Top News:

For politically playful news orgs, the 2012 election means social interactivity — Wanna make your own over-the-top Bobby Newport-style political attack ad? — PBS NewsHour is on it. This week it launched Ad Libs 2012, an interactive feature that has you pick quotes and photos …

Amazon to Kindle customers: There's an antitrust refund incoming — Amazon has begun notifying Kindle users that they may have a refund on ebook purchases in the pipeline, in the aftermath of the antitrust settlement around price-fixing by publishers. The message, sent out to users …
Reuters, Ars Technica and CNET

Founder Richard MacManus Departs ReadWriteWeb To Work On A Book — Richard MacManus, who founded tech blog ReadWriteWeb all the way back in 2003 and served as its editor in chief, has announced (through a post on his personal blog) that he's leaving the site.
RicMac and ReadWriteWeb

Lessons in how to crowdsource journalism from ProPublica — The idea of “crowdsourcing” has become more or less mainstream by now — thanks in part to the rise of social apps and services like Mechanical Turk and Kickstarter — and we've already seen how journalists can use Twitter …
CJR, Thanks:@mterenzio

Quartz Scores with Designers — Launched last month, Quartz, the Atlantic Media Company's foray into mobile-first publication, has gone all-in on responsive design. Quartz debuted as part of a crop of new publications designed for the post-desktop era, rather than retrofitted for it …

UK to review social media laws — A freedom of information request revealed that there were 2,347 investigations after complaints regarding posts on social media in 2010. This number rose to 2,490 in 2011 - about 50 different cases across the UK each week.

Time Out claims it is winning back lapsed readers — Distribution increases six fold after listings magazine abandoned cover price last month — Time Out is claiming lapsed readers have returned to the magazine after it went free last month and increased distribution six fold.

Research Libraries Increase Spending on Digital Materials — Spending by research libraries appears to be rising, especially for digital materials, according to new data from the Association of Research Libraries. — The data are part of the association's Library Investment Index …

A Web survey isn't a poll, CNBC — The network's tweet creates a misleading media narrative on the veep debate — Whoever was running the CNBC Twitter feed last night didn't know the difference between a scientific poll and a Web poll: … As I'm writing this, that misinformation has been retweeted 4,838 times, favorited 405.
Media Decoder, TVNewser, CNBC, Mediaite, The Daily Beast, Hot Air, The New Yorker Blog, Forbes, National Review, Cable Television News, Chickaboomer and Broadcasting & Cable

Why Margaret Sullivan is right to be wrong — I was one of the “oxpeckers” quoted by Joe Coscarelli giving the new NYT public editor, Margaret Sullivan, a “rapturous reception” — not on the grounds that she was particularly spot-on in her judgments, but rather on the grounds …
Forbes, Poynter, The Atlantic Wire, Gawker and Capital New York

Comment Voting: Ars Technica's new solution to shills and kooks — For many news sites, reader comments add extra insight and a sense of community. Unfortunately, comment sections are also a playpen for cranks, hucksters, fanboys and conspiracy theorists.