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Rolling Stone retracts UVA rape article following investigation that found the magazine failed to verify basic details; writer Sabrina Erdely apologizes — Rolling Stone Retracts Article on Rape at University of Virginia — Rolling Stone magazine retracted its article about a brutal gang rape …
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Rolling Stone and UVA: The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Report — A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Last November, we published a story, ‘A Rape on Campus’ [RS 1223], that centered around a University of Virginia student's horrifying account of her alleged gang rape at a campus fraternity house.
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New York Times:
Statement From Writer of Rolling Stone Rape Article, Sabrina Erdely — Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the author of a now-discredited article in Rolling Stone magazine about a rape at a University of Virginia fraternity, issued this statement: — “The past few months, since my Rolling Stone article …
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Brian Stelter / CNNMoney:
Sources: Rolling Stone publisher won't dismiss or suspend anyone involved in faulty rape story — Public accounting near for Rolling Stone — Columbia University will publish the results Sunday of an extraordinary three-month review of Rolling Stone magazine's editorial processes.

Q&A with Columbia University's Steve Coll and Sheila Coronel on Rolling Stone report: “This was a systematic and collective failure” — What was the single point of failure at Rolling Stone? The authors of Columbia's investigative report answer that and more
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Steve Buttry / The Buttry Diary:
Rolling Stone should blame itself for mistakes, not Jackie; investigative reporting is about discovery of a story, not confirmation of your notions — Rolling Stone forgot: Investigative reporting is about discovery, not preconceived notions — Investigative reporting is about discovery of a story, not confirmation of your notions.
The Daily Caller and Vox

Sling TV apologizes for choppy streams during March Madness, but it's unclear what went wrong — Sling TV Says It Dropped the Ball During March Madness. When Will Web TV Be Ready for Primetime? — Yesterday was a big test for Sling TV: How would the Web TV service do when lots …
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John Oliver lands Edward Snowden interview from Russia — HBO comedian John Oliver scored his biggest coup yet: an in-depth interview in Russia with whistleblower Edward Snowden. — The comedian surprised viewers on Sunday night by revealing that he visited Russia last week and met with Snowden …

Tidal's launch shows that music labels remain important for some artists because they provide capital and marketing — Tidal and the Future of Music — I'm a couple of days late in writing about Tidal, Jay Z and friends' new streaming service, so I've been saved the trouble of predicting it will fail.
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Comcast Recruits Its Beneficiaries to Lobby for Time Warner Deal — WASHINGTON — The letters have come from all around the United States — from the Nutmeg Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Connecticut, the Houston Area Urban League and even the Dan Marino Foundation in Fort Lauderdale …
@nytimesbusiness, @billpollock, @mweinberg2d, @mmoyr and The Verge

Roku now tracks when price of streaming a movie goes down — Roku media players will now alert users when the price of a movie they're interested in watching goes down. — It's one of several features announced Monday aimed at helping Roku keep pace with and distinguish itself from competitors …