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Pew surveys of audience habits suggest perilous future for news — News organizations have been confronting the problem of a shrinking audience for more than a decade, but trends strongly suggest that these difficulties may only worsen over time. Today's younger and middle-aged audience seems unlikely …
@jeffjarvis, @emilybell, @terryheaton, @rajunarisetti, @brizzyc and Kirk LaPointe's<br …

Maybe news is just more efficient — I wonder whether Andrew Kohut got his analysis of Pew Research's latest survey of news consumption — as my West Virginia father would say — bassackwards. — Pew finds again that young people are spending less time with news — 46 minutes per day for millenials …

Kids Won't Read Investigative Journalism — But Maybe They'll Play a Videogame With the Same Message — It's hard enough to get adults to read serious journalism online. Even on its homepage, the Center for Investigative Reporting has “Read This Later” links to let readers save its articles …

The soul of a new machine: Gawker struggles with the slippery slope between viral and true — When you come across a viral story about a heart-warming incident that you know will get millions of pageviews, how closely should you look into the claims that the viral story is based on?
BuzzMachine, Medium, @paulcarr, @mattbors, @jayrosen_nyu, @qhardy and @antderosa

A Jump in C-Span's Ratings Amid the Government Shutdown — Given the meager approval ratings the public has consistently given Congress, it might seem surprising that anyone watches the unblinking live shots of the Senate and House on television. But government crises apparently …
@brianstelter, @buzzfeedandrew and The Daily Caller

Politicians, gov't agencies turn to Twitter amidst #Shutdown

Asking Americans the naive questions of an outsider, Al Jazeera obtains profound answers — An Outsider Looks at Life in America — NEW YORK — Al Jazeera wants to make its name as American as pizzaburgers. — But when Al Jazeera, the Qatarbased television empire that has long broadcast …
@lisadebode and @mattdpearce

BBC places next-generation iPlayer at heart of digital strategy — Director general Tony Hall to outline corporation's plans for more personalised version of its successful on-demand service — The BBC's successful iPlayer on-demand service will offer a more personalised experience to licence fee payers …

Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder, Has His Cinema Moment — Before there was a documentary about WikiLeaks — before there was a major motion picture about its founder — Julian Assange was a star. — With his mysterious hacker back story and shock of silver hair, Mr. Assange burst …
@jswatz, @ggreenwald and @jayrosen_nyu

Wall Street Journal Asia digital editor Adam Najberg on the business of paywall journalism — Adam Najberg is digital editor for Asia at the Wall Street Journal, the first newspaper to charge its readers for content online. — In this interview, Najberg talks to Mumbrella Asia's editor Robin Hicks …

Profile: Marcy Wheeler, the expert behind the NSA-focused emptywheel blog — THE WOMAN WHO KNOWS THE NSA'S SECRETS — Trawling for needles in the data haystack
@nslayton, @jayrosen_nyu, @trevortimm, @jlllow, @straightedge, @kgosztola, @astepanovich, @medeabenjamin, @ggreenwald, @seanpaulkelley, @mmasnick, @rsingel, @repjustinamash, @wizardkitten and @timkarr

How Twitter's Business Model Is Just Like Broadcast TV — Only Worse — In its IPO filing, Twitter describes itself as a “global platform for public self-expression and conversation in real time.” Casually, it is referred to as a microblogging service or an internet social-messaging network.
@zimbalist and @peterlauria3

Egypt journalist gets suspended jail term in military trial — An Egyptian military court Saturday handed a journalist a six-month suspended jail term for reporting without authorisation in a military zone of the Sinai , his lawyer and an army source said. — Ahmed Abu Derra was acquitted …

Who's a Journalist? Closing in on a Definition — The debate over “who's a journalist” is getting more urgent. Fortunately, the outlines of a definition are becoming clearer. Might some basic ethical tests help in further drawing the lines? — Once mainly a subject for navel-gazing …
@froomkin and @radleybalko