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Microsoft Is Doing Its Own Tablet. How Do You Like Them Apples? — Tired of losing ground to the iPad, Microsoft is poised to serve up its own entry in the suddenly booming tablet market. — After signaling for months that it would attack the market only through its traditional hardware partners …
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NeverSeconds blogger Martha Payne school dinner photo ban lifted — Martha's NeverSeconds blog started as a writing project with her dad — A council has lifted its controversial ban on a nine-year-old girl taking photographs of her school meals. — Martha Payne, from Argyll …
Forbes, PC Magazine, Gawker, Argyll and Bute Council, CNET,, The Next Web, ZDNet, Boing Boing, Wired, The Verge, Telegraph, Daily Dot and Guardian

Time Inc. CEO Laura Lang: Why We Changed Our Minds About the iPad — Need to Sell iPad Subscriptions ‘Was Obvious for Me,’ New CEO Says — Time Inc. on Thursday ended its long refusal to sell iPad subscriptions in the App Store, deciding that earlier concerns over Apple's power and policies weren't worth the missed opportunity.
@carr2n, Business Insider, Adweek and New York Times
YouTube chief mulls paid subscription — (Reuters)-YouTube is exploring selling subscriptions to access to some of its video offerings, potentially providing a way for certain cable channels to be available outside the traditional “bundles” offered by cable network providers, said YouTube boss Salar Kamangar.
SocialTimes, The Next Web, eMedia Vitals and Engadget

The Secret to ‘Ailing’ CNN's Success — Vanilla cable news channel CNN is ceaselessly derided for its rock-bottom primetime ratings and gimmicky presentation but the middle-of-the-road network is actually a profit-generating behemoth. Still, you wouldn't get that from the latest …
Business Insider
Dylan Byers / Politico:
The New York Post bumps price to $1 — Hold the presses: The New York Post is getting a price bump. — On Monday, the Post will bump its weekday newsstand price from 75 cents to a dollar, a subscription services representative with the company confirms. The Saturday newsstand price …
Capital New York, FishbowlNY, New York Magazine, @joepompeo and @dylanbyers

‘Daily News America’ to launch by end of June — The latest Daily News digital editor, Ted Young, arrived in the paper's newsroom this week, and he already appears to have made a splash. — Readers of today may have noticed a design feature that's not all that common on the homepage …

Sly Bailey to leave Trinity Mirror immediately — Chief executive to step down from troubled Daily Mirror publisher six months earlier than planned — Trinity Mirror chief executive Sly Bailey is to step down six months earlier than planned, as the troubled Daily Mirror publisher looks to speed up an overhaul of senior management.
Kleinman, Media Week, Telegraph, Press Association, BBC, Press Gazette, Guardian and Media Week
Andrew Beaujon / Poynter:
Can somebody please tell Brett Anderson's replacement he's no longer laid off? — Food critic Brett Anderson has been un-laid off following some ouchy press (1, 2) for his current and perhaps future employer, The Times-Picayune. Anderson said Tuesday that he had been told he was out of a job because he had a Nieman fellowship.

The Newseum caves in on reporters' access — Yes, that's the First Amendment carved onto the vertical slate in front of the Newseum. — For many of us, it began with a tweet Thursday morning from Boston Globe editor Marty Baron: — Press escorted out of #Romney event at, of all places …

Twitter's expanded tweets are a double-edged sword — As we reported on Wednesday, Twitter is in the process of rolling out what it calls “expanded tweets,” a new feature on both the web and mobile version that shows additional content for certain publishers and services, such as the New York Times and ABC News.
PC Magazine, Twitter Developers, eMedia Vitals,, API Voice and The Content Strategist

Ethiopian Government Bans Skype, Google Talk And All Other VoIP Services — The Ethiopian government, Al Jazeera reports, has criminalized the use of Skype and other VoIP services like Google Talk. Using VoIP services is now punishable by up to 15 years in prison.
WebProNews, The Verge, Betabeat, Softpedia News, VentureBeat and TechCentral