Top News:

Village Voice Media Execs Acquire The Company's Famed Alt Weeklies, Form New Holding Company — A group of long-running alternative weekly newspapers is changing hands. Village Voice Media Holdings — whose titles include the LA Weekly, Westword, and, yes, the Village Voice …
PR Newswire, Arizona Republic, Forbes, The Latest Word, Poynter, NetNewsCheck Latest, Street Fight, @tromano, AAN, Navel Gazing, Village Voice and Guardian

Village Voice spins off — New York's iconic Village Voice and a dozen other weekly newspapers are parting ways with Backpage, a controversial classified site tied to alleged sex trafficking. The split will result in the creation of a new ownership group that is focused solely on news and events.
New York Magazine,, New York Post, Big News and

Village Voice Management Buyout Leaves Behind — The Move Rids Management of a Headache, Takes Away Leverage for Critics — A group of Village Voice Media's senior managers has agreed to buy from its current ownership the print publications and digital properties — with the notable exclusion of
The Atlantic Wire, FishbowlNY and The Raw Story

Covering the World of Business, Digital Only — Business titans are generally not prone to self-appraisal, and when they do take stock, it usually begins and ends with a list of their conquests. — David G. Bradley, the owner of Atlantic Media, has never been like that.
LA Observed, Mashable!, @zseward, @blakehounshell, PandoDaily and NetNewsCheck Latest

Quartz Shoots for Tablet and Mobile Readers, but Doesn't Arm Itself With an App — After a summer of buzz, Quartz, Atlantic Media's new business news site, lights up today. — Pro Tip 1: If you want to see what the fuss is about, head over to, not*.
Talking Biz News

A broadband levy to fund journalism? Now that's a very clever idea — Has David Leigh cracked it? We have been puzzling for years about how to subsidise journalism once it makes the final transition from print to net (see here and here and here). One obvious model is the funding of the BBC through its licence fee.
@digidickinson and

Taxing Broadband to Save Journalism is One Big, Stupid Idea. We Need a Thousand Small, Smart Ones
Charlie Beckett and Forbes

Guardian's chief investigator wants ISP tax to fund journalism
GigaOM, Telegraph, on, The Wall Blog, Guardian, NetNewsCheck Latest, Media Week, @brokenbottleboy, @benedictevans, @willardfoxton, @onthemedia and @brokenbottleboy

Exit interview: Brisbane says New York Times Public Editor job is ‘not a conversation’ — Arthur Brisbane's New York Times email address has been shut off, and he sounds pretty happy about it. — “I'm trying to decompress,” he told me two days after his stint as the fourth public editor of The New York Times came to an end.

Homicide Watch DC wins Online Journalism Award for public service — Crime reporting site Homicide Watch DC, which recently crowdfunded more than $40,000 to secure its survival through the creation of a student reporting lab, was named as one of the winners of the Online Journalism Awards at the weekend.
MediaShift and Big News

The Trentonian unveils Homicide Watch
Digital First Media

Operation Elveden: senior Met officer DCI April Casburn charged — A police officer has been charged with misconduct in public office after allegedly contacting the now-defunct News of the World with information, the Crown Prosecution Service has announced.

Hillary Clinton Aide Tells Reporter To “F**k Off” And “Have A Nice Life” — On Sunday morning, BuzzFeed correspondent Michael Hastings emailed Philippe Reines, Hillary Clinton's longtime aide and personal spokesman at the State Department, asking a series of pointed questions about State's handling …

New York Times closes on $300M sale of About Group — NEW YORK — The New York Times has completed its $300 million sale of The About Group to Barry Diller's IAC/InterActiveCorp. — IAC, which operates online businesses including Newsweek, The Daily Beast and dating site, announced the deal last month.
Media Decoder

Tim Tebow Featured in Vogue, GQ — TEBOW'S CHOICE: Tim Tebow loves his fashion magazines. But fashion magazines that might actually know a thing or two about football and employ knowledgeable sports writers? Apparently, not so much. — Just ask Vogue and GQ.