Top News:

David Gregory Is What's Wrong With Washington — There has been an understandable collective wince at David Gregory's asking a fellow-journalist whether he should go to jail (I speak of Glenn Greenwald) for helping a whistle-blower. Now, as readers know, I'm somewhat skeptical …
New York Times, Erik Wemple, Skating on Stilts, Pressthink, Kirk LaPointe's …, FishbowlNY, The Week and Pressing Issues

China Said to Have Made Call to Let Leaker Depart — BEIJING — The Chinese government made the final decision to allow Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, to leave Hong Kong on Sunday, a move that Beijing believed resolved a tough diplomatic problem even as it reaped …
CNN, Guardian, Business Insider, Mashable, HKSAR, The New Yorker Blog, Reuters, Quartz, @editorialiste and RT

WikiLeaks: We Know Where Snowden Is, But We're Not Telling You — Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who has been officially indicted by the United States under the Espionage Act, is en route to Ecuador, one of at least two countries in which he is seeking asylum, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said today on a call with reporters.

Edward Snowden Didn't Show For Flight From Moscow To Havana, Cuba, And Now A Bunch Of Journalists Are Stuck On The Plane
New York Times, Guardian, TVNewser, Gawker, Forbes, @guardianworld, Reuters, @howardkurtz, Associated Press and BuzzFeed

WikiLeaks Spokesperson Says Group May Publish Snowden's Remaining Material
TechCrunch and Talking Points Memo

Facebook, With a Focus on Mobile, Works on Project for News Via Users — Facebook Inc. is aiming to become a newspaper for mobile devices. — The social network has been quietly working on a service, internally called Reader, that displays content from Facebook users and publishers …
The Verge, Businessweek, Betabeat, paidContent, SocialTimes, Digits, Marketing Pilgrim, SlashGear, Marketing Land, Business Insider, 24/7 Wall St., ReadWrite, VentureBeat, VatorNews, Pocket-lint, Gizmodo, WebProNews, Mashable, The Next Web, Softpedia News, Media News, Engadget, NetNewsCheck Latest, CNET, 9to5Mac, Electronista, App Advice and AllThingsD

Hollywood's New Screen Test — Big Studios' Korea Experiment Rents Movies on Demand While Still in Theaters — Two Hollywood studios have quietly begun testing a controversial business model in South Korea after years of failed efforts in the U.S.: renting movies via video on demand while they are still playing in theaters.
Discussion:, VentureBeat, CNET, Plagiarism Today and Los Angeles Times

Pressure grows on Lord Leveson to explain why he ignored hacking beyond the press — Lord Justice Leveson is facing mounting questions over why he decided to ignore a bombshell report detailing serious and widespread corruption among police and private investigators that was passed to his inquiry.

British Invasion Reshuffles U.S. Media — On Thursday night, the host of “The Daily Show” riffed on Paula Deen's liberal use of both butter and racial slurs, chatted about journalism with Tom Brokaw and parodied the gangster code of honor that has been in the news in the Whitey Bulger trial.
Capital New York and Guardian

Magazines' iPad Editions See 24% Ad Boost in Q1 — Kantar/PIB Report Shows Uptick, But Buyers Seek More Performance Data From Publishers — Magazine publishers are seeing more advertisers warm up to their iPad editions. — In the first quarter, the number of ad units …
FishbowlNY and eMedia Vitals

3 signs you've left your job: creator of “BuzzFeed Lists” departs — Scott Lamb, who laid the foundation for much of BuzzFeed, has left the company. It's unclear why or where he is going next. — Scott Lamb, the man who created BuzzFeed's infamous listicles — such as …

Freelance Writing Online: What Are You Worth? — I didn't know what I would get paid to write this article. I didn't ask. It doesn't matter. It won't make a tangible dent in paying the rent on my apartment in Brooklyn, or, for that matter, rent on an apartment in any other city.

Q&A: Digg's Andrew McLaughlin and Jake Levine Race to Replace Google Reader — For people who have grown accustomed to having their online news delivered throughout the day in neatly stacked headlines from all their favorite blogs and publishers, this next week is a tough one.