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twitterfail ethics & economics — Twitter is going to have to learn the lesson that newspapers had to learn when they started accepting advertising: that when trust is your asset, you must run your service and your business according to principles of trust.
Erik Wemple, CNET, Forbes and When Media Collide

London Olympics 2012: Twitter 'alerted NBC to British journalist's critical tweets' — Users of the social network vented their anger against Twitter yesterday after Guy Adams, a foreign correspondent for the Independent, was suspended without warning from the site after posting a series …
Poynter, The Independent, Associated Press, Telegraph, The Verge and Guardian

#NBCFail: Backlash as Twitter locks out reporter Guy Adams — The US television broadcaster NBC was at the centre of controversy last night after it persuaded Twitter to suspend an Independent journalist who criticised its coverage of the Olympics. Guy Adams, this newspaper's Los Angeles correspondent …

NBC's No. 1 Tweeting Critic Has Been Suspended From Twitter — Guy Adams is The Independent's Los Angeles bureau chief. During the Olympics so far, he has carved out a nice spot on the how-much-NBC's-coverage-sucks beat. Now his Twitter account has been suspended—supposedly because NBC had it cut off after he complained:
Betabeat, ReadWriteWeb, Dan Gillmor, Forbes, GigaOM, Guardian, Erik Wemple, NBC Universal, Runnin' Scared, eMedia Vitals, TwitLonger, Search Engine Land, Mashable!, Poynter, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, Telegraph, BetaNews, The Next Web, The Latest Word, Reuters, CNET, The Verge, Business Insider, New York Magazine, VentureBeat, Techdirt, @producermatthew, LA Observed, The Wall Blog, TechCrunch, The Consumerist, @jeffjarvis, @producermatthew,, The Independent, Dave Winer, Felix and JIMROMENESKO.COM

Jonah Lehrer Resigns From New Yorker After Making Up Dylan Quotes for His Book — Jonah Lehrer, the staff writer for The New Yorker who apologized in June for recycling his previous work in articles, blogs and his bestselling book “Imagine,” resigned from the magazine, he said in a statement.
The Daily Beast, The Week, Forbes, Speakeasy, BBC, @jbflint, @davidfolkenflik, Poynter, @tcarmody, @poynter, The Huffington Post, Mashable!, FishbowlNY and Gawker

Jayson Blair: Jonah Lehrer's story reminds me of my own — The former New York Times reporter says fabulists cross the line out of fear they can't live up to expectations — Jonah Lehrer resigned his position at the New Yorker today after admitting that he fabricated the Bob Dylan quotes he used in his new best-seller, “Imagine.”
Poynter, JIMROMENESKO.COM, BuzzFeed, WWD and The Wrap

Jonah Lehrer's Deceptions — The celebrated journalist fabricated Bob Dylan quotes in his new book, Imagine: How Creativity Works. “It's a hard thing to describe,” Bob Dylan once mused about the creative process. “It's just this sense that you got something to say.”
Media News, Poynter, GOOD, CJR, Forbes, Erik Wemple, Guardian, Politico, @mikeriggs, @chansteele, @felixsalmon, @juliebosman, Mediaite, New York Magazine, paidContent and GalleyCat

Q & A: Michael C. Moynihan, The Blogger Who Uncovered Jonah Lehrer's Fabrication Problem — Long story short, over the last three weeks, widely ballyhooed author, contemporary thinker, and erstwhile New Yorker writer Jonah Lehrer has been questioned for what one reporter suspected …
Discussion:, The Corsair and Forbes

Exclusive: Ross Levinsohn Departs Yahoo — As I previously reported he likely would, top Yahoo exec Ross Levinsohn — who lost the CEO race to former Google exec Marissa Mayer — is leaving the company, according to several sources. — Mayer also just sent a note to the company about the departure …

Here's the Do-Not-Forward Mayer Memo Bidding Goodbye to Ross “The Hair” …
NetNewsCheck Latest, ValueWalk and The Verge

Nielsen Sued for Billions Over Allegedly Manipulated TV Ratings — In a huge new lawsuit, the business of TV ratings is fingered for rampant corruption by India's largest TV news network. — New Delhi Television Limited, India's oldest and largest news network, has lobbed a legal grenade at The Nielsen Company.
Beyond Search and TVNewser

Mitt Romney Spokesman Tells Reporters ‘Kiss My...’ at Polish Holy Site — WARSAW — Reporters traveling with Mitt Romney on his six-day foreign trip were reprimanded by a spokesman for asking the candidate questions after several days passed without a press conference.
Politico, CNN, The Huffington Post, ABCNEWS, ABCNEWS and Chickaboomer

Insecure reporters need to stiffen their backbone — Should reporters allow their sources to alter a quote after it has been spoken, or even to review drafts of their stories before publication? — In the former, I say usually no. In the latter, I say “Hell, no.”

Sun journalist arrested in Operation Tuleta investigation into stolen phones — A 37-year-old man arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods during probe into alleged criminal breaches of privacy — A 37-year-old Sun journalist has been arrested by Metropolitan police detectives …

Few answers for reporter who covered Columbine, Aurora theater shooting — I am a local television reporter. — I never traveled to Afghanistan. I didn't cover the war in Iraq. I work for CBS in Denver, Colorado. To foreign network correspondents, that might seem dull.