Top News:

27 of the world's top editors challenge claim that the Guardian aids Britain's enemies — Editors on the NSA files: ‘What the Guardian is doing is important for democracy’ — On Thursday the Daily Mail described the Guardian as 'The paper that helps Britain's enemies'.
New York Times, Telegraph, @daviduberti, Guardian, @george__woods, @jensbest, @dangillmor, @latentexistence, @soozaphone, @wblau, @jmcolberg, @barryeisler, @edyong209, @kimdotcom, @weeddude, @tom_watson, @janinegibson, @ggreenwald, @jayrosen_nyu, @xor, @arusbridger, @maxringham, @danversj, @glinner, @kgosztola, @attackerman, @ottocrat, @callum_th, @mrlockyer, @borjaechevarria, @davidfolkenflik, @leohickman, @jaredbkeller, @andrew_drinks, @macroscopist and @pierre

Spies and journalism: when worlds collide — The raging global discussion about the proper limits of surveillance of the past few months will become harder to ignore — After the man who hated Britain, welcome to the paper that helps Britain's enemies. You are reading it now.
@declanwalsh, @kathviner, Jon Slattery, @arusbridger and Daily Mail

PolitiFact to launch PunditFact, checking pundits and media figures — PolitiFact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking website of the Tampa Bay Times, will soon launch PunditFact, a site dedicated to checking claims by pundits, columnists, bloggers and the hosts and guests of talk shows.

Hulu Said Close to Naming Fox's Mike Hopkins CEO of Web Service — Hulu LLC, the streaming service controlled by Walt Disney Co. and 21st Century Fox Inc., is close to naming Fox executive Mike Hopkins as its new chief executive officer, two people with knowledge of the matter said.
Bloomberg, Reuters, Hollywood Reporter, Variety, The Verge, AllThingsD and GigaOM

Follow-up on Flipboard: We can't pay salaries with ‘brand awareness’ — Are Operations Like Flipboard Scams Against Publishers? — Since we'd gotten a number of questions from readers, I jotted down a short post a couple days ago explaining that we've removed TPM from Flipboard …
Nieman Journalism Lab, @injuryexpert, @davewiner, @politicalwire, @coudal, @jmcolberg and @choire

The Effects of Mass Surveillance on Journalism — Mass surveillance of the kind practiced by the NSA produces a chilling effect on journalism, because sources do not feel they can have a private conversation with a reporter. That's the message of a group of scholars, journalists …
@niemanlab, @evacide, @timkarr and Committee to Protect …

Whither the Pageview Apocalypse? — This is the first in the series of two posts about pageviews. This post will deal with some of theoretical baggage tied up in the metric, while the second will detail some research I've conducted on the correlates of pageviews. … The pageview is dead.
AdExchanger, @jennifersun, Digiday and @derekwillis

Third of millennials watch mostly online video or no broadcast TV — Thirty-four percent of millennials surveyed watch mostly online video or no broadcast television, new research from The New York Times says. — Brian Brett, the Times' executive director of customer research …
Pew Internet, GigaOM and Broadcasting & Cable

250,000 Chinese journalists to get training ahead of 2014 credentials exam — Chinese journalists to get on-the-job training — All reporters with Chinese media organisations are to receive on-the-job training to strengthen their “professional practices,” according to state media.
ecns and Times of India

Sinclair tried to top Gannett's $1.5 billion offer for Belo stations — Sinclair Losing Belo Leaves Gray as Deal Option: Real M&A — Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. (SBGI) tried and failed to steal Belo Corp. (BLC) from the clutches of Gannett Co., leaving Gray Television Inc. and Lin LLC …
@gdinges, Gannett Blog and TVSpy

Google to sunset Google TV brand as its smart TV platform merges with Android — Google TV is dead, long live Android TV: Three years after launching the first generation of Google TV devices, Google is now looking to rid itself of the brand and realign its smart TV platform efforts more closely with Android.
Fast Company, TechCrunch, BGR, The Verge, ZDNet, Softpedia News, AppleInsider, VentureBeat, Digital Spy and

Anonymous comments could suffer under European Court of Human Rights ruling — An Estonian court did not violate a local news site's right to free expression by holding it liable for offensive anonymous comments made under one of its stories, the ECHR has ruled.
Index on Censorship, PC World and ERR NEWS 2013

The Obama Administration and the Press — Leak investigations and surveillance in post-9/11 America — U.S. President Barack Obama came into office pledging open government, but he has fallen short of his promise. Journalists and transparency advocates say the White House curbs routine disclosure …
Mediashift, The Fix, RT, Associated Press, Kirk LaPointe's …, CNET, Hit & Run, Columbia Journalism Review, CBS News, Poynter, Wired, The Republic, GlobalPost, Radio Free Europe/Radio …, TechPresident, Firedoglake, US News,, Big News, Guardian, Al Jazeera America, @nprinskeep, Voice of America, RIA Novosti, @cpjinternet, Boing Boing,, Guardian, Erik Wemple, @pierre, Free Press, @pressfreedom, @westwingreport, @ggreenwald, @froomkin and @rj_gallagher

Obama Administration Has Gone To Unprecedented Lengths To Thwart Journalists, Report Finds
Committee to Protect …

2 Philly Inquirer owners sue company, publisher — PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Two owners of The Philadelphia Inquirer have sued their company and publisher over the firing of Pulitzer Prize-winning editor Bill Marimow. Former New Jersey Nets owner Lewis Katz and cable TV mogul H.F. “Gerry” …