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New tools amplify Facebook's effort to encourage publishers to move more content onto its site — Facebook Gives Publishers More Tools as Part of Content Push — Facebook has been courting content companies for years, because it wants content companies to bring more of their content to Facebook.
Digiday, @carr2n, @reynoldscj, @ahenkin, @niemanlab, @mikeisaac, @mattbuchanan, @mims and @jaynawallace

Facebook releases new tools for publishers to offer greater automation and better targeting, improves Insights, fixes referrer data bug for iOS — New Tools and Insights for Publishers — Over the past few months, we've listened to publishers around the world to better understand …
AdAge, @gormojourno, @lheron, Marketing Land, The Next Web, Mashable, Marketing Land, Digiday, AllFacebook, @sriramk, @kelseyproud, @andrewmdooley, Poynter, @lavrusik and @stkonrath

Facebook expanding Trending to mobile and separates news from what friends are discussing
Facebook, @lheron, @samir, @jimmacmillan, @fieldproducer, The Whip, AllFacebook, Mashable, VentureBeat, TechCrunch and @jayrosen_nyu

Internal dissension over gamergate contributed to Gawker reorganization and cost company seven figures in ad revenue — Gawker discusses cost of ‘gamergate’ — The “gamergate” controversy cost Gawker Media “seven figures” in lost advertising revenue, the company's head of advertising Andrew Gorenstein …
Talking Points Memo, @tmcgev, @tmcgev, FishbowlNY, New York Magazine and

Nick Denton to institute new seven-person managing partnership at Gawker, names Tommy Craggs as editor
The Wrap, The New York Observer, Politico, @msjschweiz, Wall Street Journal, @mlcalderone, @wparker, @lock, @nicknotned, @mathewi, @thestalwart, @nicknotned, @jeffbercovici, @dylanbyers, @johngapper, Politico, Gigaom, Financial Times, @seanludwig, Capital New York, @chanders, @michaelroston, @gaberivera, @scottros, @weareyourfek, @jackdickey and @koblin

Mahran Al Deeri of the Al Jazeera Arabic website dies while covering battles in city of Al Sheikh Maskin in rural Daraa. — Al Jazeera Media Network has announced the death of its Arabic correspondent in Syria, Mahran Al Deeri, while covering battles in the city of Al Sheikh Maskin in rural Daraa.
Reuters, USA Today, @billneelynbc, Premium Times Nigeria, Wall Street Journal, International Business Times and @asher_wolf

Google News to shut down in Spain Dec. 16 in response to recently passed Spanish copyright law — Strict New “Copyright Law” Forces End Of Google News In Spain — Google has decided to shut down Google News in Spain. This drastic step will occur next week (December 16) …
Guardian, Google Europe Blog, Gigaom, New York Times, Techdirt, The Spain Report, CNET, Sky News, Daily Mail, Bloomberg, Forbes, Agence France-Presse, Reuters, Search Engine Roundtable, The Local, TechWeekEurope UK, AsiaOne Digital, City A.M., USA Today, Computerworld, DW.DE, 9to5Google, ZDNet, @jeffjarvis, @dannysullivan, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, Engadget, @jeffjarvis, @dangillmor, Telegraph, Ubergizmo, @candeira, The Next Web, Gizmodo, @albertocairo, @notpatrick, Electronista and @gsterling

Bloomberg Passed Over Its Top Woman Editor In Hiring A New Boss — When the memo dropped on Tuesday morning, Bloomberg's Manhattan newsroom went silent. Office banter ceased and keyboards stopped clacking, as reporters and editors read the note from Michael Bloomberg announcing …
JIMROMENESKO.COM, @katienotopoulos, @thatcaseyquin, @emersongreg, @doreeshafrir, @sdkstl and Wall Street Journal

Bloomberg and Businessweek to merge websites into renamed Bloomberg Business
@joepompeo, Financial Times, Poynter, FishbowlNY, Talking Biz News, The Daily Beast and @joshuatopolsky

Netflix wants its app on cable providers' set-top boxes, may be nearing a deal with AT&T — Netflix wants to hook up with your cable company in 2015 — Netflix's new strategy to take on cable involves becoming best friends with cable: The video streaming service has been working hard …

Deadline is Thursday for US House to pass Freedom of Information law reforms — With hours of sunshine left, passage of FOIA reform in the U.S. House hangs in the balance — Imagine if an important reform to public access to government information hung in the balance in the United States Congress …

Talk that Clarity Media Group might restart the Rocky Mountain News could be a bargaining chip in negotiations to buy the Denver Post — Will Denver really have a newspaper war? — As a billionaire floats reviving the Rocky Mountain News, The Denver Post might buckle its chin strap
The Latest Word, @coreyhutchins, @coreyhutchins, @__jt, @stevebuttry, @elistokols, The Newspaper Guild and Gazette

Dish wants to keep broadcasters out of basic Web TV service -WSJ — Dish Network Corp does not want to include broadcast channels in the basic package for its planned online TV service, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter.
Ars Technica, PC World and Wall Street Journal

Sources: Sony Pictures using AWS to execute denial-of-service attack on sites where its stolen data is available — Sony Pictures Tries to Disrupt Downloads of its Stolen Files — Sony Pictures Entertainment is fighting back. — The studio behind the “Spider-Man” franchise and …
New York Times, Guardian, @kennwhite, @patphelan, TIME, Business Insider, @jpnkevin_t, @mammavalenzuela, @csoghoian, The Verge, @xor, @fmanjoo, Ubergizmo, @waltmossberg, @justinbrookman, Gizmodo, @mikeisaac, @eastdakota, @kevinmitnick, @dangillmor, @csoghoian, The Next Web, BGR and Engadget

Met accused of illegally accessing 20m News UK email records as it fights legal bid to return them — News UK handed over physical possession of ‘back-up’ tapes for ‘political’ reasons during hacking scandal — Met Police did not seek ‘judicial approval’ for access to tapes containing data from 2,000 systems