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Nate Silver Went Against the Grain for Some at The Times — Why did Nate Silver decide to leave The New York Times and accept an offer from ESPN? — That's the cause of great speculation in media circles at the moment. As has been noted elsewhere, there's no question that The Times …
Jack Shafer, ESPN, Columbia Journalism Review, Mediaite, TIME, Poynter, Crikey, @fivethirtyeight, The Huffington Post, FishbowlNY, New York Magazine, The Wrap, New Republic, @tcarmody, @karaswisher, @jayrosen_nyu, @dylanbyers, Broadcasting & Cable, @thestalwart, paidContent, @tcarmody, @jayrosen_nyu,, Media & Entertainment, Mother Jones, @dicktofel, Mashable, @myraemacdonald, Forbes, GalleyCat, GigaOM, @risingaction, @andrewrchow, @benjysarlin, @jonathanglick, The Big Picture, Talking Points Memo, TVNewser, The Raw Story, Slate, The Week and Politico

Nate Silver's Blog to Be Its Own ESPN Franchise
JIMROMENESKO.COM, Guardian, @alexweprin, @lucas_shaw, Hollywood Reporter, The Verge, TVNewser and Variety

The Story after the Story: Remembering Armando Montaño a Year Later — Mando in full form in DC on a trip to the Newseum, which he jokingly referred to as his future wedding location. — A YEAR AGO this week, I found myself in Shove Chapel on Colorado College's campus where …
JIMROMENESKO.COM, @stephenceasar, @bschraum, @bdelossantos1, @mike_littwin and @coindependent

Exclusive: Yahoo Loses Its Media Head, as Mickie Rosen Ankles From Company — According to sources, Yahoo's media head Mickie Rosen is leaving the Silicon Valley Internet giant. — Rosen, who reported to COO Henrique De Castro, is one of the highest-ranking execs to depart the company in recent months.
AllThingsD, TechCrunch, Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, PC World, @mat, Tech Trader Daily, @cnbc, @bmorrissey, @tcarmody, @saramorrison and Digits

After installing Marissa Mayer at Yahoo, activist investor Dan Loeb exits with a tidy profit — Loeb shook up Yahoo leadership and juiced the stock before selling his stake and heading for the door — Dan Loeb, the activist investor who led the charge to oust former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson …

Al Jazeera America Names ABC News' Kate O'Brian President — Ehab Al Shihabi, executive director for international operations, has been named as an interim CEO of the forthcoming channel. — A month ahead of Al Jazeera America's planned launch, the forthcoming international news channel is finally lining up its top executives.
Broadcasting & Cable, Mediaite, TVNewser, ABC News, New York Times, @jayrosen_nyu, Guardian, The Wrap, @jamesrbuk, @nycjim, @dylanbyers and @jayrosen_nyu

David Shuster Joining Al Jazeera America: Source
Variety, New York Magazine, TVNewser, The Wrap and Capital New York

Local Newscast Uses DMCA to Erase Air Crash Reporting Blunder — Local San Francisco television news station KTVU has embarked on a novel use of copyright law to cover up embarrassing footage. It has been issuing takedown notices to YouTube for videos showing its anchor literally reading fake names …
TVSpy, CNET, @jayrosen_nyu and SFist

KTVU-TV meets with AAJA following slip-up — Asian American Journalists Association — Leaders from the Asian American Journalists Association and KTVU-TV met Friday to talk about what led to the station's infamous slip-up. — Earlier this month, the station incorrectly named the pilots of Asiana Flight 214.

Dominic Mohan severs staff ties with Rupert Murdoch — Former Sun editor is no longer on the payroll and could be in line for severance package of more than £2m — Dominic Mohan, who was recently moved from his role as editor of the Sun, has left the staff of News Corporation …

Sun editor pleads not guilty to charges over alleged payments

Netflix Q2 2013 earnings show solid growth in revenue, a bit light on subscribers — Netflix said today that the web's top video-rental service generated revenue of $ 1.07 billion, and added 630,000 new domestic streaming subscribers during the company's second quarter.

Washington Post to launch new tech blog — Timothy B. Lee will lead the blog, which is to be called The Switch. Brian Fung and Andrea Peterson will join as reporters. The blog appears to be modeled a bit on Wonkbook, which Lee joined recently. Tech reporters Hayley Tsukayama, Cecilia Kang and Craig Timberg will also contribute.
Medium, Washington Post, FishbowlDC and @binarybits

Univision cancels popular ‘Piolín’ radio show — Univision has cancelled Eddie “Piolín” Sotelo's syndicated morning radio show, “Piolín por la Mañana.” — A Univision spokeswoman confirmed to KPCC that the show has been pulled, but the company would not give a reason for the cancellation.
HispanicAd,, Billboard, @giffordtweet,, Radio Ink Magazine, @robertfeder and @lajourno

SI's Peter King Launches MMQB Site — Sports Illustrated's best NFL mind has launched his own site, The MMQB (named after his wildly popular MMQB column on Joining King are a few other big names, like Greg Bedard, Jenny Vrentas and Robert Klemko.
Monday Morning Quarterback