Top News:
The Pulitzer Prizes:
2014 Winners and Finalists — Winners - Journalism - Public Service The Guardian US The Washington Post Breaking News Reporting Staff of The Boston Globe Investigative Reporting Chris Hamby of The Center for Public Integrity, Washington, DC Explanatory Reporting Eli Saslow …
Columbia Journalism Review, The Charlotte Observer, Capital New York, The Boston Globe, GalleyCat, Gazette, TVNewser, Media Nation, @janinegibson, @dangillmor, @markknoller, Talking Biz News, @aaronblakewp, @cynthianeedham,, @arusbridger, @readandbreathe, Mediaite, @emilybell and BBC

Guardian and Washington Post win Pulitzer prize for NSA revelations — Pair awarded highest accolade in US journalism, winning Pulitzer prize for public service for stories on NSA surveillance — The Guardian and the Washington Post have been awarded the highest accolade in US journalism …
Pressthink, @reppeteking, New York Times, New York Times, JIMROMENESKO.COM, Washington Post, Poynter, Media & Entertainment, @washingtonpost, CNN, FishbowlDC, Reuters, @arusbridger, LA Observed, @kaylaepstein, CNN, Associated Press, The Wrap, Talking Points Memo, TheHill, The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair, @mattapuzzo, @arusbridger, @arusbridger, @janinegibson, NPR, @jamesrbuk, @janinegibson, @jamesrbuk, Realscreen, @bartongellman, @stuartmillar159, @attackerman, @attackerman, New York Magazine and Media Law Prof Blog

Guardian to launch robot-generated print edition in the US; limited to 5,000 copies — The Guardian's robot newspaper comes to the U.S. — The Guardian is taking a very modern strategy and applying it to an old-school format. — The U.K. paper only has a digital presence in the U.S. …
Gigaom, Orange County Register, @millie, @janinegibson, The Next Web and @mathewi
John Cook / The Intercept:
The Intercept will focus on NSA stories until it's fully staffed up — Passover Greetings from the Editor — Hello. My name is John Cook, and as of three weeks ago I became the editor-in-chief of The Intercept. Since then, we haven't published much material on the site, and that's been on purpose.
Nieman Journalism Lab, PandoDaily, Gigaom, @johnjcook, @mckaycoppins, @rustyk5, @emilybell, @nickbaumann, @paulcarr and @craigsilverman
Etan Vlessing / Hollywood Reporter:
Canada's Shaw Communications Cuts 400 Jobs — The cable and media giant is reorganizing to fend off stiff competition in western Canada from phone giant Telus Corp. — TORONTO — Canadian cable and media giant Shaw Communications is cutting 400 management and backroom jobs for greater efficiency …
Reuters, Bloomberg and @tamara_baluja

16 women whose digital startups deserve Vox-level plaudits — A look at the media entrepreneurs who aren't grabbing headlines — Even casual consumers of media news have heard of Ezra Klein and Nate Silver, two names that are now synonymous with the future of journalism.
Guardian, @briannaclee, @annfriedman and @annfriedman

YouTube using traditional advertising to promote star content creators — Exclusive Interview: Susan Wojcicki's Plan to Make YouTube ‘Stars’ Real-Life Famous — And Guaranteeing Audiences In Bid to Pry More TV Dollars Away In the Upfront — Festival — Internet Week New York

Netflix streaming speeds on Comcast jump 65 percent after controversial deal — Netflix customers on Comcast are already seeing the benefits of a controversial pact between the streaming service and cable provider. Comcast jumped five spots in Netflix's ranking of ISP performance for the month of March.
Engadget, Gigaom, PandoDaily,, Quartz and Ars Technica

Hyperlocal content creator Journatic is renamed LocalLabs — Just months after the low-paying, hyperlocal content provider teamed up with the Chicago Tribune, “This American Life” revealed that Journatic occasionally used fake bylines for Filipino workers and some U.S. journalists.'s Melissa Bell: ‘This is a chance to do journalism differently’ — The co-founder of news website on how it provides the information to help readers stay in touch with news cycle — It's not often that a journalist will admit to falling off the news cycle.
Capital New York, @bankoff, @jayrosen_nyu and Techdirt

Andy Coulson tells court: I haven't spoken to David Cameron since 2011 — PM's former spin doctor is asked about NoW's use of private detectives and his affair with Rebekah Brooks, on first day in witness box — Andy Coulson, David Cameron's former spin doctor, has told the Old Bailey …

As local newspapers fade, student journalists fill in some of the gaps — Local News, Off College Presses — ANN ARBOR, Mich. — In January, residents here learned the news that the senior place-kicker for the University of Michigan's football team had been permanently “separated” …
@dailycardinal, @callermc and College Media Matters