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Amazon Doesn't Expect Quick Resolution to Hachette Dispute — Contract Disagreement Has Led Amazon to Restrict Sale of Some Hachette Titles — Inc. said Tuesday it doesn't expect a quick resolution of a contract dispute with Hachette Book Group that has led to Amazon restricting the sale of some Hachette titles.

Independent publisher says Amazon levels the playing field, and Hachette is just greedy — WHO'S AFRAID OF AMAZON.COM — On May 24, The New York Times ran a page one story “As Publishers Fight Amazon, Books Vanish.” In their alarmist zeal reporters David Streitfeld and Melissa Eddy conjure …
Mashable, Business Insider, @thestalwart, @pmarca, @ericuman, @susanwisebauer, @baratunde and Bookseller news

UCSB newspaper board responds to criticism over non-coverage of killings — The editorial board of the Bottom Line, a student-run newspaper at the University of California at Santa Barbara, has released a statement clarifying — and nearly recanting — a much-commented-upon op-ed regarding …
JIMROMENESKO.COM, The Bottom Line and Calbuzz

The right way to publish a killer's deranged manifesto
New York Post, Washington Post, @scottleadingham, @mlcalderone and NME

Chicago Public Media taking over distribution of ‘This American Life’ … Chicago Public Media will begin self-distribution of its signature program, “This American Life,” on July 1, taking over key business functions for one of public radio's most significant franchises.
Public Radio Exchange, New York Times, Poynter, @currentpubmedia and This American Life Updates

As the New York Times' first black executive editor, Dean Baquet is in a distinct minority — Just as the May 14 dismissal of New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson sparked a debate about gender roles in journalism, the ascension of Dean Baquet—the first African-American to run the paper's newsroom …
Poynter, FishbowlNY, @niemanlab, @mhugolopez, @monicaranders and @edmundlee

A journalist goes missing nearly every day in Ukraine — It's not just journalists who are being victimised by pro-Russian separatists, but entire newsrooms — The campaign by pro-Russian separatists to muzzle local Ukrainian journalists appears to be succeeding.

Twitter to take India election innovations global — (Reuters) - U.S. social networking company Twitter is planning to replicate parts of its India election strategy across countries that go to polls this year, after it emerged as a key tool for politicians and media companies during the world's largest democratic exercise.

Netflix Buys Pay-TV Rights to Sony Animated Films — Starz's agreement with studio carved out animated pics, which will come to Netflix starting with ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2’ now and ‘Smurfs 2’ later in 2014 — Netflix reached a multiyear deal with Sony Pictures Television …
Home Media Magazine and The Wrap

Netflix beats BBC and ITV to “The Crown,” a £100m series on Queen Elizabeth II
Daily Mail, The New York Observer and Rolling Stone

The Washington Post partner program signs on nearly 100 newspapers — Digital First Media, St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Columbus Dispatch among the latest to join pilot program — Nearly 100 newspapers will participate in The Washington Post partner program first announced earlier this year.

How Disney learned to stop worrying and love copyright infringement — The Monday before the Oscars, Scott Kramer, a digital content producer based in Los Angeles, called his close friend Joshua Elson, a high school choir teacher, with an idea. For months, both their families had been obsessed …

Kinsley review of Greenwald's book “unworthy” of NYT Book Review; ignored media's constitutional role — Kinsley, Greenwald and Government Secrets — Michael Kinsley's review of Glenn Greenwald's new book, “No Place to Hide” hasn't even appeared in the printed Book Review yet …
The New York Observer, Washington Post, @rudyardg, @aoscott, @moorehn, @roypeterclark, @comradewong, Washington Post, Mediaite, @pageonemovie, @dozba, Talking Points Memo, @jayrosen_nyu, @dangillmor, Freedom of the Press …, @thomas_drake1, @joshuafoust, @dandrezner, @tejucole, Pressing Issues, @blakehounshell, @jonahweiner, @froomkin, @tnycloseread, @jpodhoretz, Capital New York, @tomtomorrow, @ggreenwald and The Huffington Post

Index launches project to map media freedom violations in Europe — Index on Censorship and Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso are launching to track media violations in Europe. — Index on Censorship, (London, United Kingdom) and Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso …

Stars campaign to keep kid shots out of media — LOS ANGELES (AP) — Suri Cruise did not ask for fame. Yet she's been chased by cameras practically from birth, with no choice in the matter, because her parents are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. — Kristen Bell is exasperated just thinking about it.

UK daily newspapers have doubled in price since 2004 and shrunk in size - no wonder sales are down — Every month when the latest set of ABC national newspaper circulation figures are released, journalists across the country heave a collective sigh of despair.

Geo TV apologizes for saying Pakistan's spy chief plotted to assassinate journalist Hamid Mir — Geo TV owners print front-page apology to Pakistan's ISI spy chief — Move comes in week regulators rule on coverage that include claims Zaheer-ul-Islam behind attempt on life of star journalist
@fispahani and @aqpk

Press regulator Ipso names its board — Members of PCC successor's 12-strong panel include pensions expert Ros Altmann and former Times editor Charles Wilson — Pensions expert Ros Altmann is to join the board of press regulator Ipso. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian
Press Gazette and Press Association

Reader revenue and the great newspaper ad bubble — Four decades of artificially high advertising goes pop — Newspaper advertising will almost surely fall to the lowest level on record this year, as ads continue to migrate to the Web. — Meanwhile, reader revenue—subscriptions and newsstand sales …

Attorney general, top journalists discuss prosecutors' latitude in leak investigations — What is ordinary about “ordinary newsgathering”? — That question was at the heart of discussions Tuesday between Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and a group of media representatives over rules …
Poynter, New York Times, USA Today, Associated Press and Politico

Lord Coe ‘approached by government’ for role of BBC Trust chair — David Cameron reported to support appointment as successor to Lord Patten, with Boris Johnson also believed to back move — Lord Coe is understood to have been approached by government officials to be the next chairman of the BBC Trust.

Newsweek strikes deal to build foreign editions — Newsweek has entered into a partnership with the global media consultancy Empirical Media to strike new foreign licensing agreements for the print magazine and its website. — Empirical, which is headed up by veteran media executive …