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Twitter isn't dying: active users and timeline views don't capture the platform's vast reach — Twitter Is Not Dying — Well, that's it folks: Twitter is dead. It had a good flight. A short flight, but a noisy one. Sadly, it is now headed the way of Flappy Bird.
@amanfirdaus, WGBH News, Charlie Beckett, 10,000 Words and ReadWrite

Problem for advertisers: more than half of online video ads go unwatched below the fold, in tiny players, or played simultaneously with other ads — The Great Unwatched — Some of the biggest names in Internet media have been gathering in New York City at the third annual Digital Content NewFronts …
mUmBRELLA, @ravisomaiya, @patrickruffini, @rafat and @emilybell

“Game Change” co-authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann join Bloomberg to spearhead a new, stand-alone politics site — Bloomberg snags Halperin and Heilemann — “Game Change” co-authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann have joined Bloomberg News where they will spearhead a new …
New York Times, @binarybits and @mlcalderone

Qatar plans new TV network as counterweight to Al Jazeera — ABU DHABI // Qatar is launching a new television station as a political counterweight to Al Jazeera amid concern the network has become too supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood. — The new station is to be an Arabic-language news channel based …

Arizona's anti-revenge porn law could inadvertently make certain kinds of reporting illegal — Does Arizona's Revenge Porn Law Criminalize Notable Nudity? — [Hey TLDR folks, PJ here. Amanda Levendowski is a friend of the show and a revenge porn braniac.

Vice ‘Call of Duty’ trailer blurs line between advertising and news — “It's a news report...except it's also an ad!” — That's how Ad Week described on Friday a recent trailer produced by Vice Media. The trailer promotes both Vice's forthcoming investigation into private military contractors …

Obama skewers Republicans, Democrats, media at 100th White House correspondents' dinner — Shares - — WASHINGTON, D.C. - Forgoing the largely self-deprecating front he's donned the past several years, President Obama during his prepared roast Saturday to the White House Correspondents …
Wall Street Journal, Fox News, TIME, The Huffington Post, Politico, CNN, Los Angeles Times and Reuters

De Correspondent talks lessons in start-up journalism — 5 lessons in start-up journalism from De Correspondent — A year after announcing a world record for crowdfunding for journalism, the editor-in-chief and publisher of De Correspondent shared their thoughts and lessons on start-up journalism
@hesselmann31, @janebsinger, @janjlab and @jayrosen_nyu

Digital publishers look abroad for growth, but native is slow to follow — Web publishers are finding audiences overseas. But getting the advertising to follow has proved tougher. — For online publishers actively expanding abroad lately, like BuzzFeed, Business Insider and Quartz, the allure to go global is clear.

The White House Beat, Uncovered — What the hacks of 1600 Penn really think. — The White House Correspondents' Association began as a response to Woodrow Wilson's threat to end presidential press conferences. A century later, White House reporters no longer have to line up outside …
@theredlitz, Hollywood Reporter, @causeofactiondc, dallasmorningviewsblog …, Washington Post, Slate, The Week, Mediaite and NewsBusters blogs

Rob Ford's train wreck year has Canada's journalists paying for proof — As more evidence of the Toronto mayor's substance abuse emerges, newspapers are paying huge sums to dubious sources — In Toronto this week, news broke once again about the city's mayor, Rob Ford.
@socalscouse, @bcbluecon and @jeremymbarr

Modern Farmer: the 1-year-old agriculture publication that won a National Magazine Award over Vanity Fair, GQ, and New York Magazine — A 1-Year-Old Magazine About Farming Is the Talk of the Media World — Ann Marie Gardner couldn't help but be starstruck by all the big names gathered …
@sarahbadr, The Daily Beast and Poynter