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More questions raised about Fareed Zakaria's work — Columnist and TV host Fareed Zakaria, who acknowledged plagiarizing parts of a magazine article last week, appears to have also published without attribution a passage from a 2005 book. — Zakaria's 2008 book, “The Post-American World …
The Daily Beast, Poynter, The Atlantic Online, Plagiarism Today and The Huffington Post

Fareed Zakaria Responds to the Charge of Quote-Stealing — In my previous post, I discussed an incident from 2009 (an incident I had completely forgotten about until it was resurrected by The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, among others) in which Fareed Zakaria …

Newsroom responses to Zakaria plagiarism reveal lack of consistency, transparency
Salon, Erik Wemple, Politico,, The Huffington Post and Poynter

Julian Assange will be granted asylum, says official — Ecuador's president Rafael Correa has agreed to give the WikiLeaks founder asylum, according to an official in Quito — Ecuador's president Rafael Correa has agreed to give Julian Assange asylum, officials within Ecuador's government have said.
Gawker, The Atlantic Wire, CNET and Foreign Policy

Assange seeks London-Quito ticket but Sweden looms — (Reuters) - Britain is determined to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden and has made that clear to Ecuador, which is sheltering the founder of WikiLeaks inside its London embassy while it considers his asylum request, British authorities said on Tuesday.

Is Paul Ryan a Ticking Time Bomb as Mitt Romney's Running Mate? — The congressman is getting glowing press, but journalists are just starting to examine his record. Howard Kurtz on the long paper trail that could alienate moderate swing-state voters just getting to know Paul Ryan.
Forbes, Erik Wemple, New York Times, The Daily Beast, Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Caucus and Paul Krugman

Romney Campaign Bars Press From Ryan, Adelson Event — LAKEWOOD, Colorado — Presumptive Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan's first major fundraiser will be closed to the press, in apparent violation of the Romney-Ryan campaign's oft-strained agreement with the reporters who cover the campaign.
Yahoo! News and The Huffington Post

NY photojournalist gets cameras back after arrest, but not press credentials — Robert Stolarik's cameras were confiscated when he was arrested on Aug. 4 while photographing police on a public street. He has them back now, but he still hasn't received his press credentials.
Hit & Run, NPPA Advocacy Committee and The Huffington Post

Criminalizing Photography — Mickey H. Osterreicher …
Hit & Run, Media Decoder and The FJP

Leading Variety bidder is owner of National Enquirer — An owner of the National Enquirer's parent company is now the leading bidder for Hollywood trade paper Variety. (Variety website / August 13, 2012) — Avenue Capital, a New York hedge fund whose holdings include the parent company …

NBC Wonders if It Should Have Actually Tape-Delayed the Olympics More — Games Drew 219.4 Million Viewers, Becoming Most-Watched TV Event — The London Olympics drew 219.4 million U.S. viewers as gold-medal performances by Americans bolstered ratings, according to NBC …

NBC Says Nearly 220 Million Watched the Olympics
Poynter, ReadWriteWeb, Media News, Multichannel, Broadcasting & Cable, Forbes, AllThingsD, MediaFile, Speakeasy and Rolling Stone

After a deal falls apart, Homicide Watch D.C. is going on hiatus — The Internet famously enabled anyone to become a publisher. A tiny outfit of one or two people can, when the stars align, have the same claim on your attention as a major media company with thousands of employees.
NetNewsCheck Latest

Actually, Bloomberg Businessweek Won't Scold You for Spritzers — It's okay to mix a little pleasure with business at Bloomberg Businessweek. After The Economist ran a short piece about “The boredom of boozeless business,” (a paean to drinking at work) the magazine was prompted to post …

Live broadcast: Why The Huffington Post and are getting into streaming media — Can a news site become a TV network? Or a radio station? Or if it can't become one, can it at least grow to include one? — These aren't theoretical questions, as Monday saw the launch of HuffPost Live …
PSFK, PC Magazine, Digiday, C21Media, Felix Salmon, eMedia Vitals, LA Observed, Guardian, VideoNuze Analysis, and MinOnline