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Greenwald's ‘The Intercept’ Gets Intercepted on Day One — With access to Edward Snowden's treasure-trove and four months to prepare, the new magazine got scooped by the 168-year-old Associated Press on the world's biggest drone story Monday. — The Intercept has landed—but with a bang or a thud?
The New Yorker Blog and @thedailybeast

Does a ‘savvy media observer’ require anonymity for smack talk? Apparently so! — In Lloyd Grove's column about The Intercept, a “savvy media observer and journalist” lets Glenn Greenwald's new publication have it: … Let's just let that waft on the breeze for a moment. — OK.
@jayrosen_nyu, @ggreenwald, @sulliview and @antderosa

The very public growth of The Intercept — The Intercept, the new startup title funded handsomely by eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar, debuted Monday and created buzz both for simply showing up and for its content: An article examining the use of drones to kill government-selected targets abroad …

US plummets to #46 in Global Press Freedom Rankings — According to a new report from Reporters Without Borders, there was a profound erosion of press freedom in the United States in 2013. — After a year of attacks on whistleblowers and digital journalists and revelations about mass surveillance …

UK slips down press freedom index due to harassment of the Guardian — US also registers fall in latest world press freedom index — Major declines in media freedom in countries as varied as the United States, Central African Republic and Guatemala are highlighted in the latest annual …
Poynter, Press Gazette, Latest News & Headlines, Mashable, The Raw Story and American Press Institute

BuzzFeed's native advertising: are they really making ads you want to share? — BuzzFeed is a business built on sharing. That doesn't just mean shareable articles, it also means shareable ads. But do people really want to share this branded content? We thought we'd take a look …
@danwmedia, @blathnaidhealy, @henryctaylor and @mashplant, Thanks:@rorybrown

Edward Snowden asylum demand dropped by European parliament — MEPs fail to reach consensus on amendment to inquiry calling on governments to assure NSA whistleblower of his safety — The European parliament is to ditch demands on Wednesday that EU governments give guarantees of asylum …
TheHill, @boldfreshjew and @janalbrecht

The Facebook Effect on the News — Social networks are the new front page and homepage for news. But on Facebook, it's not the “news” that readers come to see or click to leave. — Around this time last year, I considered writing a story claiming that Facebook and Twitter were the new “homepages” for news on the Internet.
ReadWrite, @mjenkins, @jbennet, @kevinroose, @rubinafillion, @mathewi, @holmesdm, @alexismadrigal, @theatlantic, @millie, @darcyday and Felix Salmon

Free Press Groups Warn of China's Influence on Hong Kong and Taiwan Media — Press freedom in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which have long been known for their boisterous news media, is under increasing pressure from China, as news outlets curtail coverage that might anger government officials …

The state of journalism in China, 25 years after Tiananmen
@david__moser, @alecash and @niemanreports

Second-screen apps? Viewers say ho-hum, but execs see potential — Andrew Lincoln appears in a scene from “The Walking Dead.” The show has been using second-screen technology to engage viewers. (Gene Page / AMC) — Networks, advertisers and tech start-ups have been trying …

The Rise of the Facebook Truthers — Journalists will believe anything about the social network, as long as it's totally outlandish. — Something about Facebook makes journalists lose their minds. How else to explain the seemingly unending procession of stories based on wild speculation and implausible conspiracy theories?
Forbes, Columbia Journalism Review, PandoDaily, Boing Boing, Business Insider, WebProNews and Nieman Journalism Lab

Net-A-Porter's glossy mag is raising hackles at Vogue — The glossy world of fashion magazines hasn't seen a war like this for years. Porter, a new print title published by online retailer Net-A-Porter, is going head to head with Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and other established names.
Mediawire Daily

AH Belo Digital Rev Up 18% In 2013 — A. H. Belo's digital revenue rose 7% for the fourth quarter and 18% for the year, helping slow overall revenue declines to their lowest levels since thenewspaper publisher's 2008 spinoff from Belo Corp. The company's digital efforts were driven …
Poynter and Wall Street Journal

Turkish editor hits out at media coercion under Erdogan — (Reuters) - A prominent Turkish newspaper editor has openly decried government pressure on the media, saying journalists live in fear, in unusually blunt criticism of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's leadership months ahead of elections.
Wall Street Journal and @pamukhum

ITV to launch female-focused channel — ITVBe will be free to air and focus on lifestyle and reality TV, including shows such as The Only Way is Essex — ITV is to launch a new female-focused, free-to-air channel, called ITVBe, which will become the home of shows including The Only Way is Essex.
Hollywood Reporter and @nickyguttridge

Are publishers overselling social traffic at the expense of search? A dialogue with Danny Sullivan … You may have seen my column yesterday on the rise of content designed for social sharing — a category that for me includes everything from pure-viral outlets like Upworthy to more newsy but still sharing-optimized sites like Quartz.
@niemanlab and American Press Institute

Why the NYT published the general location of a planned drone strike and the AP held back — New York Times Editor: Government Requests To Hold Info Are ‘Almost Blanket Policy’ — NEW YORK — The Associated Press revealed Monday that the U.S. government is considering a drone strike …
New York Times

John Battelle on His New Venture: Programmatic for Publishers Big and Small — PALM SPRINGS, CA - John Battelle, who sold Federated Media last month, has kept the programmatic unit of the company which is called Sovryn. In this interview with Beet.TV, he talks about the opportunities around programmatic for publishers.

Facebook Lays Claim to Twitter's Live TV Territory — Social media giant cites new research demonstrating users comment on TV shows while they air — In their battle for advertising dollars, Facebook and Twitter have taken positions in the marketplace to differentiate themselves.

£250k spent on deciding who will appoint press regulation recognition panel — The Government is spending up to £250,000 on deciding who will choose a press regulation recognition panel which may ultimately have nothing to do. — The recognition panel is needed to decide whether …

MacNeil/Lehrer Productions Teams Up With Al-Monitor For Middle East Web Specials — MacNeil/Lehrer Productions and Washington-based website have teamed-up to produce a series of Web video specials on Middle East politics titled Trendlines to be streamed on the PBS NewsHour webiste …
Rapid TV News and TV Media Insights

Nearly 70% of Europeans download or stream films for free — Nearly 70% of Europeans download or stream films for free, whether legally or illegally, according to a new European Commission study on audience behaviour. It also finds that 40% of smartphone owners and more than 60% of tablet owners watch films on their devices.