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Jennifer Preston will join Knight Foundation as vice president for journalism — New York Times digital and print veteran will lead team supporting adoption of innovative digital practices — Jennifer Preston, an award-winning New York Times journalist and digital innovator …
Poynter, Capital New York, @jcstearns, @craigsilverman, @aadamglenn, @vivian, @sdkstl, @nycjim, @sulliview, @dangillmor, @jeffjarvis, @jenniferpreston, @ibarguen, @louiegilot and @digiphile

Cable network Fusion hires Alexis Madrigal, deputy editor of, to cover tech, TV and digital media — Fusion Hires Alexis Madrigal of to Bolster Tech Coverage — Alexis Madrigal, deputy editor of and a prominent online voice on technology and culture …
@mathewi, @deilemberg, @fruzse, @pkedrosky, @noahshachtman, @phillydesign, @digiphile, @megangarber, @nandorvila, @nbj914, @alexismadrigal, @stevesilberman and MediaWire Daily

Politico to add new policy shop: ‘The Agenda’ — We already have The Upshot,, Wonkblog, FiveThirtyEight and other policy-heavy news sites. This news space will get a touch more crowded early next year, when Politico launches “The Agenda.” — In a memo to Politico staffers …
The Huffington Post, @erikwemple, Prof Chris Daly's Blog and Politico

Politico Sees Big Money In Expanding Its Labor Coverage
Washington Post and American Press Institute

Adobe's e-book reader sends your reading logs back to Adobe—in plain text — Digital Editions even tracks which pages you've read. — Adobe's Digital Editions e-book and PDF reader—an application used by thousands of libraries to give patrons access to electronic lending libraries …
The Digital Reader, @bug_gwen, RT, Techdirt, The Register, Consumerist, @maira, @ricketyoldshack, Inquirer, @virtadpt, Network World, LJ INFOdocket, @dangillmor, @thepacketrat, Gigaom and Brave New World

Twitter sues U.S. government over limits on ability to disclose surveillance orders — Twitter, the world's largest microblogging platform, on Tuesday sued the U.S. government, alleging that the Justice Department's restrictions on what the company can say publicly about the government's …
The Twitter Blog, Forbes, Boing Boing, Wired, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, BetaNews, AdAge, Poynter, Techdirt, Al Jazeera America, @johngramlich, ZDNet, The Daily Caller, The Verge, Consumerist, Guardian, TIME, New York Times, Mashable, The Next Web, Threatpost, Re/code, VatorNews, Ars Technica, Electronista, ReadWrite, The Hill, Engadget, New York Magazine, The Week and CBS San Francisco

Vice Media's creative services division will curate Collectively, a sustainability site launched by firms like Unilever, Google, Microsoft, and BT Group — Google, BT and more launch sustainability platform ‘Collectively’ — Issues of global climate change, food shortages …
Gawker, Guardian, GreenBiz, MediaPost, PandoDaily, @sustability, @crowd_intel, @forum4thefuture and The Drum

Enough with the manifestos about the future of news, let your product do the talking — Nikki Usher had a great Columbia Journalism Review article “Startup site manifestos are press criticism” where she notes that startup news orgs like PandoDaily, Vox, FiveThirtyEight and more have gotten …

Dow Jones wins $5 million judgment against ‘hot news’ provider Ransquawk — (Reuters) - Dow Jones & Co on Tuesday won a $5 million (3.11 million pounds) judgement against the London-based service Ransquawk, which it accused of pirating its content by broadcasting news within seconds of publication to traders and other subscribers.

Longer articles don't necessarily imply extra time spent viewing ads, says Chartbeat — Longer stories draw more attention, but with diminishing returns — There's a growing narrative that long-form articles drive more attention time, which some are touting as the new metric of choice for digital publishers.
@jodiontheweb, @lmoses, … and American Press Institute

Storify adds a way to collaborate on breaking news — Storify now has a way for journalists to collaborate on breaking news, Livefyre announced Tuesday. Storify Enterprise, which was previously Storify VIP, lets several people “simultaneously add text or content in real-time …
Storify, TechCrunch and The Next Web

Netflix chief Reed Hastings takes on telcos, cinemas and global expansion — In The Telegraph's Sunday Interview, CEO exclusively discusses Netflix first original films, its plans for British productions and its battles over ‘net neutrality’ — Reed Hastings, the chief executive and co-founder of Netflix …
@martingeddes and @orlandonicoara

The 60-second interview: Andrew Sullivan, founding editor, The Dish — CAPITAL: It's coming up on two years since you announced that you were setting off on your own to launch The Dish as a subscription-based news blog with a full-time staff and everything. What's been the best part about this venture so far?

Like Sea Level, Times Environmental Coverage on the Rise — It's hard to dispute the public's dismay over climate change. When hundreds of thousands of people take to the Manhattan streets, as they did in the People's Climate March last month, something big is clearly happening.
Talking Points Memo, @afreedma, @michaelkruse and @justinhgillis