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THE COST OF WINNING: Tim Armstrong, Patch, And The Struggle To Save AOL — On an overcast Friday afternoon last August, a hundred or so employees of AOL's local news subsidiary, Patch, crammed into a cafeteria at the company's headquarters in Manhattan. Another several hundred connected to the room via conference call.
@tomkrazit, @ivanthek, @thestalwart and @rgpelayo

Blockbuster to End Domestic Retail, DVD By Mail Services — Blockbuster to close remaining U.S. company-owned stores, DVD By Mail services by early-January 2014 Franchised and licensed stores in the U.S. and abroad to remain open for business ENGLEWOOD, Colo.—(BUSINESS WIRE) …

Tim Berners-Lee: encryption cracking by spy agencies ‘appalling and foolish’ — Inventor of world wide web calls for debate about ‘dysfunctional and unaccountable’ oversight of NSA and GCHQ — Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the computer scientist who created the world wide web, has called for a …
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Earnings: CBS Meets Q3 Expectations After Time Warner Cable Fight — CBS Corp. emerged from its third-quarter fight with Time Warner Cable matching Wall Street's earnings expectations. — CBS CEO Les Moonves told investors in a conference call that the success reflected the network's emphasis on content.
Radio & Television …, Wall Street Journal, Variety, @samgustin, @emilysteel, Capital New York, Forbes, Los Angeles Times,, PR Newswire and @jboorstin

Rand Paul moves to Breitbart — Just one day after The Washington Times ended Sen. Rand Paul's column over plagiarism charges, the Kentucky Republican's musings have found a new home at — With no mention of the plagiarism controversy currently surrounding the senator …
The Week, Talking Points Memo and The Raw Story

BBC's loss-making Lonely Planet deal under fire — Trust criticises BBC Worldwide over acquisition and later sale of travel guide business resulting in £80m deficit — The BBC Trust has published a highly critical report of the corporation's loss-making purchase of Lonely Planet …

The Philadelphia Inquirer is melting down — The brawl over the Philadelphia Inquirer isn't good for the Philadelphia Inquirer. It is, however, an amazing story, one that just got a touch more contentious this afternoon. — Bill Ross, the outspoken executive director of Philadelphia's Newspaper Guild …

2Day FM faces tough penalties after losing court battle over royal prank call — Radio station 2Day FM has failed in an attempt to stymie an investigation by the communications watchdog into the royal prank call incident. — The decision paves the way for a finding that the station broke …
Hollywood Reporter, TheAustralian, HeraldSun and mUmBRELLA

Tweet 16: News Outlets' Twitter Tone Skews Young — OMG!!! Why do big media companies sound like teenagers on Twitter — “OMG @OneDirection's new song leaked!” might sound like something a giddy tween would tweet, but it was actually tweeted by the Daily News's official account.

Uncensored Instagrams From North Korea Buck Brutal Trend of Secrecy — © 2013 Condé Nast. All rights reserved. Use of this Site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (effective 3/21/12) and Privacy Policy (effective 3/21/12). Your California Privacy Rights.

FBI monitored anti-war website in error for six years, documents show — Monitoring began after editor passed along to the bureau a threat he received against his own website — The FBI monitored a prominent anti-war website for years, in part because agents mistakenly believed …
@rawsiefilnredom, @bernardkeane, @outrightusa, Techdirt and Hit & Run

Publishers lodge appeal over ruling against judicial review of royal charter — Industry takes case to court of appeal after high court rejected its application for an emergency injunction over new press regulator — Newspaper and magazine publishers have lodged an appeal …

Rieder: ‘Business Insider’ goes long on journalism — Quirky website Business Insider plans a foray into the time-consuming but rewarding art. — CONNECT — One of the most intriguing aspects of the evolution of digital journalism is watching sites that spend much of their energy chasing …

Greek police oust workers occupying headquarters of defunct state broadcaster — ATHENS, Greece — In a pre-dawn swoop Thursday, Greek riot police ended a nearly five-month protest by sacked workers broadcasting from what was once the headquarters of the defunct ERT state broadcaster, removing a few dozen people occupying the complex.
Guardian, Globe and Mail, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Reuters, BBC and

Jeff Bewkes: HBO's Streaming Deal With Comcast Won't Promote Cord Cutting — Time Warner startled a lot of people recently when it allowed the No. 1 cable operator to include HBO Go in a new $40 a month broadband service. Wouldn't some consumers cancel their pay TV service if they found …

British Library national newspaper archive in Colindale closing on Friday after 82 years — The national newspaper collection is moving on Friday from its home in Colindale to a new purpose built building in Yorkshire. — The new building will have a special low-oxygen storage area that will prevent fire.
@colvinius and Guardian

Twitter announces IPO pricing of $26 per share with a valuation of $18.3 billion — Twitter announced on Wednesday that it will price its IPO at $26 per share when it begins trading on Thursday. The company plans to sell 70 million shares out of a total of 545 million outstanding shares.
New York Times, @twitter, Forbes, MoneyBeat, The Technology Chronicles, Softpedia News, @samgustin and @corytv

Looking Past ‘The Prism Of Fear’: News Corp's Data Leader On the End of the Pageview Era — Remember when pageviews were the dominate metric of the Internet? Today, with publishers rapidly de-prioritizing page views, it's starting to feel like an artifact of bygone days of the web, when “Mobile” was just a city down south.

Time Inc. Spinoff Timing Delayed — It looks like Time Inc. CEO Joe Ripp will have some more time to prepare for the publisher's spinoff from Time Warner. The split is now expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2014, Time Warner chairman Jeff Bewkes said during an earnings conference call.
BuzzFeed, FishbowlNY, Business Wire, AllThingsD and Wall Street Journal

Time Warner's Profit Tops Estimates as Network Revenue Gains
Reuters and Los Angeles Times

Pitchfork Weekly - a digital magazine paying homage to the past — The new Android and iOS app is a weekly digital magazine of the music website that's part of a trend of emulating print rivals — Music press lovers: are you feeling nostalgic for the days of inky fingers …
Folio, Pitchfork, Publishing Executive … and hypebot