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Handing comments over to Facebook is a double-edged sword — When Facebook launched the ability to embed Facebook comments on third-party websites, a lot of publishers saw it as a life-saver: not only would it improve traffic by exposing their content to others on the social network …
Zombie Journalism, Poynter and One Man & His Blog

News sites using Facebook Comments see higher quality discussion, more referrals — News organizations that have turned to Facebook to power their website comments say they are seeing a higher quality of discussion and a significant increase in referral traffic.
Adweek, The Business Insider, Future of Journalism and Media Nation

F.T.C. Says It Will Not Investigate Ashton Kutcher — It looks like Ashton Kutcher is in the clear. — Mr. Kutcher drew criticism this week after the release of an online-only version of Details magazine that he guest-edited. In the issue, Mr. Kutcher failed to fully disclose his investments …
Poynter, MediaFile, The Wrap,, Forbes, digiday:DAILY, The Wire, The First Post, FishbowlNY, Future of Journalism and Bits, more at Techmeme »

Mulcaire told to reveal who ordered hacking — Steve Coogan leads battle to reveal whether News of the World ordered hacking of Elle Macpherson and five other public figures — Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator at the centre of the News of the World phone-hacking scandal …

An introduction to comics journalism, in the form of comics journalism — To some, the only connection between comics and newspapers is in the funny pages, or a single panel editorial cartoon. However, a new breed of journalist is emerging: one that is as comfortable conducting interviews …
One Man & His Blog

Bye Bye, Babes! Maxim's iPad App Bows Out. — Tablet magazine app launches still get plenty of attention, so it seems only fair to note when one disappears: Maxim HD, an iPad-specific version of the baberific print magazine, has called it quits, less than a year after launch.
FishbowlNY and Gizmodo Australia

New generation of Web analytics applies ‘big data’ to newsroom decisions — New data tools, perhaps best described as Web analytics on steroids and with psychic powers, are making their way into newsrooms and changing the way that editors decide what stories to promote, where, and when.
Future of Journalism

Fewer Magazines to Read in Doctors' Offices and Hair Salons — With Some Exceptions — Magazines have pulled back sharply on the copies they send to doctors' offices and hair salons. But a few titles — such as Details, Ebony and Reader's Digest — are giving public-place copies a bigger role.

Reader's Digest Subscriptions Come To The iPad
Media & Entertainment, FishbowlNY, Poynter, GigaOM and Medacity

Conjuring the Next Harry Potter — To fill the void left by the blockbuster series, publishers are making big bets on new authors. The global marketing push behind a tale of young magicians in love. — Erin Morgenstern, an elfin painter with ink-black hair and a fondness for bowler hats …

Why AOL Should Double Down on Patch — Disclosure: The author is a shareholder in AOL. — It's been funny watching the financial press and the tech community eviscerate AOL's since last week's disappointing earnings call. The irony is that Patch is AOL's last, best chance to build a growth engine.

Editing Community Kibin Helps You Proofread Your Writing Fast And For Free — I am primarily writing about this startup because I need it desperately, and because it is the problem I would attempt to solve if I ever decided to flip the switch and become a startup founder instead of the personification of …
Pulse2, Betabeat, The Next Web, The Huffington Post and hypebot

Policeman arrested amid Guardian leak claim — A 51-year-old Scotland Yard detective has been arrested over leaks during the phone hacking investigation. — It is believed that the leak may involve The Guardian newspaper, Sky News has reported. — A 35-year-old has also been arrested …
Guardian,, New York Times and FleetStreetBlues

How Yahoo! Sports broke the Univ. of Miami college football story — Even if you're not a sports fan, you've probably heard the explosive news this week that Nevin Shapiro, the University of Miami booster jailed for his role in a $930 million Ponzi scheme, told Yahoo! Sports he provided millions …

Print vs. Online: How the print edition of the New York Times trumps the online version. — A little over five years ago, I announced that I was canceling my subscription to the New York Times. My cancellation wasn't in protest of Times coverage of the Middle East, ethnic minorities …