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Ezra Klein and crew to start new Vox Media publication — Vox is our next — Early last year, Melissa Bell, Matt Yglesias and I began wrestling with a question that had bugged all of us for a long time: why hadn't the Internet made the news better at delivering crucial context alongside new information?
Gigaom, FishbowlNY, Mediawire Daily, TechCrunch, @ezraklein, @peretti, @cdixon, @nprinskeep, The Huffington Post, @mattbuchanan, @bankoff, @dannysullivan, Quora, @noahshachtman, @peter_tl, @rafat, Politico, @voxmediainc, @dangillmor, @dleonhardt, @om, @jayrosen_nyu, @tomgara, @ezraklein, @pkafka, @reckless, @mikeisaac, @jeffjarvis, @jayrosen_nyu, @karaswisher, @rafat, @melissabell, @brianstelter, Twitchy, The Wrap, Mashable and Re/code

Ezra Klein Is Joining Vox Media as Web Journalism Asserts Itself — After a week of speculation, it turns out that Ezra Klein, the prolific creator of The Washington Post's Wonkblog, will be going to Vox Media, the online home of SB Nation, a sports site, and The Verge, a fast-growing technology site.

Q&A: Ezra Klein Promises “A Completely Different Product” — “This is not just Wonkblog.” — This evening, after weeks of speculation, Ezra Klein announced he'll be founding a new media publication at Vox Media, home to SB Nation, The Verge, Polygon, and the recently acquired Curbed Media network.
New York Magazine, @fmanjoo, @summeranne, @sdkstl, @jayrosen_nyu, @fmanjoo and Talking Biz News

When ‘Long-Form’ Is Bad Form — LAST week, the sports and pop culture website Grantland published a story called “Dr. V's Magical Putter” — a piece of “long-form,” as we now call multi-thousand-word, narrative-driven reported articles — about a woman named Essay Anne Vanderbilt …

What The Longform Backlash Is All About — Taking the best of the magazine craft online. And leaving the rest on paper. — BuzzFeed executive editor Doree Shafrir and I started talking about hiring a “longform” editor in the spring of 2012, at the urging of our most experienced writer, Michael Hastings.
@yahel, @patrickcdoyle, @markhor, @jessepesta, Nieman Storyboard, @tcarmody, @peretti, @ezraklein, @michaelluo, @jayrosen_nyu, @mattapuzzo, @ryanlawler, @brianstelter, @carr2n and @adambvary

Prominent NYT news stories “go too far in the direction of interpretation, analysis and elaborate writing” — 'Just the Facts, Ma'am' No More — IT'S a Monday morning in mid-January. Your print edition of The Times is at hand, along with your coffee. You scan it for news.
@byronyork, @fmanjoo, @jayrosen_nyu, @mathewi, @fmanjoo, @rsingel, @brithume and @raju

For some, Twitter is becoming less about relevancy and more about one-liners — Valley of the Blahs: How Justin Bieber's Troubles Exposed Twitter's Achilles' Heel — At some point, Twitter and the rest of social media became less about wanting to share the news and more about wanting to be the news.
TechCrunch, Gigaom, @gaberivera, @caseynewton, @jsnell, @mikeisaac, SocialTimes, @mikeisaac, @raju, @laurengoode, BAGnewsNotes, The Next Web and @cschweitz

Friend of Dr. V blames Grantland story for timing of suicide, but not for the suicide itself — Friend blames timing of Gilbert inventor's suicide on fear of impending article — It was just after noon Oct. 18 when Gerri Jordan walked into the bedroom of her Gilbert home and found …
@danreilly11 and @dangillmor

Super Bowl TV Audience Down 84% Per-Ad-Dollar Since 1967 — Television advertisers are getting much less for their money than they used to when it comes to the Super Bowl-at least when looked at through the lens of how many people watch the National Football League's championship game.

Some Game Companies Pay for Play on Conan's “Clueless Gamer” Skits … The gaming world has been good to Conan O'Brien in the past year and a half. The late-night talk show host's glib (and often hilarious) videogame reviews, “Clueless Gamer,” have become a viral sensation, racking up millions of views online.
@jeffgerstmann, Forbes, Polygon and Digital Spy

Hoaxsters bought us 75,000 fake followers in a new kind of Twitter attack — by the Syrian Electronic Army and a few — users, most of the threats the Daily Dot and its reporters have received over the past two and half years have been bogus. — But the one we received Monday was the most peculiar to date.

As tech, media, and telecom collide, ignorance of any one sector leads to failures like Joost — Ignorance — “However vast any person's basic reading may be, there still remain an enormous number of fundamental works that he has not read.” - Italo Calvino
@rubenharris, @h4ryb, @stevesi, @kevinweil, @nathanchubbard, @jchengwsj, @minethatdata, @mccarthyryanj and @soundboy