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Amazon escalates battle with Hachette, refuses coming book orders, lists some as unavailable — Amazon Escalates Its Battle Against Hachette — Amazon, under fire in much of the literary community for energetically discouraging customers from buying books from the publisher Hachette, has abruptly escalated the battle.
Publishers Lunch, @peterlattman, VentureBeat, Gizmodo, Guardian, TIME, Christian Science Monitor, @janakj, New York Times, The Verge, @patrickklepek, @ellendatlow,, Mashable, Business Insider, @emilygould, @samdolnick, Observation Deck, Bookseller news, @nkjemisin, @jonfortt, @carlzimmer, @davidcorndc, @nycjim, @matociquala, @laurahazardowen, @kevinhearne, MetaFilter and The Awl

Amazon takes away pre-orders on many Hachette titles, messes with search, categories and recommendations
Publishers Weekly, @jherskowitz, @lilithsaintcrow, @laurahazardowen, @victoriastrauss, @craiggrannell, @irastoll, @bobbie, @sarahw, @jeffjohnroberts and NPR

In review of Greenwald book, Kinsley says government should choose which secrets to release — ‘No Place to Hide,’ by Glenn Greenwald — “My position was straightforward,” Glenn Greenwald writes. “By ordering illegal eavesdropping, the president had committed crimes and should be held accountable for them.”
The Intercept, Gawker, Freedom of the Press …, Talking Points Memo, Scripting News, Wall Street Journal, @johnmcquaid, @hazelpress, @jayrosen_nyu, @20committee, @buzzfeedandrew, @janinegibson, @jswatz, @johnmcquaid, @ddayen, @dankennedy_nu, @jpodhoretz, @bostonboomer, @jesselynradack, Hit & Run, @reedfrich, @nick_scott85, @jonathanchait, Instapundit and @mattapuzzo

Kinsley's review attacks Greenwald and the First Amendment that allows secrets to emerge — Michael Kinsley on Glenn Greenwald: He ‘cannot’ decide what secrets get published — Michael Kinsley, always a provocative thinker, has done quite a bit of provoking in his just-published …

Twitter Agrees to Block ‘Blasphemous’ Tweets in Pakistan — At least five times this month, a Pakistani bureaucrat who works from a colonial-era barracks in Karachi, just down the street from the former home of his country's secularist founder, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, asked Twitter to shield …
Valleywag, Electronista, Techdirt, Sky News, The Daily Beast, Times LIVE, @nprinskeep, DAWN.COM, @76tompaine, AHRC News, The Verge, Electronic Frontier Foundation, TechCrunch and Guardian

Thai media chafe under post-coup blackout — Television screens went blue and up flashed the army's emblem, normal programming stopped and Thailand held its breath. For anyone looking forward to their favourite show, it was going to be a long wait. — Half-an-hour later …
Prachatai English, Variety, Eurasia Review, Inquirer News, Mashable and KOIN-TV

Bloomberg gives its native ads a data spin — Data journalism is getting the native ad treatment. — Bloomberg LP, best known for its financial news and information, has launched a new suite of native ad products that tap into its data-crunching abilities.
@raju, @niemanlab and @kevglobal

Why Did Wikileaks Name “Country X” When Glenn Greenwald Wouldn't? — 1,538g — Earlier this week, the Intercept revealed another bombshell from Edward Snowden's cache of government secrets: The NSA soaks up all the mobile phone calls from the Bahamas and another country.
WikiLeaks, The Verge, Vanity Fair, The Daily Caller, Engadget and Boing Boing

Twitter Experiments With a New Video-Sharing Feature — So it doesn't look like Twitter is going to get into the audio business, after all. But Twitter has liked video for quite a while. — And it looks like it's experimenting with a new product that could encourage more people to use …
Tech Digest, SocialTimes, Expert Reviews, Ubergizmo and Engadget

The Washington Post Finalizes Selection of New Headquarters — The Post's new headquarters will be located at 1301 K Street, NW in Washington. (Photo courtesy of Hines) — Lease for One Franklin Square in Washington, D.C. — The Washington Post today announced it has chosen developer Hines …

Gizmodo editor-in-chief Geoff Manaugh ‘did not integrate well’ and is gone — A memo Friday from Gawker Media Group Editorial Director Joel Johnson says Geoff Manaugh, Gizmodo's top editor, “did not integrate well with the structure both within his team and the company as a whole” and is no longer with the company.
FishbowlNY, The Awl, JIMROMENESKO.COM, @thestalwart, @abeaujon, @nicknotned and @clockwerks

TVTY Raises $4.5 Million To Sync TV And Online Ads — French startup TVTY raised $4.5 million from Partech Ventures, 360 Capital Partners and business angels. This is yet another sign that French companies' efforts to advertise technology have been doing very well.

Why A Facebook Employee Just Scared The Hell Out Of The Media — Facebook's director of product, attacked state of today's media landscape. As observers quickly noted, however, it appears lost on him that the company he works for is perhaps most to blame.
Gigaom, Mother Jones, @antderosa, Daily Dot, @obrien, @mathewi, Slate, @rbole, @cwarzel, @meganpaolone, @dannysullivan and @cwarzel

Where journalism, Facebook's algorithm and responsibiliy lie
Scripting News and Daily Dot

Newspapers are ‘hollowed out’ and ‘VICE is the savior of news,’ says guy from Facebook
Mike Hudack, Vox, Forbes, PandoDaily, The Huffington Post, Daily Dot, @glcarlstrom, @jasonhirschhorn, @jyarow, @mmasnick, @mmasnick, @neetzan, @nitashatiku, @thestalwart, @josermejia, @startupljackson, @mathewi, @antderosa, Mashable, Mediaite, Valleywag, Business Insider, @mischa, @buzzfeedandrew, @eringriffith, @tcarmody, @jbenton, @stevekrak, @andreahong, @alexia, @jaredbkeller, The New York Observer and @myersnews

Prosecutor Seeks Time For Top Mediaset Management in Mediatrade Case — ROME - A Milan prosecutor has requested a three year and two months jail sentence for Mediaset Vice Chairman Pier Silvio Berlusconi (pictured), who is Silvio Berlusconi's son, in a long-gestating tax fraud case pertaining …
Reuters, Wall Street Journal and Digital TV Europe

Only U.S.-Based News Corp Phone-Hacking Suit Dismissed; Angelina Jolie's Stunt Double Must Pursue Case In UK — Confirming his tentative ruling from February, a federal judge has formally dismissed the U.S.-based phone-hacking scandal suit against News Corp filed last June by a stunt double for Angelina Jolie.
Bloomberg and Hollywood Reporter