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Independent Booksellers Sue Amazon and Publishers Over E-Books — Three independent brick-and-mortar bookstores have filed a lawsuit against Amazon and the big six publishers, claiming that they have violated antitrust laws by collaborating to keep small sellers out of the e-book market.
paidContent,, GeekWire and

Indie booksellers sue Amazon and big publishers over DRM (but have no idea what “DRM” and “open source” mean) — A group of independent booksellers have filed a suit against Amazon and the major publishers for their use of DRM, which, the booksellers say, freezes them out of the ebook market:
The Huffington Post and Melville House Books

New York Times Co. Puts Boston Globe Up for Sale — New York Times Co. is formally exploring a sale of the Boston Globe, its only remaining business outside the core New York Times media brand. The publisher is working with Evercore Partners Inc. as an adviser for a sale, Times Co. said today in a statement.
Fast Company, Columbia Journalism Review, JIMROMENESKO.COM, Poynter, Daily Download, The Boston Globe, Media Nation, @bloombergnews, BostInno, Media & Entertainment, New York Magazine, NetNewsCheck Latest, @reuters, @justinnxt, @choire, @mlcalderone, @jackshafer, @tmcgev, @daweiner, Adweek, FishbowlNY, Capital New York, @jaredbkeller, Reuters, @jaredbkeller, Mashable! and paidContent

The New York Times Company Announces Plan to Sell the Boston Globe and Related Properties
Media Decoder, Boston Globe, Politico, Slate, paidContent, The Huffington Post, Guardian, The Wrap, AllThingsD, @jaredbkeller, @justinnxt, @jbenton, The New York Observer and Capital New York

BBC Trust chairman says executives misled him over Jimmy Savile scandal — Long-awaited report into handling of Newsnight debacle to be released on Friday — Lord Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust, has voiced his sense of betrayal at the BBC executives who led him to put his faith …
Hollywood Reporter

Double RTS win for Savile documentary-maker: ‘Recognition of the role media can plan in exposing wrongdoing’ — Jimmy Savile documenter Mark Williams-Thomas believes his two Royal Television Society awards are a “recognition of the role the media can play in exposing wrong-doing”.

Nielsen Agrees to Expand Definition of TV Viewing — After a meeting in New York Tuesday, the ratings company will roll out a system to measure broadband, Xbox and, in time, iPads, with more changes to come. — The Nielsen Co. is expanding its definition of television and will introduce …
Gizmodo, The Verge and App Advice

Greece's Economic Crisis Reveals Fault Lines In The Media … Three years of spiraling economic crisis in Greece have devastated every sector of the economy. The Greek media are among the hardest hit. Many newspapers and TV outlets have closed or are on the verge, and some 4,000 journalists have lost their jobs.
@razlan79 and @vassiouti

Why no one is talking about Yahoo's—or anyone else's—new homepage — Yahoo has a new homepage, but you'd be forgiven for not noticing, since fewer people than ever are visiting it. In December 2012, for example, traffic to the domain was down 24% from a year ago.
PandoDaily and Fast Company

Yahoo's latest attempt to reinvent the portal is too little and too late
Business Insider, BGR, ReadWrite, Audience Development,, NetNewsCheck Latest and eMedia Vitals

Soledad O'Brien Is Not a Part of Jeff Zucker's Vision for CNN — It looks like one of CNN's most liked stars won't fit at the burgeoning home of poop-cruise story torture and soft morning news — this is new president Jeff Zucker's CNN, and Soledad O'Brien is not it.

AOL's Grand Human-Heavy Local News Experiment Is Coming To An End — AOL seems to be radically changing its plans for Patch, it's network of local news sites. — We've heard from insiders that the division is pivoting away from a human editor centric model, toward one where local sites …

How Netflix and the Internet Might Impact This Year's Emmy Race — Broadcast network execs have long grumbled about their shows having to compete against edgy, star-driven and sometimes bigger budgeted cable fare at the Emmy Awards. But now broadcast and cable foes may find themselves united …
Daily Dot

Eugene Patterson and Aaron Swartz: Ghosts speaking across the page — They died the same weekend, one 26, a prodigy of the Internet age who took his own life, the other an 89-year-old whose moral battles were waged on newsprint and whose final assignment was editing the Old Testament.