Top News:

The Atlantic names Bob Cohn and James Bennet co-presidents — Leadership shuffle at Atlantic — Atlantic Media announced a string of leadership changes this morning, including two promotions at its flagship print and digital title, The Atlantic. — James Bennet and Bob Cohn …
FishbowlNY, Folio and The New York Observer

‘Not a shred of evidence’ says Al Jazeera's Peter Greste as Egypt ‘terrorism’ trial adjourned again — Three Al-Jazeera journalists in Egypt will spend at least another week in prison awaiting trial on “unsubstantiated” charges of spreading disinformation and aiding terrorists.

Peter Greste trial: Tony Abbott must do more to secure release, says Labor — Tanya Plibersek says opposition will support efforts to free Australian journalist on trial in Egypt — Peter Greste stands in a metal cage during his trial in a court in Cairo. Photograph: Al Youm Al Saabi newspaper/Reuters

Risen: Obama administration is this generation's ‘greatest enemy of press freedom’ — “It won't take me long to alienate everyone in the room,” Jeffrey Toobin told an audience in New York Friday. “For better or worse, it has been clear there is no journalistic privilege under the First Amendment.”
New York Times, The Huffington Post, Hit & Run, @acarvin, @declanm, @franberkman, Press Gazette, Guardian, @leeweatherly, The Daily Caller and Mediaite

WSJ's Baker: ‘We generally avoid reporters breaking news on Twitter’ — Wall Street Journal Managing Editor Gerard Baker spoke at City University, London, Monday, and Journal social media editor Sarah Marshall took notes. Baker went through a list of things the Journal is doing that he thinks …
@mathewi and @mlcalderone

Advertising will no longer sustain journalism, but new business models are possible — Newspapers Are Dead; Long Live Journalism — This is Part 3 in a series on the future of news and newspapers. Previously: — Part 1: FiveThirtyEight and the End of Average link
Gigaom, @jayrosen_nyu, @chrispietsch, @monkbent, @themediaisdying, @newswhip, @rfrnk, Kirk LaPointe's … and @mathewi

E&E Publishing is spending a lot of money on reporting most people won't ever see — There's a private company based in Washington that employs around 75 journalists. It has reporters in ten cities worldwide, including Houston, Dallas, L.A., San Francisco, Denver, St. Louis, Minneapolis, New York City, and Atlanta.

Exclusive: Disney to buy YouTube network Maker Studios for $500 million — (Reuters) - The Walt Disney Co has agreed to buy Maker Studios for $500 million, becoming a major online video distributor through the purchase of one of YouTube's largest networks, according to a person familiar with the deal.
The Wrap, Re/code, SlashGear, ReadWrite, SocialTimes, Bloomberg, Hollywood Reporter, Variety, Los Angeles Times, TIME, Mashable, Gigaom and Engadget

Why Disney Is Taking the Huge Risk of Buying Maker Studios
The Verge, AdAge and Los Angeles Times

New York Times to pay academic interns minimum wage — The New York Times will start paying minimum wage to its academic interns, who previously could have been paid as low as $3.85 an hour. — The interns will be paid $8 an hour and will be paid back wages for work already completed this semester …

Jason Hirschhorn's Redef expands into fashion, plans site and app, is exploring paid options — Jason Hirschhorn bets big on curation — Jason Hirschhorn, the former MySpace co-president and MTV exec, has curated content before curating was cool. Over the past seven years …

Newsweek Seeking President of Publishing — NEWSWEEK'S HELP WANTED: Newsweek is on the hunt for a publisher. The IBT Media-owned magazine has discreetly been seeking a “president of publishing” to oversee revenue growth across advertising, consumer revenue and new streams of growth …

Check your Kindle account for your credit from the Apple ebook settlement — Book publishers, as part of a price-fixing settlement with state governments, agreed to pay small credits to consumers who bought eligible ebooks between 2010 and 2013. Those credits started showing up in Kindle customers' accounts Tuesday.

First Look publishes new editorial independence statement after Pando reveals Omidyar White House ties — Yesterday I revealed a series of meetings between representatives of Pierre and Pamela Omidyar's Omidyar Network and high ranking White House officials, including the President and First Lady …
Capital New York and @mathewi