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Opinion: Why it's so disappointing that j-schools are panicking over Ebola — In the last week, we've learned that three U.S. universities have canceled invitations to journalists due to fears about Ebola: — Syracuse University rescinded an invitation to Washington Post photographer Michel du Cille …
Poynter, Inside Higher Ed, Code Words and @erikwemple

University of Georgia journalism school canceled Liberian editor's speech because of Ebola fears — Georgia U. Cancels FPA Editor's McGill Lectures Over Ebola — Monrovia - The University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia has rescinded the decision of the University's journalism

Guardian's reporting on Whisper was ethical even though they had been editorial partners; some journalists' reactions are troubling — The ethics of The Guardian's Whisper bombshell — It would have been a journalistic lapse for the paper not to have told readers what it had learned
@janinegibson, @rabois, @paulcarr, @rabois, @dancow, @paulcarr, @daviduberti, Guardian, @cjr, @ryanchittum, @janinegibson, @ryanchittum and PandoDaily

Gamergate supporters combat negative media coverage with campaigns complaining to advertisers — Inside Gamergate's (successful) attack on the media — GamerGate has come to represent a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But to a core group of astoundingly fervent supporters …
Gawker, @userlich, @libertarianblue, @fd1017, @caitlindewey, @chanders and

On GamerGate: A letter from the editor
Raw Story, Featured stories, @reckless, @hels, TechCrunch, @cwarzel, @fmanjoo, @_cooper, @lorojoro, GameSpot and

For Aaron Kushner, a Difficult Foray Into Newspapers — Ever since the entrepreneur Aaron Kushner bought into the newspaper business two years ago, he has generated a steady stream of headlines — about himself. — Last week, Mr. Kushner stepped away from his role as publisher …
LA Observed, Navel Gazing, @romenesko and @samkirkla

The depressing truth behind the internet TV revolution — An internet television revolution is sweeping across America! HBO will finally begin selling a standalone streaming service next year. CBS just launched an internet service of its own, allowing access to all of its shows …
Gigaom, New York Times, @thetelecomtoday and @gregorytaylor1

Amazon closes multi-year digital and print deal with CBS's Simon & Schuster, one of Big Five publishers — Amazon Closes Multi-Year Deal With Simon & Schuster, The Other Big Five Publisher It Was In E-Book Pricing Negotiations With — Amazon has inked a multi-year deal with Simon & Schuster …
Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, @ampressman, Digital Book World and @arhomberg

Google's changes to search results downgrade sites with unlicensed content after continuing pressure from UK music trade group BPI — Google changes ‘to fight piracy’ by highlighting legal sites — Music industry executives are frustrated by illegal sites appearing in Google search results
Guardian, Washington Post, The Hill, TorrentFreak, @ryanspagnolo, @trademoore, Consumerist, @alastairdunning and RAIN News

Chartbeat tries to fight the smoke and mirrors in web measurement by going public with its metrics — Chartbeat CEO Tony Haile says the web-measurement and analytics market is still too full of black-box style tricks and smoke and mirrors, so he is making his company's entire measurement process …
NetNewsCheck Latest, @jimbradysp, @arctictony, @titanas, @kaviguppta and @reikr

‘Bleacher Report’ claws toward respectability — Dave Finocchio Founder and General Manager of Bleacher Report Martin Klimek, USA TODAY — With a piercing article that had sports fans nodding their heads, satirical humor site The Onion had a good laugh in 2012 at the expense of Bleacher Report's quick-turn journalism.
@jclemensauthor, @jeffpearlman, @rogerjyu and Deadspin

Journalists should be given public interest defence in law, says Nick Clegg — Lib Dem leader says journalists should not fear being prosecuted under computer misuse, data protection and bribery laws — Journalists should be able to rely on a public interest defence if they break …
Telegraph and @julesmattsson