New Yorker Blog, Guardian, The Not-So Private Parts, Geekosystem, Gothamist, ReadWriteWeb, and Time
Newsosaur / Reflections of a Newsosaur:
Groupon, iPad and Twitter: 2 much 2 hope 4? — With iPad apps, Groupon-like buying programs and Twitter campaigns topping the to-do lists at most newspapers, it's time to place these putative publishing panaceas in proper perspective. — Recent research into consumer acceptance …
Initial reflections on Newsfoo — On arrival at Newsfoo a couple of weeks ago in Phoenix, Arizona, each participant was given a notebook. The notebook may have just been a rather fine example of conference schwag, but looking back at it after the weekend, I realise that mine speaks volumes …
Matt Kinsman / Folio:
Forbes Teams With MediaVest, comScore to Track Ad Effectiveness — Study will track how print ads drive traffic online. — Forbes announced the launch of a new research project that will measure print advertising effectiveness, using digital tracking methodology.
Publishing Executive News, and MarketingVOX
Sarah Palin goes ‘lamestream’ — After making attacks on what she memorably labeled “the lamestream media” one of her signature issues, Sarah Palin has started to experiment with a new strategy toward the press — engaging it. — The former Alaska governor has started cautiously cooperating …
Yahoo! News, On Media's Blog, Mediaite, The Wire, The Huffington Post and The Plum Line
Quentin Hardy / At Your Servers:
Flipboard's CEO on the New Version — The new version of Flipboard, Apple's official iPad “App of the Year,” came out about 90 minutes ago. Not long before that, I had a talk with Flipboard CEO Mike McCue about what's new, why they've made the choices they have, and where they are going.
Scobleizer, Nieman Journalism Lab, NetworkEffect and Computerworld, more at Techmeme »
Despite Murdoch, Wall Street Journal Still Wins Deal Scoops — Last week, I wrote about the DealBook franchise at The New York Times, which in nine years has expanded from a simple morning email newsletter to an entire arm of the newspaper's business section.
Talking Biz News
The Night Blogger Blogs Alone — One thing that happens is that you stop speaking altogether. One Thursday afternoon, shifting between various gchats—all with friends bored in their cubicles at offices across the city—I realized that I hadn't said a word out loud in close to 18 hours.
Appinions turns comments into content — A new platform from Appinions offers the potential for publishers to aggregate and monetize conversations about a specific topic around the Web or on their own sites. — Publishers can use the applications to drive engagement and therefore revenue …
Damon Kiesow / Poynter: GM explains new iPad strategy, why ‘the money will come’ & what's next for mobile — CNN's new iPad app, which launched on Tuesday, looks nothing like the network's website, and that is by design, according to Kenneth “KC” Estenson. — Estenson, the company's senior vice president …
King's reign on CNN ends tonight — Larry King's era ended long before his show has. He's emblematic of a time when men were men, women were to be married, and celebrities were to be respected. — It worked for him. King got the big names because they knew he wouldn't ambush …
Discussion:, Los Angeles Times, St. Petersburg Times, Mediaite and Poynter
James Poniewozik / Tuned In:
Vapornews: The Huge-Then-Disappearing Stories of 2010 — Remember when the Park51 Islamic center, or “Ground Zero mosque,” was the absolutely most urgent political-religious-cultural issue facing the United States? When there were protests and fury and old 9/11 wounds reopened …
Gawker copycats, luxurious print, more robots, and a new blogging golden age: Predictions for 2011 — Editor's Note: We're wrapping up 2010 by asking some of the smartest people in journalism what the new year will bring. — Below are predictions from Susan Orlean, Joe Grimm, Matt Haughey …
Andy Plesser / Beet.TV:
CBS News Bests ABC and Fox in Latest comScore Online Traffic Numbers — CBS News, long a major presence on television, has had a modest online presence, widely trailing industry online news giants and - as well the websites of ABC News, Fox News and the BBC.
Mark Pasetsky / The Huffington Post:
Three Ways the iPad Will Revolutize Celebrity Magazine Covers — The cover of a celebrity magazine is crucial when it comes to sales. It will play an even larger roll on the IPad starting in 2011. Here's how: — Publishers will Develop Multiple Covers for the IPad