Top News:

Yahoo Hires Michael Isikoff as Chief Investigative Correspondent — Michael Isikoff, the investigative reporter who recently left NBC News, is joining Yahoo News as its chief investigative correspondent. He will start in August. — Mr. Isikoff will help build Yahoo's new investigative unit and will be based in Washington.
FishbowlNY, Wall Street Journal, @vivian, @davidsirota, @annarobertson, @isikoff, @peterlattman, @dklaidman, @jasonleopold, The Wrap and @jayrosen_nyu

Marissa Mayer tries to make Yahoo a “daily habit” with Tumblr-inspired digital magazines — Yahoo Wants You to Linger (on the Ads, Too) — Four editors were deep in debate at Yahoo Food's offices in Manhattan: Would Yahoo visitors click on a feature about foods of the ancient Silk Road …
Fox News, @hedgeyeinternet, @dangillmor, AdExchanger, @peterlauria3, @steverubel, @lehmannchris, @mikebutcher, @pankajontech, @nytimesbusiness, @jrick, @vindugoel and @karaswisher

Al-Jazeera journalists jailed for seven years in Egypt — Peter Greste, Mohammed Fahmy and Baher Mohammed of Al-Jazeera English sentenced on terrorism-related charges — An Egyptian court has convicted three journalists from Al-Jazeera English and sentenced them to seven years in prison each …
Al Jazeera English, Reuters, New York Times, CNN, Variety, Poynter, Press Gazette, The Wrap, National Union of Journalists, Mashable, The Huffington Post, @miafarrow, Wall Street Journal, @the_intercept, Sky News, ThinkProgress, @rj_gallagher, BBC, @sulliview, @petertatchell, ITV, @alistergreste, @jackmirkinson, @inigogilmore, CNN, Reuters, The Independent, The Newspaper Guild, Telegraph, @davidbangladesh, @paulbernaluk, @skynewsbreak, @patrickkingsley, @mishalhusainbbc, @nycjim, @nervana_1, Amnesty International, @malonebarry, @jonathanwatts, mUmBRELLA, @ianwoodssky, UK - The Huffington Post, @mwhanna1, @abcnewsintern, @camanpour, @skynewsbreak, @marklittlenews, Middle East Eye, @paulmasonnews, @katz, @ltribe, Channel 4, @margotkiser, @abuaardvark, @nycjim, @iburrell and @jeffjarvis

Vice Has Many Media Giants Salivating, but Its Terms Will Be Rich — A black S.U.V. recently rolled through the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and stopped in front of the converted warehouse that is the global headquarters of Vice Media. Out of the vehicle stepped the media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
Fortune, The Wrap, @davepell, @suzykhimm, @jennifersaba, @miriamgottfried, @rafat, @ischafer, @gabrielsherman, @nycjim, Los Angeles Times, @maura, @pkafka, @peterlattman, @lpolgreen, @felixsalmon, @jonah_kessel and @jayrosen_nyu

Felix Dennis personified the buccaneering spirit magazines have lost — Outrageous and passionate, Dennis was a shrewd operator who made small fortunes from the mis-steps of the big boys — I first met Felix Dennis in an upscale New York restaurant on a hot July Saturday in 1983.
The New York Observer, FishbowlNY, Digital Spy, @davidhepworth and @davidhepworth

Magazine publisher Felix Dennis ‘famed for his maverick and entrepreneurial style’ has died aged 67 — Publisher Felix Dennis has died aged 67 “after a long and painful battle with cancer”. — The businessman first found fame as one of the founders of 1960s counterculture magazine Oz …
The Week UK, Capital New York and

Gawker wants to double its staff by end of 2015 — Growth-mode Gawker aiming for traffic and staff bumps — As it continues to court a mass, if scattered, readership across its network of sites, Gawker Media leadership is looking for a sizable rise in unique U.S. visitors a month by the end of 2014 …
@felixsalmon, @mathewi and @hblodget

SCOTUSblog's appeal fails; can't get Senate press credential — If you spent any part of Monday checking SCOTUSblog for the Supreme Court orders, you're not alone — about 10,000 people were on its live blog around 10 a.m., Editor Amy Howe wrote. — But SCOTUSblog's indispensibility …

Sports Illustrated Unveils A New Web Design And A Fantasy Sports App — It's been a busy few months for Time Inc. Not only has the publishing company spun out from Time Warner, it has also revamped the websites for its publications Time, Money, and Fortune. Now Sports Illustrated is launching a new website, and new products, too.
MediaWire Daily, AdAge and Adweek

Bart & Fleming: Why Nikki Finke Won't Be Coming Back — Peter Bart and Mike Fleming Jr. worked together for two decades at Daily Variety. In this weekly Sunday column, two old friends get together and grind their axes on the movie business. — Bart: You and I have lived through …
FishbowlNY, @davidpoland, @sharonwaxman, @therealjethro and @hunterw

Guardian Media Group and EFF amongst winners of Knight News Challenge; $3.4M for 19 projects — New Knight News Challenge winners receive funding to help strengthen the Internet — The Knight Foundation is out with the most recent group of winners in the Knight News Challenge …

How A Canadian Sports Network Became Your Must-Check World Cup News App — Is theScore a news organization or a technology company? Either way, it's scored a major victory by appealing to 5 million sports fans. — Benjie Levy is not your typical sports media mogul.

World Cup Setting Ratings Records for ESPN and Univision
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