Top News:

The FT's decline — I had a hard-to-follow Twitter debate yesterday about the FT's paywall, where a couple of FT types — Alan Beattie and John Gapper — told me that the latest numbers for digital subscribers show that I was wrong when I criticized the FT's strategy in October 2007.

Financial Times Digs Gold Out of Data — PARIS — For newspapers, connecting with readers is the ultimate challenge. At newsstands, many customers choose a paper only after they see the headline on the cover. The lady in hair curlers and a bathrobe might choose “Toe job to no job,” …

Digital Media Milestone: News Consumption via Mobile Reaches Nearly Half for Financial Times
Future of Journalism

The Fading Power of Beck's Alarms — Almost every time I flipped on television last week, there was a deeply angry guy on a running tirade about the conspiracies afoot, the enemies around all corners, and how he alone seemed to understand what was under way.
Guardian, Inside Cable News, @jayrosen_nyu, @drudge, @mlcalderone and Mediaite

Mark Cuban, Charlie Sheen in talks — DALLAS — Mark Cuban, the outspoken billionaire owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, and controversial actor Charlie Sheen could soon be business partners. — Cuban confirmed Sunday evening that he's had several conversations with Sheen recently …
New York Times, @thefamousjay and @espn

Al Jazeera English Plans Show Centered on Social Networking — As the Arab world reels with revolutions fomented in part online, Al Jazeera English is planning a new talk show that has social networking at its heart. — It's just lucky timing, says Ahmed Shihab-Eldin …
Examiner, Runnin' Scared, @lavrusik and The Atlantic Online

Memo Pad: Joanne Lipman's Newsweek Debut — JOANNE LIPMAN RETURNS: Joanne Lipman, the former Portfolio editor in chief — who has held a relatively low profile since the business magazine was shut down 23 months ago — will write regularly for Tina Brown's new Newsweek.

Redesigned Newsweek on stands Monday
Grids, Poynter, Wall Street Journal, ABCNEWS,, The Daily Dish, Mediaite, The Huffington Post and The Wire

In YouTube, Google finds a nimble model to compete with Facebook — Once derided as Google's folly, the home of cheesy cat videos and the money-losing stepchild of an otherwise wildly profitable company, YouTube is emerging as a model for the more nimble, faster-paced company Google co-founder …

‘Today’ Show Moves to and Stresses Video Clips — The “Today” show on Tuesday morning will produce a second show just for the Web — something that seems inherently competitive with its main telecast. — But the webcast, called “The Show,” is largely a promotional affair …

China Tracks Foreign Journalists — BEIJING — Western journalists have lately been tolerated in China, if grudgingly, but the spread of revolution in the Middle East has prompted the authorities here to adopt a more familiar tack: suddenly, foreign reporters are being tracked and detained …
Big News

Mobile First, and a Mag — Two French journalists come to me with a question: which business model for their new project? They are about to resuscitate a fairly well-know trade journalism brand, planning to go mostly online — and marginally on dead trees.

Twitter's “Quickbar Uprising” Is Nothing: Wait Till The Ads Really Show Up — Some people hate Twitter's new iPhone app, and Twitter is listening: It's going to change the app slightly. — Which won't appease the people who hate Twitter's new iPhone app at all.
TechCrunch, Examiner, Mashable!, Daring Fireball and The Next Web

Writers Get Close on Web — Simon & Schuster Bets Authors' Video Interviews Can Build Readership, Sales — It's the kind of quirky fan question—"Would you ever shave your head?"—that authors might ignore. But teen novelist Lisa McMann, in a simulated Web-based video conversation …