Top News:

Breaking News From Twitter: There's Breaking News on Twitter — News today from Twitter: Twitter would like to provide more of your news. — That's the upshot of a press event in New York today, where Twitter, CNN and Dataminr, a Twitter-blessed data company, announced a new tool designed to help journalists find news on Twitter.
@margafret and @edmundlee

CNN And Twitter Partner With Dataminr To Create News Tool For Journalists — CNN is hosting a press event today to announce a partnership with Twitter and social analytics company Dataminr to launch a new tool called Dataminr For News. — Dataminr CEO Ted Bailey said the goal is to …
Poynter, Dataminr, The Verge, CNET, Variety, @michaelsurtees, Engadget, @digiphile, @willoremus, @jweb, @jcstearns and Pocket-lint

A faster, easier way for newsrooms to find breaking news on Twitter — Today, Twitter and CNN have announced a partnership with Dataminr to develop an alert system for journalists called Dataminr for News. — When news breaks, it can be minutes or even hours before newsrooms begin to report.
Kirk LaPointe's …, Wired, @marksluckie, @joannauk, Mashable, @edmundlee, @ericaamerica, @cpen, @sladurantaye, @vivianschiller and CNET

As I Was Saying About Web Journalism ... a Bubble, or a Lasting Business? — Last week, it occurred to me that the departure of Ezra Klein, the creator of The Washington Post's influential Wonkblog, to join the young company Vox Media was a bit of a moment — an inflection point in the emergence of a news economy online.
The New Yorker Blog, @carltonpurvis, @suzykhimm, @dananorak, @dangillmor, @justinnxt, @gregory, @carr2n, @digiphile, @brandoncarte, @viceukmedia, @cappiwill, @jonathanwald, @peterlattman and @azi

Why everyone is starting a news site: free-agent talent, cheap tech, maturing business models — The newsonomics of why everyone seems to be starting a news site — You'd think the new digital printing presses were minting money. — Just within the last month, all kinds of details …
Economist, @justinnxt, @niemanlab and Politico

Report: Hundreds of Patch employees laid off — I'm told that hundreds — two tipsters claim two-thirds of the editorial staff — have been laid off by Patch's new owner, Hale Global. I have asked the company for confirmation. (It bought Patch from AOL on January 15.)
SoundCloud, Business Insider, TechCrunch, Gawker, Poynter, Forbes, New York Times, The Wrap, Mediaite, Common Sense Journalism, @jbenton, @pottsmark, VatorNews, @digiphile, @digidave, @travelinganna, @russellblairct, @terry_casey, @dangillmor, @kiragoldenberg, @raju, @romenesko, Mashable, New York Magazine, FishbowlNY and Top Digital Journal News

Washington Post announces plans to hire bloggers, redesign site — A memo to staffers from Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron outlines some of the paper's plans for the next year. — The news organization plans to hire “writers to author ‘verticals’ on a wide array of subjects,” Baron writes.
Adweek, The Huffington Post, Capital New York and FishbowlDC

Katharine Weymouth Defends Decision Not to Fund Ezra Klein's New Venture — “It just didn't make sense for us,” the Post publisher says of Klein's proposed website. — Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos has absorbed the responsibility—much of it critical—for not keeping Ezra Klein …
@raju, @mlcalderone, @harryjaffe, @sophiegg and JIMROMENESKO.COM

The O.C. Register's supremely ghoulish financial strategy — The Orange County Register building in Santa Ana is shown. The company is seeking to buy life insurance on its employees, not to benefit the employees' families, but to benefit the company's pension plan. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
@jimmyorr, @froomkin, @bgrueskin, @romenesko and LA Observed

Egypt Refers 20 Al Jazeera Journalists To Trial On Terrorism Charges — CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's chief prosecutor has referred 20 journalists from the Al-Jazeera TV network, including four foreigners, to trial on charges of joining or assisting a terrorist group and spreading false news that endangers national security.
McClatchy Washington Bureau, Guardian, Mediaite and The Newspaper Guild

Journalists express solidarity in calling for release of Al-Jazeera five
Latest News & Headlines, Voice of America, BBC, @felicitybarrtv, @hazemsika, @hackneylad, @sokkari, Al Jazeera English and The Huffington Post

James Clapper Suggests Journalists Could Be Edward Snowden's ‘Accomplices’ — NEW YORK — Director of National Intelligence James Clapper urged former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and his “accomplices” to return leaked documents during a hearing on Wednesday.
Politico, TheHill, Techdirt, UT Documents, @huffpostmedia, @gaberivera, @mlcalderone, @trevortimm, The Lede, Mashable, and BGR

