Top News:

Murdoch: I should have closed News of the World earlier — Newspaper boss says he ‘panicked’ when the Milly Dowler revelations came out - but says: 'I'm glad I did' — News International: ‘We are now a new company’ — Copyright: Roger Jones on Geograph. Some rights reserved

Murdoch admits NoW hacking cover-up — Murdoch says he was ‘misinformed and shielded’ from events at paper and points finger at ‘one or two strong characters’ — Rupert Murdoch has admitted to the Leveson inquiry there was a “cover-up” at News International over the phone-hacking scandal.

Rupert Murdoch at the Leveson Inquiry-Day 2 Live — • Not aware News Corp was obstructive on phone-hacking probe — • Phone hacking caused News Corp to drop bid — • No conversations with Cameron or Gove on BSkyB takeover — • News Corp lobbyist Fred Michel ‘could have exaggerated role’
Press Gazette, @benfenton, @dansabbagh, @lisaocarroll and Media Week

FSA considers News Corp emails — Financial Services Authority looking into whether emails from culture department to News Corp broke insider trading rules — The stock market watchdog, the Financial Services Authority, is looking at whether a series of emails from the office of the culture …
New Statesman, New York Magazine and

Who cares if Murdoch lobbied? — Pummel Rupert Murdoch and his minions all you want for News Corp.'s phone-hacking of celebrities and crime victims, its computer-hacking, its blagging, its bribing of police, its payments of hush money, its obstruction of justice, and its operation …
Company Town, The Huffington Post and Guardian

Gordon Brown: Rupert Murdoch wrong to claim I declared war on News Corp

Jeremy Hunt visited News Corp in US as Murdochs considered BSkyB bid
CJR, BBC, Business Insider,, Guardian and Telegraph

The night I saw Jeremy Hunt hide behind a tree before dinner with James Murdoch
Guardian, The New York Observer and Daily Mail

Rupert Murdoch: Thatcher meeting over Times was ‘quite appropriate’
Guardian, Media Week, Guardian, Erik Wemple, The Daily Beast, Guardian, Multichannel, FishbowlNY, Jon Slattery, Broadcasting & Cable and

Jeremy Hunt: ‘The idea I was backing BSkyB bid is laughable’
Press Gazette, Media Week, Guardian, paidContent, Forbes and Press Association

Rupert Murdoch: Former PM Gordon Brown ‘Declared War’ on News Corp.
Discussion:, Hollywood Reporter, Guardian, @skynewsbreak, Forbes, Guardian, Media Week, @lisaocarroll and NetNewsCheck Latest

Shield law could protect Fox News mole, Gawker blogger Joe Muto — Roger Ailes may view “Fox Mole” Joe Muto as a disloyal, dishonest ex-employee, but Muto may be entitled to the same legal protections that prevent the government from raiding the newsroom at Fox News.
Discussion:, Inside Cable News, The New York Observer and Gawker, Thanks:@myersnews

NBC Miami reporter fired for edited Zimmerman tape — WTVJ reporter Jeff Burnside was fired Friday after being involved in editing a tape of George Zimmerman's 911 call before he shot Trayvon Martin. Burnside, who has been with the NBC owned and operated Miami station for 13 years, still has a bio page on its website.
The Huffington Post, Mediaite, The Daily Caller, Riptide 2.0, Inside Cable News, Red Alert Politics and SFLTV

Telling the Story Through Her Own Words — When Eli Sanders sat in court listening to the testimony of a rape victim, he didn't know if the material would result in anything beyond a blog post. He certainly did not expect it would lead to a Pulitzer Prize for feature writing.

When is a scoop non-public information? — Many thanks to everybody who responded to my provocation yesterday, where I suggested that the NYT could sell advance access to its stories. John Gapper summed it up well, in a tweet: “If scoops don't matter to most readers, as the digerati claim …
Nieman Journalism Lab

Village Voice Attorney Defends Her Company's Sex Site At Contentious Council Hearing — This afternoon, the Women's Issues Committee of the City Council held a hearing on a resolution proposed by Council members Brad Lander and Melissa Mark-Viverito that would call for Village Voice Media to shut down the …

FCC wants to put political ad data online; broadcasters balk — Even though such information is already technically public, broadcasters fear that putting that level of detail on the Internet will undermine their own businesses. — This month, just before the Pennsylvania primary …

Vogue's flattering article on Syria's first lady is scrubbed from Web — It may have been the worst-timed, and most tin-eared, magazine article in decades. — “Asma al-Assad is glamorous, young, and very chic — the freshest and most magnetic of first ladies,” writer Joan Juliet Buck began …