Top News:

Washington Post, Guild reach tentative agreement — Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild News Co-Chair Fredrick Kunkle says in a Facebook post that The Washington Post and its union members “have reached tentative agreement on a new contract.” All Guild members will get a raise under the proposed agreement.

Washington Post 3rd-Quarter Net Down 68% on Prior-Year Gains — Washington Post Co.'s (WPO) third-quarter profit slid 68% despite a slight increase in revenue, as last year's profit was bolstered by income tied to the sale of several businesses the company unloaded.

Phone-hacking trial: Andy Coulson told editor ‘do his phone’ — Mr Goodman and Mr Coulson face two counts in relation to paying for royal directories. Prosecution will elaborate after a break. #hacking — Dominic Casciani @BBCDomC … Dominic Casciani @BBCDomC

Andy Coulson was warned that buying palace phone book was illegal, jury told — Phone-hacking trial hears that News of the World reporter told editor ‘criminal charges’ could result from payment to police — Andy Coulson was warned in an email from a reporter on the News of the World that he could face …
Press Gazette and BBC

President Obama, off the record — President Barack Obama is often accused of being insular. He's not a schmoozer. He doesn't like meeting with lawmakers, and he doesn't particularly care for talking to reporters, either. — But get him in an off-the-record setting with a small group …
National Review, Hit & Run, @thomas_drake1, @kirstenpowers10 and @jgreendc

Machinima, the YouTube Giant Looking for New Money, Is Also Looking for a New CEO — Machinima, the giant YouTube network that caters to gamers, is looking for a new chief executive — at the same time it is trying to close a big funding round. — Allen DeBevoise, the company's co-founder …
Variety, Tubefilter and VideoInk

Johnston Press to launch 'people's paper', with 75% of content from public — Regional publisher denies ‘Bourne Experiment’ is about cutting costs, and hopes it proves new model for small weekly papers — Regional publisher Johnston Press is to attempt a radical reinvention of one of its titles …
@ashleyhi and @charliebeckett

Digital Subs Power Circ Gains For Some Newspapers — After years of relentless losses, newspapers are finally enjoying circulation growth due to digital subscriptions — at least in some cases. The overall picture remains decidedly mixed, with circs continuing to fall at many local …

Struggling industry throttles newspaper metrics
@newsosaur, BtoB Magazine, The Wrap and Alliance for Audited Media

The NYT's paywall overtakes digital ads — Meantime, the Globe's drag on the Times, quantified — It was only a little more than two years ago that the conventional wisdom said The New York Times shouldn't—or couldn't—charge online. — You don't hear that anymore with the massive success …
Capital New York, Bloomberg and Newsonomics

Kindle First lets Prime members read one upcoming Amazon-published ebook in advance each month, for free — Amazon announced a new perk for Prime members on Friday: A program called “Kindle First” will let them read one upcoming Amazon Publishing ebook, from a choice of four …
GalleyCat, MarketWatch, The Verge, The Next Web and GeekWire

Pierre Omidyar's journalistic venture is another of his efforts to fuse philanthropy with profit — so far, not so good — Pierre Omidyar's journalistic venture is another of his efforts to fuse philanthropy with profit — so far, not so good — There is no doubt that the new journalism …
@newinquiry, @adrianchen and @zunguzungu

Newspapers forge ahead with plans for new regulator — Hacked Off campaigners unimpressed with publishers' decision to ignore royal charter following its approval this week — Newspaper and magazine publishers are pressing ahead with setting up a new regulator, in defiance …

Netflix Needs Cable, But the Feeling Isn't Always Mutual — Streaming company cuts deal with Danish operator Waoo, but Comcast exec says adding Netflix is ‘not a high priority’ — Netflix is banking on getting on cable set-top boxes to hit aggressive growth targets in the next few years …
Hollywood Reporter, VideoInk and Gigaom