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Journalists missing, fixer kidnapped, press banned in eastern Ukraine — The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns a series of recent anti-press violations in Ukraine's eastern region of Donetsk. In the past two days, at least two journalists have gone missing, while pro-Russia separatists abducted …
@simonostrovsky, @fredharrison, @ivancnn, @simonostrovsky, @grahamwp_uk, @geoffpyatt, OSCE and Guardian

RT stringer among 4 people taken hostage in besieged Ukraine's Donetsk - report
Daily Mail, English, News24, and @catherina_news

Ukraine: Tycoon to Launch English-Language News Network
Central European News and @odessablogger

Amazon Makes Plea to Authors to Quiet Down — Since Douglas Preston began circulating a letter to other marquee and midlist authors late last month in an effort to remove writers from the Amazon-Hachette dispute, he has captured nearly 1,000 author-signatures.
@brandenhart, Melville House Books, @alisonajones, @david_annandale, @dblobaum and Bookseller news

Reddit Live is now official, lets anyone create their own breaking news live blog — Today, Reddit officially launched its own live-blogging platform. The company calls it Reddit Live and the feature has actually been in “semi-open beta” for a few months now - you may have stumbled across …
VentureBeat, Daily Dot, The Inquisitr News, Mashable, reddit and @mattnavarrauk

Charts: How we watch TV now — LOS ANGELES—Americans are watching more television than ever. They're just doing it on their own schedule. — That was the big takeaway as research gurus from CBS, FX, Fox, and Showtime spoke to reporters at the Television Critics Association's summer press tour …

German Government Tries To Censor Publication Of Its List Of Censored Websites — A few weeks ago, an anonymous internet user was able to acquire and subsequently extract a website blacklist used by Germany's Federal Department of Media Harmful to Young Children (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien [BPjM]).

India's Media — Missing the Data Journalism Revolution? — The Mumbai-based IndiaSpend, India's first nonprofit data journalism center. — How can media make sense of a country that has over 1.2 billion people (about 17 percent of the global population), close to 800 languages …
@raju and @govindethiraj

Twitter's New User Pitch Means a New Advertising Pitch, Too — Twitter is trying to tell Wall Street that it doesn't have a user problem. Just a counting problem. — In recent months, the company has been telling investors not just to focus on the number of people who use the service once a month …

How BBC News covered Indian elections on WhatsApp and WeChat — Earlier this year I blogged about the first editorial experiments that BBC News was about to conduct using instant-messaging platforms. Since then it's been a busy few months in which we have developed and run pilots on WhatsApp …
@kevglobal and @jonrussell

Bloomberg LP's VC fund, which financed Newsle, keeps a focus on finding useful information — Bloomberg Beta's first year as a VC — Bloomberg LP started as a financial terminal business, then it extended into the media world. Now, it's trying its hand at venture capital.

Pittsburgh sports columnist leaves newspaper to start his own reader-supported site — Trib columnist Kovacevic to launch his own sports website — Dejan Kovacevic quit as sports columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review in order to launch his own website,
@craigcalcaterra, @vosdscott, @mathewi, @dejan_kovacevic, @jayrosen_nyu, Pittsburgh City Paper and JIMROMENESKO.COM

Tom Wallace and John Bellando out in big Condé Nast executive shuffle — Condé Nast chief operating and financial officer John Bellando and editorial director Thomas Wallace are exiting the company, C.E.O. Chuck Townsend told staff this morning in a memo obtained by Capital.
Folio, AdAge, Media & Entertainment, MediaWire Daily, New York Magazine, Poynter, Digiday, WWD Media Headlines and FishbowlNY

Kumo Is Raising $50 Million To Break The TV Bundle — Despite Aereo's trouble in the Supreme Court, the hope of disrupting the TV industry is still alive in the tech world. — A new startup led by Aol and Dish veteran Neil Davis is in the process of raising $50 million to fill that void.