Top News:

Elisabeth Murdoch turns on her father and brother in MacTaggart lecture — Tensions within the world's most powerful media family were dramatically laid bare on Thursday when Elisabeth Murdoch set out her own vision of media leadership, emphasising humanity over profit and criticising …
Guardian, Reuters and @peterlauria3

Elisabeth Murdoch distances herself from family — The divisions within the family became explicit for the first time as Elisabeth accused her brother, the deputy chief operating officer of News Corp, of focusing on profit without addressing the issue of “purpose”, something she described as “a recipe for disaster”.

Harriet Harman calls for cross-party action to limit Murdochs' power in UK
The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, and Scotsman

Exclusive: Digital Chief Jon Miller Leaves News Corp. — According to sources close to the situation, News Corp.'s Chief Digital Officer Jon Miller will be leaving the media giant soon. — It seems to be a cordial, though perhaps inevitable, parting — sources said Miller will remain …

NYPD Returns NY Times Photographer's Press Credentials — Today (8/23/12) the New York Police Department (NYPD) returned the press credentials of a New York Times photographer who had his equipment and credentials seized following his arrest on August 4th. Robert Stolarik …
New York Magazine, Poynter and Gothamist

Despite #NBCFail, NBC and Twitter Say Partnership Was Success — If you followed the griping by Twitter users about NBC's handling of the Olympic Games, you might think the NBC-Twitter Olympics partnership was an epic disaster. NBC's decision to time-delay most events prompted angry kvetching …

Ex-NPR Hill reporter: Lied to daily — After 14 years at National Public Radio, Andrea Seabrook left in July and, to hear her talk about her experience covering Capitol Hill, it's clear that she had one takeaway: It's damn frustrating. “I realized that there is a part of covering Congress …
@jayrosen_nyu and The FJP

DOJ compares Apple and publishers to big oil in ebooks case — In a filing late Wednesday in response to Apple and book publishers, the Department of Justice reiterates its claim that agency pricing and the alleged conspiracy have resulted in “unmistakable consumer harm,” but refuses to release its ebook pricing analysis.

Newsweek's Revolving Doors — HEADING OUT: Newsweek's revolving doors keep on spinning. Dirk Barnett, creative director, is leaving to join the greener pastures of The New Republic. Barnett is a big loss following what have been already brutal back-to-back weeks of bad press for the newsweekly.
The New York Observer and Politico

Tribune Creditors Win Potential Halt To Bankruptcy Plan — Tribune Co. creditors won the chance to temporarily halt the television and newspaper company's exit from bankruptcy should they agree to post a $1.5 billion bond, a judge ruled. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Kevin Carey agreed with noteholders …

Fox News Outs Navy SEAL Team 6 Author — The former Navy SEAL Team 6 member and anonymous author of a soon to be released tell-all book about the mission to kill Osama bin Laden better hire a security guard and a good lawyer: He's just been outed by Fox News.
Discussion:, Media Decoder, Mother Jones, Gawker, Guardian, Business Insider, Politico, New York Magazine and @huffpostmedia

Morgan Spurlock joins Anthony Bourdain in CNN's new-look weekend lineup — With its ratings spiraling, CNN continues to add celebrities and entertainment programming to its lineup. The latest addition to the roster is a weekly series called “Inside Man,” in which the Oscar-nominated …

Prince Harry naked pictures: royal aides threatened legal action against papers — Prince Charles's royal aides threatened legal action against newspapers if they published photographs of Prince Harry naked in a Las Vegas hotel room, despite the fact they were freely available on the internet.
@debgalant, The Daily Beast and The Huffington Post UK

ABC News still waiting to hear from Tony Scott's family before addressing brain cancer report — ABC News still hasn't confirmed whether Tony Scott had inoperable brain cancer, despite reporting that he did and then acknowledging doubts about the accuracy of its initial single-sourced report.
L.A. NOW, Los Angeles Times and Boing Boing