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Despite Circulation Gains, Profit Falls 21% at New York Times Co. — Increased investments in digital products and a decline in print advertising weighed on The New York Times Company's second-quarter earnings, as profit slipped 21 percent. — The company on Tuesday reported $55.7 million …
New York Times Company, Bloomberg, The Wrap, FishbowlNY, Reuters, Talking New Media, WKRB News, @bgrueskin, @breakingmoney, @romenesko and Forbes

New York Times adds 32,000 digital-only subscribers as profit falls — The New York Times added 32,000 digital subscribers in the second quarter of 2014, the company reported today. The number was driven by its new products — the NYT Now and NYT Opinion apps and the new Times Premier subscription tier.
Capital New York, NetNewsCheck Latest, AdAge and AdExchanger

Newspaper industry lost another 1,300 full-time editorial professionals in 2013 — The American Society of News Editors annual newsroom census, released today, found a net loss of another 1,300 full-time professionals last year. — That was better than the 2,600 net job loss in 2012 …
@rickedmonds, @poynter and The Huffington Post

BuzzFeed, online curation, and plagiarism: juggling temptation and a maturing content model — The net roots of BuzzFeed plagiarism — Benny Johnson, the 28-year-old BuzzFeed editor who was fired last week for serial plagiarism, never went to journalism school. He didn't get his start working a beat at a local newspaper.
@sarahw, @webbspective, @mattdpearce, @mkonnikova and @seanhackbarth

Why ad buyers shrug at BuzzFeed's plagiarism scandal — Although BuzzFeed's recent plagiarism scandal is giving some journalists a healthy case of schadenfreude, it's still unlikely to do much near-term harm to the publisher's relationship with ad buyers. — BuzzFeed said on Friday …
Business Insider, Washington Post, The Daily Banter, The New York Observer and The Wrap

BMW Runs the First Ads on Medium, Twitter Founders' Blogging Platform — Automaker Sponsors Medium's New Design Publication — Short Form Video — When blogging platform Medium begins publishing Re:form on Tuesday, its latest “collection,” readers may notice something entirely new to the site: advertising.
@sam_a_klein and The Next Web, Thanks:@msebastian

Apple TV Gets CNBC And FOX NOW Channels — Apple continues to fill out its Apple TV content library, with two new additions to the device today including a CNBC channel with live broadcasts and FOX NOW, the on-demand app for the network that includes episodes of Glee, Family Guy and more.
AppleInsider, Macgasm, MacRumors and 9to5Mac

One reason Time Warner execs are happy to sell: $80-million golden parachutes — The biggest corporate offshoots of Time Magazine's long march through history have at least two things in common: Time Warner and Time Warner Cable are at the center of the most anticipated mergers of the year …
Wall Street Journal, @timfernholz and @moorehn

I'm Ira Glass, Host of This American Life, and This Is How I Work — Ira Glass is a writer, producer, storyteller, performer, and a familiar voice. His show This American Life has set the contemporary standard of nonfiction radio shows, and has influenced and inspired countless others to grab a mic and give podcasting a try.
The New York Observer,, @sarahcarr, @nobert and @chasejarvis

British Olympic Association chairman Sebastian Coe pulls out of race for BBC Trust chairman job — Sebastian Coe: 'I haven't the capacity' to be next BBC Trust chairman — Sebastian Coe (pictured, Reuters) has signalled he has pulled out of the race to become the next chairman of the BBC Trust.
Guardian, Hollywood Reporter, Daily Express, Variety, @mbisson_atr, TBI Vision, Digital TV Europe and

State Department urges Iran to release Washington Post correspondent — The State Department on Monday called for the release of The Washington Post's Iran correspondent, Jason Rezaian, who was detained last week in Tehran along with his wife and two others for undetermined reasons.
Committee to Protect …, @londonoe, @marcburleigh, US Department of State and @rezamarashi

At Front Lines, Bearing Witness in Real Time — My social media feed has taken a bloody turn in the last few weeks and I'm hardly alone. Along with the usual Twitter wisecracking and comments on incremental news, I have seen bodies scattered across fields and hospitals in Ukraine and Gaza.
@andycowles1, Prof Chris Daly's Blog, Gigaom, @digiphile and @antderosa