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In the wake of a merger bid between non-print media giants, a meditation on print's inadequacy — Riding the Juggernaut That Left Print Behind — Even if you aren't one of those people worried about media consolidation — there are many in that number — the big bolt of lightning last week …
@janicebmin, @rafat, @chrishogg, @raju, @pblackshaw, The Paris Review, @juliebosman, @carr2n, @vqr, @cjr, @peterlattman, @jmartnyt, @ariannahuff, @ckrewson, @harvard, @nathanjurgenson, @thorn_john, @fortyover40, @edwardboches, @poniewozik, @sulliview, @jeffjarvis, @michaelroston, The New York Observer, @ericscherer, @karaswisher, @ckummer, The Newspaper Guild and @carlquintanilla

Netflix Passes 50M Subscribers As It Reports Better Than Expected Q2 Revenue Of $1.34B — This afternoon following the closing bell, Netflix announced the financial results of its second quarter, including revenue of $1.34 billion and earnings per share of $1.15.
Capital New York, Home Media Magazine, VentureBeat, The Wrap, Gigaom, BuzzFeed, USA Today, Variety, MarketWatch, Business Insider, @tcarmody, @xpangler, @tcarmody, @jboorstin, @jboorstin and @quantarb

The story behind The New Yorker's website relaunch, unveiled today — A relaunch for The New Yorker, with high stakes — The New Yorker will debut its long awaited, revamped website today, about which you'll see plenty of commentary and criticism. — But to understand what the imperatives …
New Yorker, The Next Web, The Awl, @natalieraabe, @jamesgrobinson, Politico, @garrettquinn, FishbowlNY, @cncep, @alexweprin and @dfroms

First Look Media launches legal fund to aid press freedom advocates in US and abroad — Promoting and Protecting Free Speech and Free Expression — Lynn Oberlander is First Look Media's General Counsel, Media Operations — Promoting and protecting free speech and free expression are paramount to First Look's mission.
Poynter, @trevortimm, @the_intercept, @buzzfeedben, @acarvin, @joshuafoust and @pierre

Murdoch Not Likely To Raise Time Warner Bid Immediately, Source Says — Fox is not likely to raise its bid for Time Warner immediately, a source familiar with the situation tells Business Insider. Rather, the increase, if any, will likely come within “weeks.”

Study: 31% of ebooks sold on Amazon are self-published; DRM harms sales at all price levels — July 2014 Author Earnings Report — It has been nearly half a year since we first pulled data for nearly every ranked ebook on's thousands of category bestseller lists.
Forbes, @robpegoraro, PandoDaily, @alisternburg, Telegraph, @ydbxmhc and Boing Boing

Reporters bristle as WH derides, then offers, anonymous sources — Complaints from White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Monday about anonymous news sources prompted a testy exchange with reporters who noted that administration officials regularly demand anonymity.
Business Insider, Politico, BuzzFeed, @tristanlejeune and @davidshepardson

The 60-second interview: Taylor Lorenz, head of social media, The Daily Mail/Mail Online — CAPITAL: What are your major responsibilities as social media lead? What is your day-to-day like? — LORENZ: My responsibilities are pretty varied. My No. 1 goal is to promote …
@stevekovach, @sfiegerman, @socarolinesays, @mattnavarrauk, @timherrera, @lauraelizdavis, @jaredbkeller, @perlberg and @elanazak

Gaza Crisis: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman Will ‘Work to Prevent Al Jazeera’ Operating in Israel — Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has said that Israel will work to prevent Al Jazeera TV from operating in Israel. — “Qatar has turned into a global problem.
@barakravid, Mediaite, @ojazeera, @mukhtaryare, @ibtimesuk and New York Times

Big TV mergers are forcing smaller cable networks like AMC, Starz to consider survival plans — Smaller Cable Networks Plan Their Survival Under the Feet of Giants — The flesh-eating zombies in AMC's hit television series “The Walking Dead” are shambling into a land of even bigger monsters.
@peterlattman, Los Angeles Times and @emilysteel

AP starts publishing robot-generated earnings stories — AP's robot-written stories have arrived — AP earnings-report stories written with automation technology have begun to appear. Earnings reports for Hasbro Inc., Honeywell International Inc. and GE, among others, bear the legend …

Facebook Launches Save, A Read-It-Later List For Links, Places, And Media Pages — Two years after acqhiring read-it-later startup Spool, Facebook today launched a basic Pocket competitor called Save. It's a feature for iOS, Android, and web that lets you store links from News Feed …
The Next Web, Forbes, Gigaom, AdAge, VentureBeat, USA Today, Electronista, Inside Facebook, Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Gizmodo, The Verge and Re/code