Top News:

B&N's Jim Hilt Says Print Isn't Dead — Barnes & Noble is shifting its focus from device to content, according to Jim Hilt, vice president of e-books at Barnes & Noble who spoke at the Digital Book World conference today. — He said that 2011 was about the device and 2012 is about the content.
eBookNewser, FishbowlNY and 10,000 Words

E-Singles: 'Journalism's Extraordinary Challenges In An Entirely New Place' — Byliner recently announced that it has sold 100,000 original e-singles, and other publishers are finding similar success with the format: The Atavist sold over 100,000 copies of ten e-singles combined last year …
Future of Journalism

E-Book Bummer: Growth Slower Than Thought—'Incremental, Not Exponential'
Future of Journalism

Mitt Romney's Taxes — All the major papers are devoting lots of resources to covering Mitt Romney's tax return, putting the national spotlight on how taxes, and particularly on how little taxes the ultra-wealthy actually pay. — It's top story right now on the home pages of The New York Times …
Forbes, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Wire, Fortune, The New Yorker Blog and ProPublica

The Buzz About BuzzFeed — The online meme aggregator gets serious about developing original content. — Carl Straumsheim ( is an AJR editorial assistant. — When Ben Smith announced last month that he was leaving Politico to become editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed …

Is Julian Assange's Talk Show For Real? — Larry King...Charlie Rose...Julian Assange? — Well, maybe. The voluble, volatile Wikileaks founder is getting his own talk show, or so he says. Beginning in March, Assange will be “hosting a series of in-depth conversations with key political players …
Future of Journalism, New York Magazine, Guardian and Fast Company

Julian Assange Is Getting His Own TV Show
CNET, The Atlantic Wire, The Next Web, Digital Spy, Charlie Beckett, Engadget, PandoDaily, New Statesman, Mashable!, Guardian, Future of Journalism, Gawker and WikiLeaks

Lara Logan: Life is not about dwelling on the bad — Exclusive Interview: CBS news star talks about PTSD, her recovery, her family, her work and the women that inspire her — CBS News Correspondent Lara Logan in Tahrir Square moments before she was assaulted by a mob of protesters.

New York Daily News Takes Passive Stance on Commenters Doubting Logan's Rape

Former LA Times editor Russ Stanton moves to KPCC — Former Los Angeles Times editor Russ Stanton will be the new vice president of content for Southern California Public Radio's KPCC. — The hire is part of an aggressive effort by the nonprofit news organization to become …
Company Town, LA Observed and JIMROMENESKO.COM

ABC News and Yahoo! Launch New Political Web Shows — ABC News's partnership with Yahoo! has resulted in several new web shows launching this week. — Two of the shows are extensions of long-running blogs from George Stephanopoulos and Jake Tapper. “George's Bottom Line” …
FishbowlDC, Forbes, Broadcasting & Cable and Media Buyer Planner

How ABC News built a top social media presence with a small dedicated team
Discussion: and MediaPost

Gannett Goes Long With Acquisition Of Fantasy Sports Ventures — Gannett (NYSE: GCI) Co. has bought The Big Lead and a family of other sports blogs. The company hopes the acquisition, when combined with its existing USA Today properties, will vault it into the major leagues of the online sports scene.
Publishing Executive …,, MediaPost, Poynter and FishbowlNY

Memo: GCI to reveal new model for weak USCP; plan could be biggest news revamp in five years

Leveson must back ban on sexualised images in media, women's groups say — Explicit newspaper pictures censored in inquiry evidence but Leveson warned change would require ‘rock-solid legislation’ — When Lord Justice Leveson launched his inquiry into the ethics of the press …

Leveson inquiry: Sun executive says sorry for Christopher Jefferies coverage — Coverage reflected ‘more liberal interpretation’ of laws governing crime reporting at time of Joanna Yeates murder investigation — A senior Sun editorial executive has apologised at the Leveson inquiry …
Press Gazette

“Beloved, not Beliked': Why TV's Live and Streaming Audiences Are Diverging — Television is a very different experience in the age of video on demand. Even if we're watching the same kind of content — say, 30- to 60-minute scripted dramas and comedies — we watch it differently.

How Esquire Survived Publishing's Dark Days — Esquire magazine, a monument to male vitality, seemed about to keel over in 2009. Famous for laying down a much-followed literary track with an article in 1966 by Gay Talese titled “Frank Sinatra Has a Cold,” the magazine found itself gasping for breath and fighting for survival.
Erik Wemple and Prof Chris Daly's Blog

Yahoo: Media Giant, Tech Company, or Both? — Yahoo's new CEO, Scott Thompson, has had the job for just three weeks, but during today's fourth quarter earnings call, he pushed for a more “balanced” approach and insisted that Yahoo is equal parts media company and equal parts tech firm.
TechCrunch, more at Techmeme » launches unlimited book streaming service for $24.95 a month — If you're a voracious audiobook listener and want access to as many books as you could possibly listen to, the just-launched streaming service might be worth looking into.
Mashable!, VentureBeat, CNET and Electronista

Why newspapers are closing the shutters on staff photographers — Newspaper photographers are in retreat. Staff jobs are vanishing as publishers look for new ways to cut costs. — National papers have gradually been reducing numbers in recent years. Many titles have only a handful.
Big News

News Corp To Train Wall Street Journal Reporters To Film Videos on Their iPhones — At the DLD digital media conference in Germany, Jon Miller, chief digital officer for News Corporation, said that the company will be ramping up its focus on video, reports paidContent.

Jon Miller, News Corp.: It's All About Video For Us Right Now
Erik Wemple, Future of Journalism and Epicenter

John Kampfner: Westminster lobby coverage ‘extraordinarily pliant’ — Index on Censorship chief tells Leveson inquiry that the UK media is ‘fundamentally weak’ and urges judge not to ‘go down the statutory route’ on regulation reform — John Kampfner, chief executive of free speech NGO Index …

More questions for Mahmood to answer at his Leveson recall