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CNN global affairs correspondent Elise Labott suspended for two weeks after she tweeted opinion following US House Syrian refugee vote — UPDATED: CNN correspondent suspended over tweet about House vote — This post has been updated to reflect that Labott has been suspended.
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CNN's Punishment of Refugee-Defending Journalist Highlights Media Abdication — CNN yesterday suspended its global affairs correspondent, Elise Labott, for two weeks for the crime of posting a tweet critical of the House vote to ban Syrian refugees. Whether by compulsion or choice, she then groveled in apology.
CNNMoney, CNN, The Wrap, Washington Post, @rlampkin, @onekade, @ryangrim, @fredbenenson, @sulliview, @eliasisquith, @barryeisler, @jennstanley_, @wendycarrillo, @mazmhussain, The Week, @jensimmons, @antderosa and @jayrosen_nyu

Two of Elise Labott's tweets for CNN show the often-arbitrary distinction between analysis and punishment-worthy editorializing — What Does A CNN Reporter Have To Tweet To Get Suspended? — The gray area between analysis, editorializing and expressing sympathy.
@penenberg, @justingraeber, @vivian, @mlcalderone, @daviduberti, @jeffjarvis, @benwolford, @l_e_whyte and @jayrosen_nyu

New York Times commenting system criticized for favoring verified users, plans to include more automated moderation, faster posting for frequent commenters — Change Needed for Commenting That Favors the ‘Verified’ — In emails, in online comments and even in that wonder of our time called face …
@mathewi, The Wrap, FishbowlNY and Poynter

Politico Hires Brad Dayspring, Veteran G.O.P. Operative, as Spokesman — Politico is expanding at an aggressive pace, with new outlets opening from Brussels to New Jersey. And now they're hiring a communications expert with the same aggressive pedigree. — The growing news organization …
Politico, @jayrosen_nyu, @govhowarddean, Talking Points Memo, FishbowlDC, The Daily Caller, @ddayen, @lukerussert, @newsmansilva, @wexler, @bdayspring and @hillhulse

Comcast adds Chicago to cities with access to Stream, its $15/month TV add-on for its internet subscribers; Seattle is next — Comcast launches streaming TV service that doesn't count against data caps — Stream TV for Internet-only customers available in Boston and Chicago.
Chicago Tribune, Wired, Washington Post, BGR, Tech Times, FierceCable, Multichannel News, The Hill, SlashGear and Engadget

Major League Baseball announces three-year deal with 15 regional sports networks to stream in-market games on Fox, requires cable authentication — Manfred Announces 3-Year Deal With FOX To Have MLB Games Streamed In-Market — As part of the General Managers meetings in Dallas …
Crain's Cleveland Business and FierceCable

Bangladesh: Government briefly shuts down internet and mobile services — Bangladesh briefly shut down internet and mobile chat services after the country's top court upheld the death sentences of two opposition leaders. The services were restored after a 90-minute blackout.
Access Blog,, BBC, Dhaka Tribune, and

Piano Media plans to launch biannual ad-supported print magazine in 2016 to cover the media business — Piano Media to launch print magazine covering the media business — Even as some publishers continue to contract, 2016 will undoubtedly bring a new wave of journalism startups keen on making a splash in the market.
Media Wire Daily

WIRED Magazine To Debut Show On Netflix Next Year — BuzzFeed News has obtained an internal email from WIRED Publisher Kim Kelleher announcing that the publication's Editor-in-Chief Scott Dadich is slated to produce a new show for Netflix positioned as a “'Chef's Table' — for designers.”

After Twitter falls for a URL trick, Gannett fixes a company-wide glitch — How long does it take a major newspaper chain to fix a very public glitch in its CMS? — About a day and a half, apparently—at least, based on what we saw from the Gannett websites this week.
@bscglb, @cjr, @slacktivistfred, @kimsnd and @cwage

Sky News senior executive Rob Owens joins Twitter UK as head of news and government partnerships — Twitter raids Sky for new head of UK news — Sky News senior executive Rob Owers joins Twitter to lead UK news team and develop government and industry partnerships