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Why the NYT announced Obama's win 49 minutes after Obama did — Last night, as the results of the 2012 election rolled in, millions of Americans were glued to their TVs, computers and smartphones. But depending on what they were watching and reading, some of them were either breaking …
Forbes,, TechCrunch and Mashable!

Nate Silver wins, and data is vindicated — New York Times polling blogger Nate Silver appears to have called every state correctly Tuesday after being needled for weeks by political commentators who ridiculed his method for forecasting election results. — Salon's Jacob Sugarman posts two vindicatory maps.
Forbes, Politico, Washington Examiner and Slate

The US election was a wake up call for data illiterate journalists — So Nate Silver won in 50 states; big data was the winner; and Nate Silver and data won the election. And somewhere along the lines some guy called Obama won something, too. — Elections set the pace …
Newsday, TechCrunch, Mashable!, CNET, @sulliview, Gawker, Wired, Salon, Charlie Beckett and The New Republic

Obama wins, Nate Silver wins, tech wins … Nate Silver was right. — The math whiz - or, as he would refer to himself, aggregator of polls - predicted the outcome of the election perfectly (as of 1am). It's a win for data over gut. Because Silver reached his audience via Twitter and his blog …
Forbes, Guardian and Rolling Stone

Rachel Maddow Rips Karl Rove On Fox News — Rachel Maddow ripped Karl Rove for disputing President Obama's victory on Fox News on Tuesday night. Fox News had called the election for Obama when Rove, a Fox News contributor, began to argue with the network about the announcement.
Baltimore Sun and Chickaboomer

The Five Stages of Fox News Grief — In Fox News' election coverage Tuesday night, there was little pretense of fairness or balance. What there was, from the start, was a glum tone that turned downright funereal by the time Mitt Romney finally conceded, near 1 a.m. To watch the network's anchors …

Republican Karl Rove calls Barack Obama Fox News projection ‘premature’
The Huffington Post, @huffpostmedia and

25 election front pages let pictures speak louder with words — Photography dominated most of today's front pages, with very few words announcing President Obama's re-election. Several of the papers below illustrate the power of a single word. A few papers (shown at bottom) …
New York Times

ABC's Diane Sawyer spurs jokes from Twitterverse
Gawker and The Atlantic Wire

On Election Day 2012, Twitter Kills the Great White Fail Whale — In one pithy, three-word sentence, Twitter creative lead Doug Bowman summed up the microblogging service's election day perfectly: — “RIP Fail Whale.” — Indeed, all throughout Nov. 6, that cutesy, once-ubiquitous cartoon …
Betabeat and Venture Capital Dispatch

Move over, Obama; Twitter had a big night too — (Reuters) - President Barack Obama called it - in less than 140 characters. Around 11:15 pm EST, just as the networks were beginning to call the race in his favor, Obama took to Twitter to proclaim himself the winner over Republican candidate Mitt Romney.
PC Magazine, Twitter Blog, Mashable! and SocialTimes

Mirror Group journalists questioned by company lawyers over alleged hacking — Journalists at Mirror Group Newspapers are being formally interviewed by company lawyers in response to legal action launched last month over alleged phone hacking. Several journalists working …

Arrested Sun journalists are between a rock and a hard place — Arrested Sun journalists are finding themselves caught between a rock and hard place as they contemplate their dilemma while on police bail. Some of them would like to help Scotland Yard police who are investigating …

Pearson Said Exploring Financial Times Sale as CEO Leaves — Pearson Plc (PSON) is planning to explore a sale of the Financial Times newspaper, as the company focuses on its faster-growing education business, people with knowledge of the situation said. — The company has decided …
CJR, Guardian, Telegraph, Quartz, @felixsalmon, Reuters, @dansabbagh, @dansabbagh, Bookseller news and FT Alphaville

F.T. Up for Sale, Report Says, but Pearson Says Not So Fast
Quartz and Talking Biz News

News Corp Takes $67 Million Charge on Phone-Hacking Scandal — News Corp . said Tuesday that it took a $67 million charge on its quarterly results related to an ongoing investigation into a series of scandals that it initiated when the company closed its weekly tabloid, News of the World.
Wall Street Journal

News Corp. Boosts Profit After Making Gains in TV Advertising
Cable Television News, Reuters, Los Angeles Times, Agence France Presse and Fox Business

News Corp. Earnings Boosted by Gain
AllThingsD and Sydney Morning Herald

If Facebook isn't thinking about buying Tumblr, it should be — It might seem a little early to start talking about potential Facebook acquisitions considering the social network just completed its $736-million purchase of Instagram, and its share price is still 40 percent lower than it was when the company went public.
Forbes and PandoDaily

With Mobile Impressions, Tumblr Pushes Past 20 Billion Pageviews A Month
Click Here Blog, Betabeat, Softpedia News and The Verge

Fewer Cords Cut but Higher Customer Acquisition Costs for Dish — Blames Subscriber Losses on Telecom Rivals, Poor Economy — Dish Network, the second-largest U.S. satellite-TV provider, reported a surprise third-quarter loss and revenue that trailed analysts' estimates.
Cable Television News

Cable Networks Help Time Warner's Quarterly Profit — A strong quarter at Time Warner's suite of cable networks contributed to the company's 1.9 percent increase in third-quarter net profit, but revenue was offset by continued weakness at its magazine and movie divisions.