Top News:

Jay Rosen joins Pierre Omidyar's news venture — Out of the press box and onto the field — I have a personal announcement. — I am joining up with the new venture in news that Pierre Omidyar, Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill are creating, along with Liliana Segura …
Politico, Poynter, @jayrosen_nyu, NetNewsCheck Latest, TechPresident, @vivianschiller, @cshirky, @ggreenwald, @bryfitz, @froomkin, Kirk LaPointe's …, @samir, @saramorrison, @agolis, @jayrosen_nyu, @billadairduke, @thestalwart, @nytfridge, @rafat, @attackerman, @jeffjarvis, @davewiner, @pierre, @mattblaze and @tomgara

What to do with $250m in digital journalism? (II) — In a previous Monday Note, we looked at an ideal newsroom, profusely funded by Pierre Omidyar and managed by whistleblowing facilitator Glenn Greenwald, a structure that combines the agility of a tech startup with the highest of journalistic standards.

Journalists are on the move in America - and creating a new vitality — Big-name reporters are moving for very significant amounts of money to a wide variety of new and surprising places — It caused a stir when the lauded statistician Nate Silver recently announced he was leaving …
@palafo, @sulliview, @dangillmor, @jcstearns, @jayrosen_nyu, @samloewenberg, @hblodget, @emilybell, The Daily Caller, @rupertmurdochpr, @joseiswriting, @djasonpalmer, @mediaguardian and CNET

Reporter on Unpublished Bloomberg Article Is Suspended — BEIJING — A reporter for Bloomberg News who worked on an unpublished article about China that employees for the company said had been killed for political reasons by top Bloomberg editors was suspended last week by managers.
USA Today, Gawker, The Wrap, Columbia Journalism Review, Guardian, @pierrebri, @mikeisaac, @comradewong, @ionacraig, @taniabranigan, @timothynoah1, @trevortimm, @ivanthek, @jcstearns, Techdirt, @dangillmor, Mediaite, New York Magazine, Gawker, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, @johnmcquaid and Talking Biz News

Murdoch sale led to ruin of MySpace, says its co-founder — News Corp squandered $15bn of investors' cash, says MySpace co-founder Chris DeWolfe — Chris DeWolfe, the former chief executive of MySpace, has accused Rupert Murdoch of ruining the social network - and discussed false allegations …
Guardian and The Huffington Post

NFL, Major League Baseball Warn That Aereo Could Trigger End of Free TV Game Broadcasts — The National Football League and Major League Baseball are urging the Supreme Court to grant broadcasters' petition to hear their challenge to the legality of Aereo, the startup that features unauthorized streams of local broadcast signals.
The Verge, TIME, VentureBeat,,, Poynter, Gigaom, TVSpy, Softpedia News, @brianstelter, @zimbalist, @xpangler and AllThingsD

Chief Operating Officer Stuart Karle Is Leaving Reuters — ReutersStuart Karle, Reuters chief operating officer, is leaving the company and his position will be eliminated, Reuters CEO Andrew Rashbass announced in a staff email this morning. — Mr. Karle, who was one of editor …
FishbowlNY, The Wrap and @peterlauria3

Andrew Sullivan expands The Daily Dish with monthly subscription-only magazine called Deep Dish — Blogger-entrepreneur Andrew Sullivan — who left The Daily Beast earlier this year to launch his own reader-supported site and has since raised over $800,000 from his supporters …
Discussion:, Thanks:@mathewi

Al Jazeera America averaging just 13,000 viewers a day since Aug. 20 launch — Al Jazeera America fails to attract US audience — After just two months on the air, Al Jazeera America is losing ground in the US. — The US offshoot of the Mideast news outfit managed fewer than half …
TechCrunch, @yair_rosenberg, @tomgara, @hotlinejosh, @jpodhoretz and @pkafka

After 30 Years of Silence, the Original NSA Whistleblower Looks Back — The four-story brownstone at 141 East 37th Street in Manhattan has no remarkable features: a plain building on a quiet tree-lined street in the shadow of the Empire State Building. In the summer of 1920, Herbert O. Yardley …

Bloomberg's News Division to Lay Off About 50 People — Bloomberg LP's news division will lay off about 50 people or about 2% of its newsroom, according to people familiar with the company's plans, the latest financial news and data provider to make job reductions.
Talking Points Memo, Poynter, @paul_vestact, @hblodget, @pkafka, @sfiegerman, @kantrowitz and New York Post

Even as they monetize consumer news, the AP says selling content to members is its core business — It was March 2008 when Steve Jobs announced that third parties would be allowed to develop apps for the iPhone. Three months later, the Associated Press launched one of the first mobile apps for iOS.

Prosecuted New York Times reporter speaks at journalism school event — James Risen, the New York Times reporter facing imprisonment for refusing to disclose his sources, denounced the federal government's infringement on the press in a rare public appearance Thursday, saying it is time for journalists to “surrender or fight.”
@hannahhaniya, @froomkin, @angryvoters and The Huffington Post