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Profile of Politico's founding CEO and new Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan — Post names Frederick J. Ryan Jr. as new publisher — Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos is replacing Publisher Katharine Weymouth with Frederick J. Ryan, Jr., a former Reagan administration official who was part …

Katharine Weymouth announces plans to step down as publisher, Fred Ryan selected as successor — In a note to her Washington Post colleagues of 17 years, Katharine Weymouth today announced the transition to a new Publisher and CEO. She said, “The greatest honor of my life has been serving …
Capital New York, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, Politico, The Awl, New York Magazine, @jamesscott2, @moorehn, @joepompeo and @mikeisaac

Washington Post publisher Katharine Weymouth's farewell memo to staff — ‘The Post will be in excellent hands,’ says departing publisher Katharine Weymouth — Washington Post publisher's farewell note to staff: — From: Weymouth, Katharine — Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 9:00 AM
Poynter, NetNewsCheck Latest and @lheron

ISIL Has Reportedly Beheaded Journalist Steven Sotloff — ISIL has released a second video allegedly showing the beheading of journalist Steven Sotloff, according to SITE Intelligence Group. … David Cawthorne Haines in the video. (SITE) — The terrorist group had previously claimed Sotloff …
New York Times, Poynter, Washington Post, CNN, The Wrap, Mediaite, The Huffington Post, CBS News, @bencnn, @acarvin, @jaketapper, @wesleylowery, New York Magazine, USA Today, @140elect, Business Insider, Mashable, @ivanthek, @natsecheather, NPR, @jenanmoussa, @jguynn, @mattzeitlin, @juliaioffe, @mbaram, @acarvin, @gesfandiari, @iamshanemorris, @clare_oc, @chanders, @sdkstl, @lrozen, @brown_moses, @davidkenner, @mollycrabapple, @joshuahersh, NBC News, @juliemmoos, @davidbcohen1 and @reuters

Bloomberg Politics Hires Slate's Dave Weigel As New Venture Prepares For Launch — NEW YORK — Bloomberg has hired Dave Weigel, a senior political reporter at Slate, for its new politics venture, which is being helmed by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. — The forthcoming Bloomberg Politics brand …
Politico, JIMROMENESKO.COM, FishbowlNY, Poynter, Talking Points Memo, @joshuatopolsky, @raju, @bpolitics, Talking Biz News, @greggjlevine, @hunterw, @erikwemple and @huffpostmedia

Why I'm Leaving Slate for Bloomberg Politics — This blog does not believe in lede-burying, so here you go: On Sept. 19 I'll be leaving Slate to work for Bloomberg Politics. I'll be covering exactly what I cover now, but at a different address. Slate's politics and policy coverage will fall …
FishbowlDC, @fmanjoo, @jessicakroy, @daveweigel, @inklesspw and New York Magazine

Hong Kong Newspaper Drops Democracy Advocate's Column — HONG KONG — A Hong Kong hedge fund manager who has rallied support from bankers and brokers for the city's pro-democracy movement said Tuesday that a leading business newspaper had dropped his long-running column.

A look inside NYT Obituaries department with 1700 pre-written obits of famous figures on file — Obituaries for the Pre-Dead — If you can read this, then you are almost certainly pre-dead. — For my colleagues and me, the world cleaves, portmanteau-style, into two neat compartments: the dead and the pre-dead.
FishbowlNY and @ellenbarrynyt

Mental Floss finds success in video with “The List Show” using star power of John Green — Mental Floss Is Buoyed by Online Video — For decades, magazine editors often relied on a handful of maxims to attract readers: Young is better than old. Pretty is better than ugly.
@mims, @therightsteph, @grove and MediaWire Daily