Rep. Michael Grimm Threatens an NY1 Reporter — The Staten Island lawmaker can be heard telling Michael Scotto, a reporter for NY1, “I'll break you in half” in footage broadcast by the network.
NY1, New York Post, The Awl, Mediaite, Politico, Poynter, @popehat, @tim_eastman, @ryanjreilly, @errollouis, The Week, @kagrox, @dylanbyers, @burgessev, @badler, Capital New York, @reformedbroker, Capital New York, @connellyal, @jenniferpreston, The Huffington Post, @thestustein, @jswatz, Post Politics, Washington Post, The Daily Beast, Business Insider, Politicker, Gawker, @zogblog and Mediaite

Grimm offers a ‘friendly’ apology to NY1 reporter
New York Times, @mikescotto, Latest News & Headlines and Talking Points Memo

Local TV audiences bounce back — Bucking a long-range trend of declining viewership, the audience for local TV news grew in all three major time slots in 2013. Viewership climbed 6% in the morning (5 to 7 a.m.) and 3% in the early evening (5 to 7 p.m.) newscasts, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis.
@tv_agent, @pewjournalism, @asmitch, The Wrap, @danharland, @halliejackson, Erik Wemple, Advancing the Story, Poynter, TVSpy and The Huffington Post

Refresh, refresh, refresh... Twitter is monetizing your compulsiveness — Every time you refresh your tweets, Twitter banks a tenth of a penny. — The company, which will issue its first quarterly earnings report next week, considers “timeline views” the best measure of how engaged its users are.
@ninanjira, @stephmbuck, WebProNews, AppNewser and Electronista

NFL will block streaming video inside Super Bowl stadium — To ensure that Super Bowl attendees can smoothly post Facebook status updates, tweets, and send texts during the big game, the NFL plans to block streaming video from inside MetLife Stadium on Sunday.
Betabeat, @pkedrosky, GeekWire and Business Insider

Why the mobile-preview feature in BuzzFeed's CMS should matter to you — When Dao Nguyen wrote a post that looked terrible on a mobile device, she knew BuzzFeed had a problem. Nguyen is BuzzFeed's vice president of growth and data, and “obviously it's not my job to write a post,” she said by phone.

Holder: New media guidelines in weeks — New guidelines on how the Justice Department can monitor the media will be published in the next coming weeks, Attorney General Eric Holder said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday. — Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) …

TiVo to Buy Content-Recommendations Firm Digitalsmiths for $135 Million — TiVo plans to acquire Digitalsmiths, a provider of TV and movie content discovery and recommendation services, for $135 million in cash. — Digitalsmiths offers personalized video search, recommendations and browsing …
MarketWatch, Wall Street Journal, and

HowAboutWe buys — Exclusive: The company is launching an entire network of content sites based around dating and love—an effort to challenge much bigger properties and be more than a dating site. — FORTUNE — Your go-to Friday night date routine may not be as unique as you thought.
The New York Observer, Folio, TechCrunch, @brianjmoylan, @zseward, VatorNews, The Next Web, Capital New York, VentureBeat, Famously, @beejoli, @luxnightmare and Fast Company gets on-demand streaming music with Spotify partnership — It's safe to say digital music service is going through some big changes in 2014. We wrote about its switch to YouTube as the source for its personal radio service, but now it has a Spotify partnership for fully on-demand music too.
Discussion:, VentureBeat, Telegraph, Digital Music News, CNET, The Next Web, The Verge, Engadget, hypebot and TechHive

How Homicide Report tells the ‘true story’ of LA's violent crime — Using a blog, an interactive map and robot-reporting, the LA Times's relaunched Homicide Report mixes human elements of journalism with technology to cover every murder in LA county — Credit: By kla4067 on Flickr. Some rights reserved
Nieman Journalism Lab and Co.Design

J-School Educators Dive into Startup Culture … When 15 educators from around the world went back to school — metaphorically speaking — at the third annual Scripps Howard Journalism Entrepreneurship Institute earlier this month, they learned two big things: the art of the pitch in gaining support …

The Daily Dot Acquires The Kernel As Euro Tech Media Starts Motoring — A number of changes are afoot in the European tech media scene and it's worth us pausing for a moment to take stock. The first item on the agenda is the news that London-based site ‘The Kernel’, lately a ‘tabloid’ style news site …
London Evening Standard, Business Wire, The Kernel,, @kernelmag, @jonrussell and The Next Web, Thanks:@dmfreeman