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Jann Wenner: Magazines' Rush to iPad Is ‘Sheer Insanity and Insecurity and Fear’ — Successful Migration to Tablet Editions Will Take ‘Decades,’ Rolling Stone Co-Founder Says in Interview — Nobody mistakes Jann Wenner — whose Wenner Media publishes Rolling Stone, Us Weekly and Men's Journal — for a digital fanboy.

No, Twitter Is Not a Replacement For Journalism — Updated: In the wake of a number of events, including the use of Twitter as a real-time reporting tool by New York Times writer Brian Stelter during the aftermath of the recent tornado in Missouri, media theorist and journalism professor Jeff Jarvis …
Poynter, newsplexer, Editors Weblog, eMedia Vitals, Common Sense Journalism, Future of Journalism and ...the deadline

YouTube counting on former Netflix exec to help it turn a profit — Robert Kyncl negotiated the deals that gave Netflix subscribers access to thousands of movies and television shows. Now he's hoping to repeat that feat as head of TV and film for Google and YouTube.

The Fundamental Problem With Newspaper Paywalls … Canadians living in the bustling metropolis of Montreal and the picturesque city of Victoria are getting a taste of what some media executives hope may be the future — paying for the news online. The Gazette in Montreal and the Victoria Times-Colonist …

PBS Plans Promotional Breaks Within Programs — FOR decades, the uninterrupted programming on PBS has been one of its most distinctive selling points to audiences and philanthropic and corporate supporters alike. — But those leisurely stretches of break-free programs could be going away.

The Value Live Video Streaming at The Wall Street Journal is both the Audience and Process — In addition to connecting with a valued audience with live programming, the process of creating daily Webcasts is valuable to the news organization, explains Kevin Delaney, Managing Editor of the
Future of Journalism

Hacktivists Scorch PBS in Retaliation for WikiLeaks Documentary — Hackers posted a fake news story to the website of PBS's Newshour on Sunday. — A hacker group unhappy with PBS Frontline's hour-long documentary on WikiLeaks has hit back at the Public Broadcasting System by cracking its servers …

Long way from hot metal: the changing face of newspapers — The composing room at the former Age building on Spencer Street, during the last days of hot metal in 1983. — ALTHOUGH there are many people, even of the iPad generation, who still automatically associate the word “qwerty” …

New Business Model in Vogue at Condé Nast — Condé Nast—the glitzy magazine empire that was brought to its knees by the advertising recession—is grappling with the fundamental challenge also facing many of its peers: how to preserve its print business while it also tries …

Harvard Business Review Reinvention Is Paying Off — Shortly after editors at the Harvard Business Review tore up their magazine in 2009, adding pictures to the cover, reader comments to their signature case studies and colorful illustrations — the horror! — cranky reader comments started coming in.

An Outsider Making Waves in Hollywood — LOS ANGELES — On an unusually clear day in West Hollywood last week, Janice Min took a seat at the Soho House, the full expanse of the Hollywood Hills serving as a backdrop for lunch. It was odd to see Ms. Min, a fixture of Manhattan magazine publishing …