Top News:

New York Times confirms non-newsroom layoffs — I received multiple tips late Thursday about layoffs at the New York Times, including this report: … Another tipster says of Freeman: He was “one of the two go-to guys on news-department legal matters, from story vetting to fighting First Amendment cases.
Media Decoder, Capital New York and The Wrap

WaPo digital revenue drops in Q1 — The Washington Post Co. newspaper division continues to struggle, nearly doubling its operating loss with drops in print circulation and advertising — and digital ad sales aren't picking up the slack. — The division, which includes the Washington Post and Slate …
Poynter and AllThingsD

David Cameron wins advance access to Leveson inquiry witness statements — David Cameron and seven other cabinet ministers will be given advance sight of witness statements to the Leveson inquiry, including those submitted by the former Downing Street spin doctor Andy Coulson and ex-News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks.
Discussion: and Press Gazette

Announcing the 75th class of Nieman Fellows — This morning, the Nieman Foundation announced our incoming class of Nieman Fellows, which will be our 75th. (The Nieman Fellowships allow a group of accomplished journalists — half American, half international — to come to Harvard for a year of study on the subjects of their choice.)
Nieman Foundation News, @niemanlab, @niemanlab and @jeffjarvis

At the often stodgy National Magazine Awards, best disruptor of decorum goes to a tall guy from Dallas — “I feel like when we win, everybody wins,” said Time managing editor Rick Stengel in a ballroom at the New York Marriott Marquis Thursday night, accepting a National Magazine Award for magazine of the year, the evening's top honor.
WWD, Folio, FrontBurner and New York Magazine

National Magazine Awards 2012: ‘Time’ Grabs Top Prize; ‘New York’ Wins Three
Gawker, Adweek, The Wrap, AdAge, New York Post, LA Observed,, Poynter and CJR

Arianna Huffington's Role at AOL Narrowed to Focus on Huffington Post — She originally had editorial oversight of all AOL properties when the online company acquired her site, but she shoots down rumors that she could leave AOL. Arianna Huffington said Thursday that her role at AOL …
LA Observed, Wall Street Journal and Poynter

Vice Throws Boozy Upfront With WPP, Leaks Bloomberg Talks — This is what all-grown-up Vice looks like: founder Shane Smith, with 10-gallon hat and cocktail in hand, hamming it up onstage with former MTV CEO Tom Freston and WPP royalty, including CEO Martin Sorrell.

The ‘falling bear’ is dead, immortalized in Colorado student photo — Two cars on Thursday struck and killed the Colorado bear who was photographed in mid-air. The black bear was wandering on a highway near Boulder, Colo., where it achieved fame via a viral photograph by University of Colorado student Andy Duann last week.
Daily Camera,, Gawker and The Awl

NY Post Publishes Insanely Racist Column About Jay-Z And Nets — The NY Post has had their fair share of racist controversies—just recently, there was the cartoon which portrayed Muslims as terrorists—but it seems as though columnist Phil Mushnick really wants to take things to the next level.
New York Post and New York Magazine

The Editorial Plea: How The New York Times Decides Who Wins and Loses Local Elections — With a few days to go before Election Day in 2010, State Senator Eric Schneiderman was locked in a tight Democratic primary for attorney general. So his campaign released a television ad as rudimentary …

Three Photographers Found Dead in Mexico — MEXICO CITY — The bodies of three photojournalists were found dismembered on Thursday in the eastern state of Veracruz, days after a crime reporter for a national magazine was killed in her house there. — The motives for the killings …
Guardian, Big News and World Now

It doesn't matter what e-books cost to make — Book publishers are trying hard to defend the pricing of e-books — perhaps in part because they've been accused by the Justice Department of rigging prices to keep them artificially high — by arguing that it costs a lot more than most people …