Top News:

Celebrity-mag circulation takes it on the chin — The circulation numbers com ing out early next week from the Audit Bureau of Circulations are expected to show a particularly dismal first half of the year for the major celebrity magazines, according to estimates and insider reports.
Adweek and The Business Insider

Many Magazines Eke Out Gains, or at Least Hold Their Ground, in New Circ Report
Poynter and FishbowlNY

Calls for CNN Host to Testify in Hacking Scandal — LONDON — Piers Morgan, the CNN talk show host and a former editor of the British tabloid The Mirror, faced calls on Thursday from prominent British lawmakers to appear before a parliamentary committee investigating the illegal hacking of cellphone messages.
Hollywood Reporter, Guardian, Tuned In, New York Magazine, Chickaboomer, On Media's Blog, Company Town and Gizmodo Australia

The Onion Testing A Metered Paid Model — Some readers' eyes may now start to water when they cut a few layers in to The Onion's website. — “America's finest news source” has begun requiring a $2.95pm/$29.95pa charge from non-U.S. visitors who want to read more than about five stories within a 30-day period.

Startups Look for the Future of Social TV — With venture capital and investment dollars flowing in, social TV has become one of the hottest startup categories. — Now consolidation may be under way. Social TV startup Philo was just acquired by advertising company Local Response.
Lost Remote, NetNewsCheck Latest, Beet.TV, VentureBeat and TechCrunch

David Bohrman Leaving CNN — After 14 years with CNN, former Washington Bureau Chief David Bohrman, named “chief innovation officer” of CNN Worldwide in March, is leaving the company, TVNewser has learned. — In a farewell email to staff, Bohrman writes, “I have been offered a fantastic new opportunity …
Mediaite, All Things CNN and Inside Cable News

How The Plunging Financial Markets Will Impact Ad Spending — Throughout the past six months, global ad spending forecasts haven't been revised down that much. Meanwhile, online ad growth has continued to look resilient. With stock market indexes plunging—the Dow Jones (NSDQ: NWS) …
eMedia Vitals

How The Economist's conversational tweets drive clicks, while Al Jazeera's automation drives retweets — The conventional wisdom among digital journalists is that tweeting is better done by humans than robots - an argument that would cause @nytbot5000, the robot that automates Twitter feeds …
Future of Journalism and

New York Times plans new social networking, comment features for fall launch — The New York Times is developing a new system for social interaction on its website, with big changes to begin arriving this fall. — Following up on speculation that its Times People social network had been shuttered …

Fox News vs. Politico: ‘Obama and His Rapper Friends Did Not Fix Economy’ Report Classic Case of Awful Aggregation — Media Matters screen-grabbed what you're seeing on the left from the Fox Nation website earlier today. Yes: it's real. They didn't provide context, but we will.

101 Years-Young: WWD Refreshes Web Presence — Citing Women's Wear's roots in the early 20th Century, editor Edward Nardoza announced to readers yesterday a “reimagined” on a digital platform where “pages don't yellow or crumble.” — The new design has a clean tri-column structure …
eMedia Vitals

Did AOL just out-Flipboard Flipboard? — The company's new news app aggregates content based on your interests, reading habits and your friends — and it takes the digital magazine concept to the extreme. — By JP Mangalindan, writer-reporter — Every issue of Editions takes a top news story and puts it on the cover.

Tavi Goes Out on Her Own … Almost eight months after Tavi Gevinson revealed that she would be partnering with Jane Pratt, the founding editor of Sassy and Jane magazines, on her own magazine for teenage girls, Pratt's involvement with the project has become uncertain.
The New York Observer

TV reporters are getting a touch too personal — Upclose and personal is getting, well, a little too personal these days. — How so? — Earlier this week, ABC's “Good Morning America” presented an interview with Jon Bon Jovi done by Lara Spencer, tied to, it seems, his longevity in the business.

Longshot Radio: Creating Old Fashioned Media in a New Media Way — Thanks to AIR member and crowdsourcing guru Annie Shreffler for this report: — Last weekend, a group of web developers, designers and journalists took over the New York City offices of the digital news site Gawker.