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How news spread of the “Dark Knight Rises” shooting — An overnight shooting has left 14 people in Colorado dead, and dozens more injured. Here's how the news spread, including eyewitness reports from people at the theatre to see Batman sequel “The Dark Knight Rises” to the media who arrived to cover the shooting's aftermath:
Yahoo! News, Reuters, Capital New York, Mediaite, CBS News, The New Yorker Blog, BuzzFeed,, CNN, ABCNEWS, Softpedia News,, Speakeasy, The Wrap, Yahoo! News, TVNewser, CBS Denver, Gawker, ThinkProgress, The Wrap, FishbowlNY, TVNewser, The Atlantic Online, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone, HyperVocal, The Wrap, The Huffington Post, Wired, CNET, Mother Jones, Gothamist, The Huffington Post, Pocket-lint, Mediaite, Speakeasy, Multichannel, Broadcasting & Cable, The Lede, Poynter and JIMROMENESKO.COM

ABC News apologizes for ‘incorrect’ Tea party report — ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an “incorrect” report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party. “An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes …

Sports journalist Jessica Ghawi dies in Colorado theater shooting — Jessica Ghawi, who was killed in the massacre in Aurora, Colo., Friday morning, had escaped another mass shooting in Toronto on June 2. Ghawi, who tweeted and wrote under the name Jessica Redfield, wrote about hockey.
Jordan Ghawi, Mediaite, Gawker, Guardian, The Latest Word, The Wrap, Mediaite, Sporting News, FishbowlLA, BustedCoverage, @jbenton, @ebertchicago and The Newspaper Guild

How 18-Year-Old Morgan Jones Told The World About Aurora — His Reddit posts from his Denver bedroom offered the best live coverage through the night and morning. “It feels like I'm helping out people who need to know this stuff.” — In the early morning, as professional media scrambled …
FishbowlLA and Poynter

Reddit covers the Colorado movie theater shooting — In the early morning hours Friday, “Peener13″ started a thread on Reddit called “Someone came into our theater at the midnight release of Dark Knight Rises and began opening fire. Who here on Reddit can help me calm my nerves?
GigaOM, Mediaite, TechCrunch, Denver Post, Gawker, Slate, HyperVocal and Daily Dot

Aurora shootings: The Denver TV station everyone is watching — Skim today's coverage of the shooting rampage in Aurora, Colo., and you'll find a lot of big news operations scrambling to piece together a story. Not a lot of outlets field full-time reporting teams in Denver …
USA Today, New York Times and Hit & Run

Warner Brothers Assesses Potential Responses on “Dark Knight” — LOS ANGELES — Executives for Warner Brothers were still assessing the implications on Friday of the deadly shooting in Aurora, Colo., at a midnight showing of its big-budget film “The Dark Knight Rises.”

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Paris Premiere Cancelled Due to Colorado Shootings — Christopher Nolan and cast members Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman also scrapped press interviews after learning of the Denver movie theater attack. — Plans for The Dark Knight Rises have fallen through …
CBS New York, Mediaite, Media Decoder, Mashable!, Guardian,,, Hot Air, Gawker, The Huffington Post, Softpedia News and

UPDATE: Warner Bros Pulls Trailer Of Gangster Shooting Up Movie Theater
Gawker, The Wrap, Business Insider, Los Angeles Times, Mediaite and FishbowlLA

Viacom Is Said To Get Over $600 Million A Year From DirecTV — Viacom Inc. (VIAB) will get more than $600 million a year from DirecTV (DTV) in programming fees under their new seven-year agreement, up at least 20 percent from the previous terms, a person with direct knowledge of the matter said.

Viacom's $5 Billion DirecTV Deal Keeps the Bundle Intact for Seven More Years
Radio & Television …, Mediaite and Forbes

“Yes, Keep Moving”: Marissa Mayer's First Memo to Yahoos (Natch!) — While I might abandon my internal memo-quest at Yahoo at some point soon, I wanted to make sure to post the very first one from newly installed — and extraordinarily well-paid — CEO Marissa Mayer.
Forbes Real Time, ReadWriteWeb, PC Magazine, VentureBeat, Business Insider, CNET, San Francisco Chronicle and WebProNews

Mayer to Get Close to $60 Million (And Maybe More) in Overall Compensation for Yahoo's Top Job
Forbes Real Time, Wall Street Journal, AllThingsD, Fortune, Globe and Mail, the Econsultancy blog, MediaPost, NetNewsCheck Latest, ZDNet, Betabeat, Bits, GeekWire, paidContent and Reuters

Sorkin cleaning the “Newsroom” — Aaron Sorkin has been doing press all week defending his critically-panned HBO show, “The Newsroom,” but behind the scenes he's cleaning house. Most of the writers on the cable drama about a Keith Olbermann-type television news demagogue have been fired …
Discussion:, Business Insider, ArtsBeat and Salon

How to worry about a clicks-driven Times-Picayune — A departing reporter's worst-case fears — If clicks drove coverage at The Times-Picayune in New Orleans —a more realistic prospect than it's ever been—what kind of publication would we get? We can look at past traffic and get a rough answer …

v1 — As betaworks and Digg both announced on their blogs, we are taking over Digg and turning it back into a startup. What they didn't mention is that we're rebuilding it from scratch. In six weeks. — On August 1, after an adrenaline and caffeine-fueled six weeks, we're rolling out a new v1.
Betabeat, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Fast Company, CNET, Mashable!, The Next Web, @digg and Technology Review

Why paywall journalism is changing how journalists write — The introduction of online paywalls is changing the way journalists write and this means an audience adjustment says Tim Burrowes. — I was taught that the perfect length for an intro was 24 words - anything between 18 and 32 was acceptable, but 24 the ideal.

WSJ Plans Friday Real Estate — The Wall Street Journal will introduce a weekly real-estate section targeting high-end buyers, one of several investments that the newspaper is considering, at a time when its parent company, News Corp., is preparing to spin off the paper along with other publishing assets.
FishbowlNY, Capital New York and Talking Biz News

Killing of Fauquier reporter remains a mystery — UPPERVILLE, VA. — Before she went to bed two Sundays ago, Sarah Libbey Greenhalgh popped a final message up on her Facebook page. She said she was going to sleep with her windows open and would rest peacefully as long as “crazy boy left me alone.”
The Newspaper Guild

The music business: Universal's gamble — UK Only Article: standard article Issue: Towards the endgame Fly Title: The music business Rubric: A musical merger could create a new model, or a dozy mammoth Main image: Hard times force singers to wear old sweet wrappers A WISE gamble involves knowing …