Top News:

Murdoch: the network defeats the hierarchy — Rupert Murdoch has dispensed power, terrorized politicians and shaped politics — The Murdoch empire fractured, a Conservative prime minister attracting bets on his resignation, the Metropolitan Police on the edge of yet another existential crisis …
Daily Mail, Guardian, Future of Journalism, Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, Metamedia, PC Magazine and Telegraph

News of the World final crossword has a message for ‘catastrophe’ Rebekah Brooks — Departing staff at the News of the World appear to have sent a parting message of disgust to former editor Rebekah Brooks in the crossword of the paper's final edition. — Despite orders allegedly given …
Guardian, paidContent, Crikey, Future of Journalism and Gawker

A Tabloid Shame, Exposed by Earnest Rivals — The phone-hacking scandal that is mushrooming in Britain, with arrests, skullduggery and influence peddling, would be a delicious story for The News of the World if it were not about the newspaper itself. Instead, the hunter became the hunted …
Poynter,, Guardian, Media & Entertainment and paidContent

Labour Party Vows to Fight Murdoch's Bid to Take Over Satellite Company — LONDON — The $12 billion bid by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation to take over Britain's most lucrative satellite broadcast company, British Sky Broadcasting, ran into fresh trouble on Sunday when the opposition Labour Party promised …

News International found ‘smoking gun’ e-mails in 2007 — News International found e-mails in 2007 that appeared to indicate that payments were being made to the police for information, although this evidence of alleged criminal behaviour was not handed to the Metropolitan Police for investigation until 20 June of this year.
Guardian, Washington Post, AdAge, Future of Journalism and Kempton

‘Former News of the World journalists’ silenced on Twitter
Future of Journalism

We recorded history and we've made history
Guardian, Telegraph, http://www.Stinkyjournalism …, FleetStreetBlues and Gawker

For Years, the Tabloids' Sting Kept British Politicians in Line

The ePresse Digital Kiosk: First Lessons — On June 30th, the French consortium ePresse opened its digital kiosk. Six months of hard work for a very small team (the ePresse consortium is a three persons operation: a CTO, a marketing person, and a manager), and still a long way to go. ePresse brought …
Future of Journalism

Netflix Isn't Kicking Tires at Hulu — The sale of video site Hulu LLC is entering its next phase. — Initial presentations to potential suitors mostly wrapped up last week, according to people familiar with the matter. Next, interested bidders will comb through the business in greater detail …

A Compass for Conservative Politics — WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Without the soupy South Florida humidity and the fastidiously clipped lawn, the Newsmax headquarters here would be a lot like one of those diners in New Hampshire and Iowa where autographed pictures of politicians cover the walls.

Who's Doing It Right? Storify Empowers Journalists to Write a Different Kind of Story — Way back in 1983, just days before Newsweek published the Hitler Diaries (does anyone remember that journalistic triumph-turned-disaster?), I accepted a job at the magazine.
AdPulp and ReadWriteWeb

An iPad App for Cosmo Guys — Cosmopolitan offers the answers to a lot of crucial questions. Should you get back with your ex? How do you make your pony tail sexy? Are those the right sunglasses for summer? — But one area the magazine has not delved into much is giving advice …

Diane Sawyer Tweets Through Jaycee Dugard Special — Diane Sawyer began Tweeting Friday ahead of tonight's live tweet of her Jaycee Dugard special. (Sawyer's second Tweet was about the death of former First Lady Betty Ford). It was Dugard's first interview since being set free from 18 years …

Self-Loathing in Sun Valley — The billionaires and millionaires who make their fortunes in media, entertainment and tech wrapped up Saturday at Allen & Co.'s 29th annual media conference in Sun Valley. And for another year, they succeeded largely in avoiding . . . the media.

Why the chaos in media might be a good thing — Everywhere around us we see evidence of chaos and upheaval in the media industry — newspapers laying off staff and even closing, advertising revenues continuing to decline, and so on. What can be done about this state of affairs?
Rough Type, (Re)Structuring Journalism and Future of Journalism