Top News:

Secret Meeting Has ‘Washington Post’ Buzzing — Washington Post staffers are buzzing about a secret meeting between some 10 big-name Post journalists including Dana Priest, David Finkel and Carol Leonnig, and Steve Hills, the president and gm of the newspaper.

Facebook Social Readers Are All Collapsing — The Washington Post was the first publication to experiment with a “frictionless” social reader app, which launched last year. If you use Facebook you've probably come across it: it manifests as a clustered list of stories that are almost …

The Washington Post Is In Even Worse Shape Than You Think — The Washington Post Co. reported its first-quarter earnings on Friday, and the news coming out of the newspaper division was mostly grim. The unit lost $22.6 million in the quarter, with revenue down 8% and revenue from print advertising specifically falling 17%.

Milwaukee Police Department website corrects media errors — The Milwaukee Police Department says its The Source website “provides the whole story — the one that television, radio and newspapers don't have space or time to provide their audiences.” Also, “we'll correct the news stories …
@niemanreports and @producermatthew

From ABC News and Univision, an English-Language Channel for Hispanics — The Walt Disney Company's ABC News division and Univision have tentatively agreed to create an English-language cable television channel for Hispanics in the United States. — The companies, which will each own 50 percent …

Google Gets Deeper Into the Content Business, By Putting Money Into Machinima — Google has been handing out money to video-makers so they'll make more stuff for YouTube. Now it's putting money into a video-maker itself. The search giant is set to invest in Machinima …
New York Times, VentureBeat, The Verge, WebProNews, Beet.TV, eMedia Vitals, Digital Media Wire and Softpedia News

Why Publishers Don't Like Apps — By the time Apple released the iPad in April of 2010, just four months after Steve Jobs first announced his “magical and revolutionary” new machines in San Francisco, traditional publishers had been overtaken by a collective delusion.

Exclusive: Publisher sues Tumblr over porn pics — It's finally happened. In a case with big implications for the booming market in photo-sharing, a publisher is suing popular blogging site Tumblr for copyright infringement. — In a complaint filed Friday in Manhattan …
Betabeat, the Econsultancy blog, The Consumerist, PandoDaily and @producermatthew

‘60 Minutes’ Gets Younger, and Its Viewers Do Too — The oldest newsmagazine on television, “60 Minutes,” might have figured out how to halt the aging process. — Purposefully but almost imperceptibly, the CBS News program, the most popular of its genre, has become younger in recent years.
The New York Observer, TVNewser and Chickaboomer

Colombia rebels want media debate for Frenchman's release — Colombia's leftist FARC rebels demanded a debate on freedom of information Monday as a first step toward the release of a French reporter kidnapped nine days ago, as they accused the government of manipulating journalists.

Colombia Rebels Confirm Kidnapping of French Journalist
Discussion: and Big News

The Cozy Compliance of the News Corp. Board — If you sat on the board of a company that was raked over the coals by a British parliamentary committee in a 121-page document, accused of a pattern of corporate misconduct that included widespread phone hacking and an ensuing cover-up by senior officials …
Poynter, Capital New York, Free Press, Erik Wemple, Media Decoder, Associated Press, @jayrosen_nyu, @antderosa and New York Magazine

How 2 twentysomething journalists brought down a corrupt Kentucky sheriff — Samantha Swindler, then 27, had been managing editor of the Corbin (Ky.) Times-Tribune for about three years when she asked 20-year-old Adam Sulfridge to report on a corrupt sheriff, Lawrence Hodge, who was involved in trading guns, drugs and favors.
The Huffington Post, Poynter and @dancow

FUNGIBLE — We don't realize how much news media has changed in the past fifteen years. We really don't. I'm not talking about digital first or about blogging or about data journalism or the mobile web or the curation craze. Yes, journalism has evolved and is better for it. I'm talking beyond that.
The Newspaper Guild