Top News:

Journalists arrested in Occupy Wall Street sweeps — NEW YORK — Journalists have been detained by police while covering Occupy Wall Street protests in New York. — Associated Press writer Karen Matthews was taken into custody Tuesday along with AP photographer Seth Wenig and Daily News reporter Matthew Lysiak.

Journalists arrested, roughed up as police clear Zuccotti Park of OWS protesters — Journalists said they were shut out and roughed up as the New York Police Department cleared Zuccotti Park of Occupy Wall Street protesters in the early morning hours Tuesday.
Capital New York, The New York Observer, Forbes and News: News blog

NYC Un-Occupies Wall Street, Manages the Media — New York City police in riot gear raided and cleared the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park around 1 a.m. Tuesday. As it happened—coincidentally or not—this was past press time for local papers.
Guardian, Future of Journalism, Boing Boing,, Mediaite, Gawker and

Reporters Say Police Denied Access to Protest Site
GalleyCat, ANIMAL, FishbowlNY, The New York Observer, PolitickerNY and TVSpy

NI: ‘No guarantees’ that hacking stopped after arrests — Rhodri Davies QC tells Leveson inquiry that News International can't guarantee phone hacking didn't continue after arrest and imprisonment of Clive Goodman and Glenn Mulcaire — Davies also told the inquiry that News International …
Guardian and

Phone-hacking inquiry deals with gremlins in the system
Press Gazette and New York Times

Ratings: ABC Dominates With Giffords Interview, Sandusky Leads ‘Rock Center’ To Ratings High — ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer's interview with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband former astronaut Mark Kelly was easily the top broadcast program at 10 PM according to Nielsen fast national ratings.
Discussion: and FishbowlDC

New York Times Launches The Collection App — ALL IN ONE PLACE: The New York Times on Monday launched The Collection, an iPad app that will be a catchall for the paper's fashion and style content. The Collection app will be updated every day, and will draw in content from the paper's Styles desk …
Poynter, CJR, Nieman Journalism Lab, FishbowlNY, Charles Apple and

Charlie Rose and Gayle King Join ‘The Early Show’ on CBS — CBS News on Tuesday announced a top-to-bottom reboot of “The Early Show,” its long-suffering morning news broadcast, with Charlie Rose and Gayle King at the helm. The moves will take effect in January.
Broadcasting & Cable and TVNewser

Stop the Chelsea moaning; she's “somebody” — Allow me to be among the first working journalists to welcome Chelsea Clinton to the Fourth Estate. Clinton, as you probably read in this morning's New York Times, has taken a job with NBC News as a full-time special correspondent and will cover stories …
LA Observed, The Week, St. Petersburg Times, Media Decoder, and The Huffington Post

Julian Assange seeks to take extradition fight to supreme court — WikiLeaks founder will ask permission to appeal against high court ruling that he must face sex crime charges in Sweden — The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, is to apply for a supreme court hearing to appeal …
Future of Journalism

Penn State Scandal: Advertisers Bail on ESPN Broadcast … In the wake of the sexual abuse scandal that led to the recent firing of head coach Joe Paterno after his former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse of children, at least six advertisers …
Company Town, Media Decoder and Forbes

Editors say editorial staff down 29% since 2007 — A new Society of Editors' survey reveals that editorial staff numbers have fallen by 29% since 2007. — The survey of editors' attititudes by consultant Jim Chisholm says content generation staffing has fallen by 19% …
Guardian and Press Gazette

BBC ‘cheap programming’ scandal exposed — The programmes were made for “low or nominal cost” but many were heavyweight documentaries on controversial environmental issues and the BBC Trust, the corporation's governing body, said today it was “deeply concerned” by the findings.
Guy Fawkes' blog

Why Public Radio Host Warren Olney's Apology Wasn't Enough — On Friday, Gawker broke the story of a horrifically ill-conceived installment of Warren Olney's current affairs show on public radio, To The Point. Using the Jerry Sandusky child rape scandal as its jumping-off point …
GLAAD and ThinkProgress

Should The FCC Crack Down On TV Stations That Cooperate On News, Ad Sales, And Retransmission Deals? — We're starting to see some interesting filings at the FCC as it prepares to revamp media ownership rules — and that includes a letter sent today by a strange-bedfellows coalition of Dish Network …

BBC constrained by need to avoid political bias, admits Lord Patten — As Leveson inquiry starts, former Tory chairman says there are areas where corporation needs to be particularly careful — The BBC is unable to conduct investigations into some of the most important stories of the day …
Press Gazette, Future of Journalism and Guardian

Mensch seeks ‘full disclosure’ over surveillance
Discussion:, Tom Watson MP and paidContent