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NYT's big circulation gains include copies of international edition — Average Monday-Friday circulation at The New York Times was 15 percent higher for the six months ending March 2014 than it was in the same period the year before, new figures from the Alliance for Audited Media say.
Discussion:, NetNewsCheck Latest, FishbowlNY and @poynter

Why LinkedIn is morphing from a social network into an online newspaper — On May 5th, LinkedIn will be celebrate its 11th birthday. It announced last month that 300 million people had signed up for the professional social network. This evening, LinkedIn will report earnings for first quarter …

Television Revenue Drives Viacom Profit — Viacom, the media powerhouse that includes the movie studio Paramount and cable television channels like MTV, Comedy Central and Nickelodeon, generated $502 million in profit for its latest fiscal quarter, driven by increased advertising …
Broadcasting & Cable and

Viacom to Acquire U.K.'s Channel 5 for $760 Million
Guardian, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Los Angeles Times, ABC News, Gizmodo UK, London News, Bloomberg,, MediaTel, Variety, Capital New York, Reuters and Telegraph

“The New York Times Is Not Going to Turn into BuzzFeed” — A frank conversation with the former editors of the Post and the Times. — Between them, Bill Keller and Marcus Brauchli have edited all three great American newspapers—the New York Times for Keller, both the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post for Brauchli.
Nieman Journalism Lab, @abeaujon, @ethanklapper, @sbg1, @neil_irwin, @brianstelter and Kirk LaPointe's …

Fuse lays off staff after sale — The music-oriented TV channel Fuse is laying off staffers Thursday, its ownership tells Poynter. “We announced in early April that we reached an agreement to sell Fuse to SiTV Media, and these changes are part of that transition,” the company says in a statement.

How the rise and fall of Bloomberg's China investigative unit harmed the news org's reputation — Bloomberg's folly — For foreign correspondents in China, breaking stories that the censored Chinese press can't touch has long been a core part of the mission.
Discussion: and Talking Biz News

Hulu faces trial over sharing users' video history with Facebook — Streaming video service Hulu's decision to use Facebook's “Like” button on its webpages may have violated a federal law that forbids companies from sharing customers' video histories, according to a San Francisco court decision …
Courthouse News Service and @htsuka

Time Inc. to build a standalone portal for video — Time Inc. is launching a platform for digital video content from all its magazine brands, the company announced at its inaugural presentation for the Digital Content Newfronts on Thursday morning at the Hudson Theater in midtown.
Adweek, Folio and Business Wire

Sky Media expected to pick up £330m-a-year deal, giving it more than 30% of the market — Sky Media expected to pick up £330m-a-year deal, giving it more than 30% of the market — BSkyB is set to become a TV ad sales giant, increasing its control of the £3.8bn UK market to over 30% …
Forbes, AdAge and @marksweney

TV execs want Netflix to be more like Hulu and Amazon — If TV executives had their way, then Netflix would look a whole lot more like its network-owned competitor Hulu or Amazon's streaming service. Executives from Nickelodeon, FX, Showtime and AMC explained that they would like Netflix …

ASME Crowns Year's Best Cover, Talks Video — ASME CROWNS BEST COVER, TALKS VIDEO: Media types braved the rain Wednesday to attend the American Society of Magazine Editors luncheon in Manhattan, during which the organization crowned the best magazine cover of the year.
Capital New York, FishbowlNY and @alexsteigrad

Vine improves desktop website, adds navigation and discovery features — Vine Launches A Six-Second YouTube — When Vine first launched on the web, all you could do was view your stream and check out profiles for individual users. The desktop version came with TV Mode, too …
VentureBeat, Gizmodo UK, ReadWrite, Wall Street Journal and The Week

Sony cuts earnings forecast by 67.5% due to quickly shrinking Blu-ray sales, restructuring expenses — Sony Cuts Earnings a Third Time as Recovery Founders — Sony Corp. (6758), the maker of Xperia smartphones and PlayStation consoles, cut its earnings for the third time in a year …
New York Times, BBC, Wall Street Journal, Reuters and Hollywood Reporter

CBS Says Network President Didn't Influence Coverage Of Brother's Benghazi Email — NEW YORK — CBS News President David Rhodes was not involved in editorial discussions on Wednesday about whether “CBS Evening News” should cover a newly released email written by his brother Ben Rhodes …
TVNewser, Fox News,, Foreign Policy, Politico, Daily Mail, WND, The Daily Caller, Slate, National Post and Washington Post

Scoops: When journalists masturbate … This quote is beginning to get some press attention, so I ought to correct the record: I said “masturbatory”, not “masturbating”. Glad that's cleared up. — In fact, the full quote was captured by the FT's John Burn-Murdoch: “Breaking news is the most masturbatory thing journalists do.
Poynter, @vaswani_, @pkafka, @jaredbkeller, @simonhurtz, @jayrosen_nyu and @jyarow

A lesson in metrics: how Bleacher Report gamified journalism for 1.3 billion monthly pageviews — There's a peculiar dichotomy in the media at the moment: while digital editors debate the merits of metrics, and whether writers should be shown analytics about their own pieces …

Online video could soon come to your cable box, with help from Frequency — Some cable providers may still not like the idea of having a Netflix app on their cable box, but everyone wants to have access to short-form online content, said Frequency CEO Blair Harrison during an interview at the Cable Show in Los Angeles Wednesday.

Transparency advocates file FCC complaints about TV stations' nondisclosures — The Campaign Legal Center and the Sunlight Foundation filed complaints with the Federal Communications Commission, charging 11 television stations failed to disclose required information about political ads they ran this year.

Twitter has bet the farm on television, but does TV care? — Twitter has bet the farm on television. In its stated goal to become “The Global Town Square,” the service has tied itself to TV networks and companies through its “Amplify” program, arguing that when people watch something on TV …
The Atlantic Online, Slate, Quartz, Pocket-lint, TechPresident, NPR and Talking Biz News

Filmmaker Accuses Kickstarter of Censoring ‘Gosnell’ Abortion Movie — “They need to be honest and announce that certain opinions and ideas are not welcome,” says independent producer Phelim McAleer, who has now placed the censorship message on a billboard which went up a half-mile from Kickstarter's New York headquarters.
NewsBusters blogs

NBC seeks dismissal of Zimmerman suit over 911 tape edits — Lawyers for NBC News in March urged a Florida circuit court to dismiss the defamation suit filed in December 2012 by George Zimmerman, who was acquitted last July of second-degree murder in the Trayvon Martin case.

Building an analytics culture in a newsroom: How NPR is trying to expand its digital thinking — Being a digital staffer at a traditional news organization means doing digital work, sure — but it often also means serving as an evangelist for the web. That can take a mixture of convincing, cajoling, and showing by example.
@j450nk, @mallarytenore and @nprdesign

Meet Jessica Allen, the aide scouring Twitter to act as liaison between press and White House — When the White House hates your tweet — For the Obama White House, tweets from reporters are a kind of early warning system. It's up to Jessica Allen, 24, to sound the alarm.

Data analysis tops publishers' priority for investment in 2014 — The AOP's annual member survey finds publishers plan to increase their investment in data-led technology and skills — For all of the hype surrounding data and its importance to the media and marketing industries …