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Sir David Frost, broadcaster and writer, dies at 74 — Veteran broadcaster Sir David Frost has died at the age of 74 after a suspected heart attack. — Sir David's career spanned journalism, comedy writing and daytime television presenting, including The Frost Report and That Was The Week That Was.
Al Jazeera English, Guardian, New York Times, TVNewser, Digital Spy, The Wrap, Mashable, The Independent, Telegraph, @beschlossdc, @bbcbreaking, @nycjim, @bbcnews, @davidgrann, @mcclatchydc and NPR

David Frost: a career in clips — From That Was The Week That Was to the Nixon interviews to al-Jazeera, Frost delivered 50 years of broadcasting excellence — The difficulty in describing Sir David Frost's career arises both from the sheer scale of it - he achieved national fame …
@bbcnews and Digital Spy

A Year in the Life of a Watchdog — IT'S a Monday morning in August — last Monday, to be precise — and more than 500 e-mails have arrived in the public editor's in-box. Some are spam. Some are requests for corrections or assignments, which can be sent to another desk.
@bmitch, @jayrosen_nyu, @sulliview and Pressing Issues

NSA Spied On Al Jazeera Communications — Arab news broadcaster Al Jazeera was spied on by the National Security Agency, according to documents seen by SPIEGEL. The US intelligence agency hacked into protected communication, a feat that was considered a particular success.
Washington Post, Boing Boing, The Verge, VentureBeat, The Next Web, @csoghoian, @pasternack, ABC News and The Daily Caller

Do online business models matter? — Nick Bilton has an odd column up about Business Insider and NSFWCorp — two publications which he has picked to represent the “reliant on ad revenue” and “reliant on subscription revenue” business models, respectively. He's particularly interested …
@thelepathy and @mathewi

Syria's Other Army: How the Hackers Wage War — At 5:41 P.M. on Tuesday, a tweet from the account of the hacker collective known as the Syrian Electronic Army, which supports the regime of Syria's President, Bashar al-Assad, said, “Media is going down...” It had been a couple of hours since …
Krebs on Security, Crikey and BBC

For News From Syrian Battleground, a Reliance on Social Media
GigaOM, @maryvale, @amlwhere, Foreign Policy, @sukille, @jncatron and @kirstinestewart

Syria Crisis: How the Networks Are Covering
Mediaite, Forbes, TVNewser, Hollywood Reporter, @huffpostmedia, The Fix, The New Yorker Blog, @saramorrison and The Public Editor's Journal

Network Correspondents Converge On Syria And Surrounding Countries

Press Adds ‘What if?’ to Five W's in France — PARIS — What does a newspaper do over the summer in a country where nearly everybody goes on vacation at the same time? — With many French journalists (and their sources) away from late July to late August and many vacationing readers less inclined …
@bachikarkaria, @africasacountry, @ibidibid and Corporate Intelligence

Egypt frees four-member Al Jazeera team — Four-man team set free after being detained for five days without charge, as three other staff are still in custody. — Egyptian authorities have freed a four-member team of Al Jazeera journalists after holding them in detention for five days without charge.

Murdoch's Papers Fight the Guardian (and Free Speech) — Journalism's circular firing squad, UK edition — While it might be a mite too early to assess the historic and political impact of Edward Snowden's leaks of top secret NSA documents, the first casualty is already clear: journalism.

Inside News Corp's $540 Million Bet on American Classrooms — In the middle of Brooklyn's high-end Dumbo neighborhood, 20 inner-city children sit around two wooden tables at what appears to be a small summer camp. Tablet computers are scattered across the tables, punctuated by plates of corn chips and bowls of salsa.

Does your editorial team support your digitisation strategy? — A newspaper's print employees can be its best digital ambassadors, by driving traffic to the online edition from print — with links. A recent study took a look at how well 102 German newspapers do just that.

CNN's ‘Crossfire’ to Debut One Week Earlier to Cover Syria — The political debate show is now scheduled to debut on September 9. — CNN is resurrecting Crossfire earlier than expected. — On Sunday, the network said that the political debate show would return on Monday …
@crossfirecnn, Politico, TVNewser, and

The newsonomics of big and little, from NBC News and GlobalPost to Thunderdome — Ah, the joys of big and of little. — In media businesses, little means few if any layers of bothersome decision-making. Agility. Nimbleness. Independence. All great and positive values.
@kdoctor, @jayrosen_nyu and @niemanlab