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Amazon and HarperCollins reach multiyear agreement for both print and digital, allowing HarperCollins to set prices for its ebooks — Amazon, HarperCollins Reach Multiyear Publishing Deal — New agreement expected to go into effect this week — Inc. and HarperCollins Publishers …
New York Times, @raju, The Drum, Business Insider, VentureBeat, Bookseller News and Financial Times

Warning to BBC over ‘suffocating local papers’ … The BBC risks suffocating local newspapers by being a “monopoly broadcaster”, the chancellor has said in a warning shot in advance of negotiations on its charter renewal. — The corporation has been criticised for threatening the existence …

Chancellor George Osborne Wants BBC to be Regulated by Ofcom — Chancellor George Osborne is looking to make sweeping changes to the way the BBC is run, should a Conservative government retain pole position in Parliament following the May 7th general election.
Press Association, BizAsia UK and

Conservatives give BBC warning of licence fee freeze — Manifesto tells voters David Cameron's party will ‘save you money’ in its negotiations with the corporation — The Conservative party has given its clearest signal yet that it aims to clamp down on BBC finances in a manifesto …
Press Gazette

Vox Editor-In-Chief Ezra Klein apologizes to FiveThirtyEight for using graphic without link, blames carelessness, explains aggregation approach to words, images — How Vox aggregates — I started as a blogger in the pre-social web, when the only way to build an audience was to have other sites quote or link to your work.
@jackschofield, CNNMoney, @natesilver538, @heminator, @albertocairo, @natesilver538, @burkeo, @ahmadmzaghal, @jburnmurdoch, @aschweig, @ezraklein, @derektmead, Mediaite, @reckless, @maxcroser, @jonathanchait, @sfiegerman, Poynter, @robneyer, @felixsalmon, @ylichterman, @mattboggie, @jessicakroy, @justinnxt, @chadmurphyumw and The Wrap

BuzzFeed staffer Arabelle Sicardi resigns after her post critical of advertiser Dove was deleted and then restored after criticism — Arabelle Sicardi, Author of Deleted Dove Post, Resigns From BuzzFeed — Arabelle Sicardi, who wrote a BuzzFeed post criticizing Dove that was later deleted …
@arabellesicardi, Poynter, @dynamofire, @doriean, @henryctaylor, @jayrosen_nyu, @hadas_gold, The Wrap, @jktrotter, @rossneumann and @leahfinnegan

General Electric Planning Television Series Covering Science and Tech — In an age when viewers increasingly fast-forward past television commercials on their DVRs or bypass most advertisements altogether by streaming the programs, companies are constantly looking for new ways to reach consumers.

Reader's Digest signs multi-million dollar deal with Taboola to provide sponsored content — Reader's Digest Signs Multi-Million Dollar Deal with Taboola — Reader's Digest Association (RDA) is going all in on sponsored links. The company has signed a multi-million dollar deal with Taboola …

Journalism curator Longform picks up an article from fledgling Latterly magazine, giving the founder a moment of journalistic validation — Sometimes the internet cuts indie journalism a break — This morning, a Latterly story was picked by — It's a small thing, I know.
@benwolford, @alexckaufman, @sonyaellenmann and Medium

What USA Today Sports learned covering the Final Four on Periscope and Snapchat — There's no shortage of ways to reach new audiences — the challenge is figuring out which are worth investing time in and what to do with them. At USA Today Sports, where I work, two platforms we're trying …
Mediashift, @peard33, @tanyasic, @niemanlab, @dannysullivan and TechCrunch

Andy Coulson perjury trial delayed until after general election — The case was due to start at the high court in Edinburgh on 21 April but will now begin on 11 May — The trial of Andy Coulson, the former News of the World editor who is facing a perjury charge, has been pushed back until after the general election.
@b12simon, @andrewspoooner, STV News, BBC and allmediascotland

Republicans Push Fast-Track Bill to Kill Net Neutrality — While some lawmakers look for compromise, Rep. Doug Collins wants an immediate repeal of the FCC's controversial Internet rules. — A group of House Republicans introduced a resolution Monday to block the Federal Communications Commission's net-neutrality regulations.
Multichannel News, The Hill and Wall Street Journal