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An update from the Chairman — When I joined Google in 2001 I never imagined—even in my wildest dreams—that we would get as far, as fast as we have today. Search has quite literally changed people's lives—increasing the collective sum of the world's knowledge and revolutionizing advertising in the process.
Google Investor Relations, VentureBeat, paidContent, MediaMemo, Wall Street Journal, Mashable, New York Times, Digital Daily, TechCrunch, AdAge, Poynter, Mediaweek, Yahoo! News, Mercury News, The Wrap, The Atlantic Online, Engadget, New York Observer, Faster Forward, SAI, CNET News, Future of Journalism, The Register, Search Engine Land, Financial Times, Broadcasting & Cable, Epicenter, Multichannel, Fast Company, Fortune, Felix Salmon, AOL News, PhoneArena, VatorNews, The Next Web, L.A. Times Tech Blog, GigaOM, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Relevant Results, Techland, Between the Lines Blog, Electronista, @romenesko, MacRumors, Gizmodo,, ReadWriteWeb, Google Operating System, Tech Daily Dose, Runnin' Scared, This Just In, Tech Trader Daily and Daring Fireball, more at Techmeme »

Big Bang At Google: Larry Page To Replace Eric Schmidt As CEO On April 4
VentureBeat, Associated Press, SAI and parislemon, more at Techmeme »

NY Times to Charge Less Than $20/Month for Web Access — New York Times Co. will charge readers less than $20 a month for full access to its namesake newspaper on the Web when the company introduces its paid service, a person familiar with the matter said. — The price has been set at less …
paidContent, WebNewser, Yahoo! News, SAI, New York Observer, @pkafka, @romenesko and

A Racy Show With Teenagers Steps Back From a Boundary — MTV executives have a new hit drama on their hands, featuring the sexual and drug-fueled exploits of misfit teenagers. They also have something else — a fear that coming episodes of the show may break the law.

EXCLUSIVE: Taco Bell Pulls Ads From MTV's ‘Skins’ Over Racy Content … Taco Bell has pulled its ads off Skins after the Parents Television Council urged a boycott. — Spokesperson Rob Poetsch tells The Hollywood Reporter, “We advertise on a variety of MTV programs that reach our core demographic …
@matt_creamer, @natives and

Warren Buffett to step down from Washington Post Co. board — Warren E. Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, said today he would step down from the board of The Washington Post Co. this May. He has served on the board since May 1996 and previously had a tenure on the board from 1974 to 1986.
Media Decoder, Deal Journal, Poynter, MediaFile, Gawker and The Daily Caller

A manifesto for the simple scribe - my 25 commandments for journalists | Tim Radford — Former Guardian science editor, letters editor, arts editor and literary editor Tim Radford has condensed his journalistic experience into a handy set of rules for aspiring hacks
@felixsalmon, @jayrosen_nyu and, Thanks:fredericl

Amazon Buying Lovefilm To Build European Movie Rentals Business — Amazon (NSDQ: AMZN) has finally confirmed it's buying the 58 percent of Lovefilm it doesn't already own - its bid to become a major European online movie subscription business. There's no price disclosed …

Interview: Lovefilm Investor Says Amazon Exit Is A Win-Win

New year brings delays for expected media launches — For the media-obsessed, 2010 was largely spent looking ahead to 2011. — This January was to bring four major launches or relaunches. In the waning days of December, it still seemed reasonable to expect that each debut might happen before the second calendar month of the year.

Arianna Huffington to Launch Site for Blacks — Arianna Huffington is set to launch a new website that will focus on the black community. — The site — dubbed “HuffPost Global Black” — will purportedly offer “news, politics, culture, opinion, and video through the lens of the black experience.”
FishbowlNY, Yahoo! News, @spinsterellla, @jessicawakeman, @umanoid and WebNewser

The Newsonomics of Mr. Murdoch's Daily — [Each week, our friend Ken Doctor — author of Newsonomics and longtime watcher of the business side of digital news — writes about the economics of the news business for the Lab.] — Let's pause for a moment and reflect. — It's a daily newspaper being taken to the web.

Techmeme and Mediagazer will now include Tweets as headlines — Techmeme founder Gabe Rivera and Mediagazer founder Megan McCarthy announced today, on Twitter, that they both news aggregation sites will be including Tweets as headlines going forward. — In July of last year …
ReadWriteWeb, GigaOM and @mikepilarz

Tweets are now being shown directly on Mediagazer - @reply with something fun to join the Discussion!
Techmeme News, TechCrunch, Mediagazer News, @bobcaswell, @taylorbuley, @gilzino, SAI, @cksample, @kevinmarks, @edmundlee, @eghosao, @mathewi and @mattbinder, more at Techmeme »

DAILY BEAST: We're Not Paying Howard Kurtz $600,000 A Year! — Yesterday, we wrote about the rumors of astronomical salaries being paid to mainstream media stars who have jumped ship and joined new-media outfits like the Huffington Post and Daily Beast. — We said that we had been unable …
Poynter, Runnin' Scared, Gawker, PE Hub Blog and Clusterstock

Magazines Still Struggling With This Social Media Business — The future of magazines is still in the 20th century, admits the Association of Magazine Media. — The message from publishing executives and their resident social media gurus at the MPA's inaugural Social Media conference …
Folio, B2B Memes, GigaOM, iMediaConnection Blog and FishbowlNY

How ‘Cyberlockers’ Became The Biggest Problem In Piracy — Since Napster exploded into the public consciousness when it was founded 12 years ago, the world of digital piracy has been associated with a particular type of software—"peer-to-peer" download services. (Sometimes fairly, sometimes not.)

Time to let go of the teen mag dream | Sarah Ditum — Sugar's demise shows today's teenagers have moved online. Looking back fondly at Just Seventeen won't change that — Need to get an idea of why times are hard for teen mags? Take a look at the current issue of soon-to-be-defunct Sugar magazine.

You Can Ring Its Bell: Demand Media Heads to Wall Street Next Week — According to numerous sources with knowledge of the situation, Demand Media will finally launch its public offering later next week, after it completes its road show for investors. — Once it has its IPO …
Mediaweek and WebNewser, more at Techmeme »